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ShadowMan24h Jan 2015
One day, I want to hear my best friend say "i'm okay" and mean it.
Noelle Marie Nov 2014
At this moment my existence is in grey, decisions on my shoulders weighing me down
What should I do always on my mind,
Worry in my head, bitterness in my voice, no choice
But these moments, they will pass and Life will begin, it'll slow down and I'll have time
I'll have fun, I'll smile, I'll laugh, I'll settle, see the world and all it's offerings
I'll meet someone
And I'll live in a screaming colour, a world where grey will be forgotten and forever left
Behind, where it should be
One day
InTheWorldOf Cyn Nov 2014
When he left he said he would be back
but, it was too familiar for her father had said that.

Same voice, same empty look in the eyes.

He was leaving and was never coming back.

Jade Joyce Oct 2014
When I asked

You replied
"One day"

But one day
Is your synonym for never

"One day"
You won't occupy
A space in my heart
a gale Aug 2014
One day, you'll meet someone
but not just anyone
Someone who brings you to your knees
Who will make you fall hard
Only realizing then
why it never worked out with anyone else
Someone amazing
who will make you take all the risks
because you know it's worth it
She's worth it.
And that's the person you'll know completely.
Seen her best parts
amazed by the way she is.
Seen her worst parts
But not being able to leave her
Even when she's being a *****.
One day you'll meet someone
who you'll love unlike anything else
who you'll fall for unlike the other times.
Someday, you're gonna fall in love
and never fall out of love.
One day, you're gonna fall in love
with that one person
with the right one.
But until then,
I'll be waiting here
Wasting my wishes
on shooting stars, eyelashes, dandelions,
11:11's, and wishing wells
Hoping that I would be that girl for you
as you are that boy for me.

*a. gale
Eleanor Rigby Aug 2014
From now on the only highlights of my nights
will be Schweppes and ***** and
torturing myself over your Facebook profile
with a smile on my face and eyes
too heavy to cry.

And you will be texting her
God knows what sweet words,
and you will be looking forward
to the next time she says I love you,
and you will be refusing to go to bed
before wishing her a proper good night.

I know that
the memory of me will slowly die
where her hips begin
until I mean nothing
and you will forget me altogether one day
and you will want her more than you can say.

Insane Reverie Aug 2014
"She's beautiful,
what a lovely girl she is"
look,she always felt proud
born as a girl
those "Society" pampered her
but along with her growing
who knew,who knew
the same beauty would be a problem
who knew,those garces would be her enemy
restriction,boundaries they made
insecure surrounding was there
a little fat on body,she's Ugly they claim
a little scar on face & they say no beauty remain
equality,that's only the "talk" they made
parents with daughter,fear was created
if she's beauty.she was *****
if she's ugly,she was to be blamed

she's strong than you think
not every "SHE" but its not like,it can't be
those freedom boys have
sometime she envy
she sometime thinks
nature did cheat on girls
with those ***** & *****
& she often thinks
is it a boon or a curse to have that beauty??
This poem can be relate with ASIAN life where giving birth to a daughter is still a fear,though people talk about equality and stuffs,its not working in real life.She is restricted for own good but what is that she is restricted to??  its the evil society,its us.
& this is a real shame !!
Ellie Elizabeth Aug 2014
One day I want to string together the most beautiful combinations of words
I want to woe with merely the construction of my sentences alone
Until then I’ll sputter out the half thought up phrases I create in my mind
I don't really know what this is, just a dream really
there's nothing left of tomorrow.
you've been consumed by your own sorrow

where do I go, where can I stay
I wasn't even sober, for just one day

i'm sick of the lie
it's time to say goodbye.
Emma Jul 2014
One day I hope he will know that
contrary to popular belief
I am NOT obsessed with superheroes
or constantly read comic books
that though I enjoy black and white pictures
and old jazz songs
one of my least favorite subjects was history
that though I will deny it to my death bed
I love wearing dresses and would rather daisies to roses
that I am absolutely terrified to watch scary movies
and will forever hate the dark
except on the rare occasions on which I get to star gaze
that I go to sleep at 4 o'clock almost everyday
no matter what time I fall asleep
that I love the taste of coffee and tea
that I dislike marshmallows after the first one
that I feel too deeply and over-think too often
that I hate technology
but I express myself best through writing
One day I hope he will know
the real me
But more than that
I hope he will know that I was
the most me when I was
with him (you)
I hope that one day
you will be him.
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