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Neath Sep 2014
She broke up with me and I miss her very much...
that's okay because the other me in a different parallel universe is still together with
Olivia McCann Sep 2014
Maybe my writing
Will improve
When strewn over
Blue lined graph paper,
Tiny boxes,
Coaxing out order,
Perhaps even
Clarifying boundaries
Between crazed truth,
And detrimental lies.

The grid putting
Poem in context,
Poem like graph,
Levels of THC
Number of Kisses
Tears Cried
Outliers of secrets uttered.
Box and whisker plot
Displaying anxiety,
Skewed data toward extremes.

Linear writing would
Reveal the chaos inside.
I can't fit the poems
To the squares.
A graph can't really cry
The way a person can.
There's a losing feeling
Etched in pen
On a harshly graded
Parcel of mathematical quizzing
That a poem has no place to
Instill in me.

And no one would
Be able to read my work
The way they tell you to show it.
My poems have no color coding.
Definition between data
Becomes hazy as
Layers of black are added
In empty,
All encompassing anger.
And I smoke while I write tonight,
Haze growing,
Lines wobbled,
And I may have put a poem
On a piece of graph paper
But it's nothing like the math homework
That stays in my backpack.
Needless to say, I wrote this on graph paper.
Eleanor Rigby Sep 2014
I keep saying that maybe
there's a place for you and I;
a parallel world where we can
love each other unconditionally.

Somewhere safe,
somewhere you don't have to
question everything I do
and every word I tell you.

But the truth is I don't think
such world exists.
We had it here, yesterday
and we lost it.

Harley Hucof Aug 2014
they say dreams are a message from above.

they say dreams are reflections of our thoughts

what to do with dreams that dont make sense
how to properly analyse them to understand

To me dreams are a quantum leap
what we feel in a dream feels so real

maybe when we are asleep we live our other reality in a parallel universe
and when we are awake the other us will be dreaming about us in this earth
how i wish sometimes to escape and exchange worlds with my other me
all i have to do is find a port to quantum leap.
Nicole Jul 2014
I can't have these feelings but I do,
And unfortunately it's for both of you.
Although, technically it's the same objective,
The situations come from opposing perspectives.
I feel everything I can imagine possible,
But the ending result is nothing probable.
My soul feels empty, echoing deep,
And now all I'm begging for is answers, or sleep
Whatever comes first and lasts the longest,
Whichever has effects that work the strongest:
My poisons won't save me this time,
No, with this one the responsibility is mine.
And I'm sorry if my pain hurts you so,
But i swear it's not your fault, I know:
I did this to myself, now must face my own demons,
Alone I must fight until I discover the reasons.
Jacob Apr 2014
I sit parallel
from a blank canvas
for the next
*Lustrum - a period of five years

— The End —