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Anais Vionet Feb 13
I love a blank canvas
how it focuses the eyes.

It’s black and white without
the usual vestige of messy
attention-grabbing details.

We’ll color those in later,
spending our creative time
whitewashing it with the precision
of our own nervous perfectionism.

We’ll strip away minimalism for cultural
resonance and focus the razor attention
of ‘couture’ obsession and wider comment.
Songs for this:
Just Exist by Eliza & The Delusionals
Groceries by Mallrat
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 02/10/25:
Vestige = a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something lost or vanished
Emery Feine Sep 2024
I've heard many people ponder on the power of words
But to me they only hold little strength
They're like tree roots that can't reach deep at all
Or a winged angel with no rank

Maybe they're powerful when other people write them
Maybe their word choice is more precise
But if so, then I don't believe words
Should have a certain chance of being strong, just a rolling of a dice

But this shouldn't bother me, it's my fault for choosing weak words
But I could never find a word that surely wouldn't make my mind melt
Oh, but if I wrote just a little bit better
You could truly feel what I've felt.
this is my 51st poem, written on 11/19/23. basically just saying I **** at writing and if I could I'd literally be unstoppable on god
Jeremy Betts May 2024
My pain chips away at life
With no precision, it isn't nice
White knuckling a standard butter knife
When it's time to go all the way, it won't think twice

Nylee Sep 2020
How do you **** a life?

But you do it so well
what expertise in
the choices
tone, words

you mourn too
sweet little nothings
pitiful stare
and nice
share a piece of cake
so sugary

and cherry on top
all the facts,
I deleted from my mind
restored back
It is the rush of feelings
too many at the same time

You have squeezed my
Soul out
I am empty
Inside out,
executed in precision
I can never mend
my pieces back.

I am short of breath,
You did it so well,
or am I short of me?
Dante Rocío Jun 2020
En trouvant plus ou moins
l’art de quelqu’un
il se demande
“Qui l’a écrit ?”.
Non, non, non !
Il devrait se demander et se préciser
„Qui l’a créé ?”
car quiconque a pu le transférer
seulement en lettres
et l’y mettre,
mais seulement le créateur,
la mère,
a pu lui baiser
avec son âme et esprit
en lui donnant ainsi la Vie
Cautiously with words. Use precisely. Reading and living; writing/painting and creating: not the same.
Big Virge Nov 2019
I Believe In... PRECISION...
When Making Decisions... !!!
And Find That THIS...  
Helps Avoid...................... COLLISIONS..... !!!!!  
Precision of Thought...  
Helps Keep My Mind...  
From Being... FRAUGHT...  
With Making Moves...  
That Are The Sort...  
A FOOLISH Man...  
Does NOT Abort... ?!?  
PRECISE Is A Word...  
That Rhymes With WISE...  
And When You THINK About Them...  
You Can See... WHY...  
My Flows PRECISE...  
When Writing Rhymes... !!!  
So When It's Time...  
To... GRAB The Mic'...  
My Rhyme Style SHINES...  
INTO... " Spotlights "... !!!!  
My Visions Are...  
Built With PRECISION... !!!  
MY Use of Diction And Inscriptions...  
Help Me HOLD A STRONG Position... !!!  
And RESIST...... Weak Opposition... !!!  
Who... HATE My GLISTEN...  
And DO NOT Listen To My Words...  
And Wonder WHY... ?  
They Then... Get HURT.... !!!  
FOR What It's Worth ...  
I Think They Should Be...  
.... " down to earth "....  
BEFORE Incisions With PRECISION...  
Cut Them UP In... " Lecters' kitchen "... !!!!!  
And... Parts of Them...  
Soon End Up................................. ........................ MISSING..... !?!?!  
Precision Is NOT An... " Impossible Mission "... !!!  
Or A Movie Like... " Pulp Fiction "... !!!  
It Is Something That Needs NO BLING... !!!  
And DOESN'T Need A... " Diamond Ring "... !!!  
Precision and CORRECTION...  
Have DIFFERENT Directions... !!!  
If You Do Things RIGHT...  
You Shouldn't Need To Do Them TWICE... !!!  
That's A Line To FEED Young Minds... !!!  
So That's A Line I WILL... " Rewind "... !!!  
Just For Those Who Remain... "BLIND"...  
If You Do Things RIGHT...  
You Shouldn't Need To Do Them TWICE... !!!  
Now Some of You Are Saying...  
I Did It TWICE...  
To Prove A POINT... !!!  
Cos' Many MISS....  
My... " Clever Rhymes "...  
AND Because.....  
I LIKE That Line... !!!  
And For Those Who Are Inclined...  
To Read This After... TOO MUCH WINE... !!!!!!!  
See READING When....  
With... " Precision "...  
Helps Us Make...  
INFORMED Decisions...  
Rather Than MISUNDERSTAND...  
And Enter Into... FOOLISH Plans... !!!!!  
A Verse Like THAT Proves I'm THE MAN... !!!  
Who CHOOSES NOT TO... " Understand "...  
These Days I Try To... OVERstand... !!!!!  
And THIS Helps Me AVOID......................... Problems... !!!!!  
With Women Men And YES Children... !!!  
They NEED Precision In Their Lives... !!!  
NOT A Life of... WayWArd Signs... !!!!!  
DON'T Do THIS But Then DO THAT... ?!?  
Sometimes I Wonder What Is FACT... ???  
What IS... " RIGHT "... ?  
And What IS... " WRONG "... ?  
When I Write...  
Am I... PRECISE... ?!?  
That's Something To Analyse ...  
Like Compromise During Our Lives...  
I'll Leave That To...  
... Another Time...  
Through A Piece...  
I Have... " Designed "...  
By Use of Prose...  
And Clever Rhyme... !!!  
PRECISION Moves...  
Are How I Groove...  
When Playing Sports...  
And ON Dance Floors... !!!  
But Sometimes... INSTINCT...  
IS The... " LICK "... !!!!!  
And Makes Me Write...  
My Lyrics QUICK... !!!  
I Then Go Back And FILL The Cracks...  
By Use of................................ Pause.....  
To S l o w ly............ G N A W......  
At Those Who CHOOSE...  
To Stare At... " Floors "...  
Instead of Giving Out APPLAUSE...  
These Are Words I've Said Before...  
PRECISION Helps Me...  
KEEP Things RAW.... !!!  
While Many CLEARLY...  
Are Just.... " FRAUDS ".... !!!  
Folks Like THIS...  
I Now............................... Ignore.........  
Cos' In The END...  
Their Style Is... "weak"...  
And FILLED With Flaws... !!!!!  
While I Believe In CLEAR Descriptions...  
of The Things WITHIN My Vision..................................    
I Use Inscriptions...  
Like A Surgeon Does INCISIONS.... !!!!!  
Well Folks I Hope...  
This Has Been Well Written...  
My Poetic Piece That's Called...  
... " PRECISION "...
A cool and interesting subject, to write about ....
Yvonne Nice Apr 2019
The lion
Her sleek coat, georejus and full
Her powerful paws, silently gliding across the earth
Her entrancing eyes, able to steal hearts and souls
Her blinding teeth, killing in an instant
And yet, all she has to do is lay
Lay in the sun, in your regal beauty
Lay in the sun, surveying your kingdom
Lay in the sun, and below your mighty roar
If i’m lucky, I may be fit to be your afternoon snack
I am not but a servant unworthy of your gaze that blesses my life.
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