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Jordan Ray Aug 2018
Your time will come slowly,
For now you must let the empty space taunt you.

Your grass will grow slowly,
For now you must plant the seed in the baron land below you.

Your heart will beat slowly,
For now you must tap the drum softly beside you.

Your love will heal slowly,
For now you must be patient and watch the tide take away the pain that troubles you.

A patient man is a judicious wolf.
Sometimes Patience Is The Key To Vigilance
Damon Beckemeyer Aug 2018
Brick-wall lobotomies
Self inflicted
Hard Head full of rocks
Cracked into sand mixed into mortar
And The school of hard knocks
Is just you breaking yourself

Rock tumbler thoughts
Chisel questions on diamonds
But any answer is too hard for anyone to write it

Sinking sand
And rock steady
But the stone is too heavy
And it keeps rolling back down
The hill to wear it started
If you're Sisyphus it's your Hades' Tartarus
But since you're Atlas it's the whole world to you

Stalactite tears
They've been falling for a while
Tear stream Grand Canyons eroded into your cliff-stone-face

A mask of jade
Said you were okay
But now all you can do is bring
The rock-wall to your face

But if you climbed it
You'd only see the other side of the mountain
But it's better than stoning yourself
Unless you'd rather dig yourself a hole and stay well-grounded

Be mindful of the Earth benders
Cause lead mined and pistol fired
Makes a mind worse for the better
Brain benders
With bullet senders
Brain blender
bullet benders

Stick to bricks

Hay-and-straw-made bricks
You can build yourself up
From dirt and twigs
But when they try to blow it away,
You are the brick wall
That they are leaning (concussed) against
Knocked out
Stone cold

Rock on
Roll steady
Dig deep and let the moss grow
When you start to feel heavy

I see you in the block of marble
**** your Goliath
With a sling and riverbed stone

But don't let Medusa freeze you up
Or there will be hell, fire, and brimstone to pay
And if you win
There is a statue waiting for you
Janna Aug 2018
I Pray
In the quiet
In the silence of the night
Among the stillness of sleeping bodies
I Pray

I Cry
In the raging heat
Burning inside my heart
Devouring my words into tears
I Cry

I Wait
Patiently, on His voice
I am waiting
To see, hear, dream
Of a new awakening
I Wait

I Believe
In the Great, the Almighty
My Greatest Counsellor
My Strongest Comforter
I Believe

I Love
With my whole heart
I am loving you
All that I am
For all that you are
And all that you can become
I Love

I Plead
With my whole body
And being
For the Magic to touch you
For the Miracle to heal you
For the Blood to wash you clean
I Plead

I Remember
Your broken heart
Your wilting spirit
Dying a death too soon
I Remember

I Hope
For the silenced and fearful
For the lost and broken
For the weak and poor
That we reach Eternity together
I Hope

Karisa Brown Aug 2018
You wrote my heart
For the first time
With a sweet afterglow
Of moonlight kiss

After sunset
We found each other
And every single night

Now the window doesn't
Seem real
There's a fog
Instead of a thrill

I clean it back off
But I can't see through

Do you still happen
To have my heart
With you
Been sure of my love since we begun it,
But I’m not perfect—in fact far from it.
I know how much patience loving me takes,
So forgive me for these coming mistakes:

My restless sleep that disturbs you at night.
When I hurt your back from hugging too tight.
For being distant when I’m deep in thought.
For each time it was my fault when we fought.
For not telling you which dress you should wear,
‘Cause if I’m with you I really don’t care.
I annoy you with an unfunny text.
You tell me and I still forget what’s next.
I get impatient while standing in line.
You doubt me when I say everything’s fine.
I let my ego get out of control.
My apologies dig a deeper hole.
I cry like a baby just from your touch.
I try too hard ‘cause I love you too much.

While I try to be better than ever,
I’ll still need your forgiveness forever.
Instagram @insightshurt
Blogging at
Buy “Insights Hurt” at
She's already saved me from myself
By being my alternate path
Away from destroying the self
Towards forgiveness of my self-wrath.

She's the voice I always ignored
It was a voice no one would speak
Sought to put my neck to the sword
She was strength the times I was weak.

How often will she pull me back?
I keep leading her to the brink.
My fears have me under attack
But she doesn't care what I think.

My poor judgment speaks its dissent
"I'm not worth the man you expect!"
With patience she sees my intent
And I change to earn her respect.

Such love feels so undeserving
From depth where my broken heart bleeds,
Her depth of love is unnerving
But I'll be the man that she needs.
Ode to my very patient partner whom I love and would change for.
On Instagram @insightshurt
Blogging at
Buy "Insights Hurt: Bringing Healing Thoughts To Life" at
You are the stormy seas
     Waves emanate from below the surface
          Erupting with frothy ferocity
     To capsize vessels
Captained by those who won’t commit
     To anything but leisure.
But those seas are mine
     To navigate through torrent and storm
          Firm against the waves
     I will not abandon ship
But will hold tightly
     Till the calm waters.
On Instagram @insightshurt
Blogging at
Buy "Insights Hurt: Bringing Healing Thoughts To Life" at
Karijinbba Aug 2018
For the WIN! Heed to this facts
be aware of your thoughts your surroundings
discearn golden silence choose kind speech
practice patience understand self and others
practice good deeds enforce free will
confront defeat don't fear the unknown,
Change is good for the soul
these alone will mold
your heart and spirit soulto guide your life
to success triumph avoiding most calamities

revised: 8/01/18
I write from personal experiences Iived like a leave in the arms of the winds. I didnt know how to help myself to win and avoid losing
when I didn't choose life chose for me and bad wolves too. Had I known this simple steps to winning
my love life bank and good fortune would be an eternal garden of sprouting something ever after!
so help you me GOD
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