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RJ Jan 2021
it’s a journey down a river,
rocking southward bound.
the candlelight may flicker,
but the path is safe and sound.

listen, as they wonder,
the life that you may lead:
a world exists down yonder,
a world at last achieved.

the steady stream of starlight
shimmers in the waves;
the sun sets and bows to night,
the daytime at its grave.

will you be forgotten,
as you fall, far below?
white water churns untrodden,
the depths beneath aglow.

your body turns to whispers,
your soul into pale gold,
and when the nighttime withers,
your story will be told.

sat around the fireside,
the tale that all overcomes,
a legacy passed on with pride,
and into legend you become.
Mark Wanless Jan 2021
can there ever be
more positive expression
consciousness than you
Demons Jan 2021
god that name...
runs through my head all day until I fall asleep and I get to see you in my dreams...
floating through the cosmos...
I don’t know...
just the way we’re alone...
nothing between us....
stardust on your fingertips...
intertwining your fingers...
so close to me...
feels so real...
the way your heartbeat sounds in the dead of space...
the way your warm breath hits my neck...
in the chilling cold of the cosmos...
just... the way you’re there...
feels so real...
we’re so close...
I wake up and...
there it is again... that name...
I helped chose Atlas as your middle name because an Atlas is a type of map...
and I knew if I ever got lost...
you’d help me find my way....
pull me out of the deep space and back into the galaxy...
vibrant and bright...
you made my black and white perspective bring color in my life...
so amazing... that it makes me... contemplate...
thank you.
Ashlyn Rimsky Jan 2021
There is no rush,
Only breath.

There is no stress,
Release that notion.

Just let it be,
        let it be.

Listen to your heart beat,
Dance to its song.
Sway to its rhythm
Like you should have all along.

Make an intention,
Set it to motion.
Keep your head
Above life's commotion.

This day is a gift,
This life is a light.
Your soul is a beam
That can brighten the night.

Smile like a full moon,
Shoot like a star.
Be the best you,
The true you that you are.
Any loss hurts
Leaves one with sorrow and pain
A heavy heart remains
But know
Someone who left willingly
Ain’t worth tears
Ain’t worth fears
Ain’t worth  years

Don’t hold on
Let it be gone
Carry on
Tomorrow something better
comes along!!
You hit rock bottom
but are still strong

This year...
Put yourself first!!
Mark my words
They  ain’t worth
Just pray
For strength
Be  happy every day
with yourself.

Descovia Dec 2020
Why would I drag your name through the mud?

In the name of all you love, I would give time and I would give blood!
Sav Dec 2020
I like it when people pat themselves down
to make sure they have
all of their belongings before they leave.

It's even better
when they mutter the words
out loud
to themselves.

Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet, and Watch.

I like it when people's faces light up
when they are waiting for a friend,
and finally spot them.

I like it when people get startled
and apologize for it.
Like their fear may have
inconvenienced you.

I like when people look around
and make eye contact with strangers
when the subway slows down
or stops unexpectedly.

I like it when a large group of people witness something strange,
so strange
that they are forced
to talk about it
with people they may never see again.

I like it when somebody drops something,
and a stranger chases after them to return it,
even if it's just a mitten.

I like it when someone asks for a light
from a stranger, and they get one.
Even better if the stranger
lights their smoke
for them.

I like it when people ask for directions,
and the person giving them
uses large hand gestures.

I like it when crossing guards
protect grown adults.

I like seeing a couple during their honey moon phase.
All over each other and a little bit

I like ti when babies make eye contact with you
as they pass by on their parents back.

I Like when several people stop
to admire a cute dog.

I like it when pedestrians
are nearly hit by a careless driver,
and all stop to talk **** about them
for a moment.

I like it when people casually
sing, hum, or whistle.

I like it when several people
have to gather around a small device
because they all want to see what's happening

I like seeing children I don't know
trudging home
in the snow
with toboggans,
rosy cheeked
and daydreaming of hot chocolate.

I like catching someone taking a selfie.

I like it when people open their palms to check if it's raining,
even though they can probably see that it is.

I like seeing people reading on the train.

I don't know.

Human's can be cute.
I was inspired by a Tik Tok that was basically listing off things they liked about people. These are some of mine.
Sophia L Dec 2020
it's not Failure makes you stronger
it's how you face it
deal with it
talk to it
-makes you another person
natalie Nov 2020
the moon sets in the sky
like a bird knows how to fly,
many people travel by
they never wonder why.

days go by and by
are you living on a lie?

when you speak do you think?
do you ever stop to blink?
have you ever felt the brink?

you have to come to terms
the reality flame must burn,
you cant live your life like this
if youre living like a fish...

trapped in endless water,
do you ever even bother
to look at yourself and say
there has to be a better way.

there has to be happier days,
a tree with perfect shade
an unflawed picture in its frame
life cannot be a waiting game.
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