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Makenzie Marie Feb 2019
When you whisper to me
The word “forever,”
My heart melts
And still races, somehow—
And I agree,
Forever sounds perfect to me.
I am no gardener, but I do know this:
Perennials and orchards need the kiss
Of an early frost, a freezing deep,
To hold them whole through winter’s keep

A bloom in false spring, (winter’s hollow),
Before the heavy snows that follow,
Will have the cell walls bursting, cracking,
Freezing, thawing, expanding, contracting.

So too, must dreams lay dormant still,
Or else becoming Winterkill.
Much as I wish them to bloom, bloom now,
They must lay under the mulch and bough.

I tell myself, “Learn what you can from the season”
Patience, Myopia, Acceptance sans reason -
You are stuck in the wheel, right here and right now,
Hearing naught in the dark, muffled underground.

Yet I am no seedling! I am no tree!
Though my flesh warms and cools just as easily.
So why should I wait? Why be pinned by the cold?
Do I have a choice in the story that’s told?

Could I be a cold crocodile, nose above ice,
Or hibernate warm with the marmots and mice?
Why not come in from the outside to thaw,
And savor small tidbits of hope in my maw?

Could I choose to fly south, or to stay evergreen?
Must I really wait for the melt to be seen?
I wonder, though I’m sure from what seed I have come,
Is it winter that dictates what I will become?
Desire Feb 2019
"Your time will come"
Alice Feb 2019
you're trying to protect yourself from feeling
pain, again

my heart aches for you
i am protecting myself
my heart is heavy

ignore everything else but don't ignore
the feeling inside you
i understand
i hope it is telling you to jump
i'll be waiting down here for you
Akshay Feb 2019
It's dark and cloudy,
up there...
the moment has come,
when I will finally touch you...
like all other times,
you come fall upon me and leave me... then I keep waiting for the next,
Kabelo Maverick Feb 2019
“Strong men
don’t carry
They can
AmeriMav Feb 2019
The sky is blue and clouds are soaring high
I daydream as they're softly floating bye
And sitting warm beside the window pane
The sun is rising high into the sky

The beauty from the window view is plain
But so much more than this could I attain
If I were standing in the breeze outside
To journey deep among the rich terrain

I'd touch the grass upon the green hillside
The wind its cool caress my senses ride
No end in sight to where my feet may go
No smell, no taste, no sound would be denied

I feel this feeling as our love does grow
The distance like the window pane aglow
Allows the beauty, but denies the taste
That everyday my heart desires to know

Until at last your body I've embraced
And my hands your outline I have traced
The fullness of your love I cannot sense
All time til then is simply a foretaste

So until then I'm stuck in this suspense
Desire for you grows ever more immense
But patient I will be until you come
The moment's pleasure bound to be intense
Interlocking Rubaiyat form
jrae Feb 2019
I am quiet, still
A body of water at rest
Waiting to be disturbed
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