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Shay May 2020
I’m afraid of you and I shouldn’t be.
I’m afraid of you.
Why do you have hold of me?
“Let me go!” I plead.
But still, you hold onto me.
Your hands never touching me,
But your words are entrapping me.
Why won’t you let go of me?
Am I holding on, too?
Let me let go of you.
Let me be free.
©️2020 Caelan Dean
With the first sign of rebirth
Came the gift of time, extended
In its renewal and revival, further
Offering the restoration of friendly relations
All done as an act of reconciliation between progress
As well as forgiveness asked of our mothers, everyday
Within such gifts intended for the common crowd
It is at the stroke of the halcyon hour
That we forget our sorrows and crumble like bricks
What is of this sad ending that we talk of, intentionally
That plagues the essence of the mind which is white as snow and trembling
Only cloudy days can show us the purity of ice
When the clouds do subside, the sweetness that preside
All talk is forced into stony silence under the dark night
Through the mad-sort of palace of time
Where there is a time to withdraw into the study of history
Ashes to ashes as well as fire to fire
Dwelling in a cold curlicle of a silent galvanized gate at a cemetery
Behind a rose garden, where the woodpeckers beak at the windowpane
Rusted beyond recognition broken into windy submission
Such things are built for no purpose and no future promise
Only to sustain posterity and labour
Not to make use of Earthly resources
An old man still waits for the rain
Saying that he is hiding behind the arras of an isolated house
Where the sepulchre is hidden under a rock tattered by zephyr
A string of creeper prostrate themselves, whimpering
That ostensibly grow, under the shadow of a thatched roof
Only to never be seen again in daylight
Of rebirth and redemption
Such is the creeper in the daylight
That lives in utter recluse and retreat
A long poem. Try taking the time to go through it.
Nandini yadav Apr 2020
दिल से जुड़ी थी जो बातें दिल की

अब दिल ही दिल में दबाने लगे हैं

वो धीरे-धीरे हमसे दूर जाने लगे हैं,,

बेझिझक करते थे जो कभी बातें हमसे

अब हर राज़ छुपाने लगे हैं

वो धीरे-धीरे हमसे दूर जाने लगे हैं,,

कहते थे जो कभी न छूटेगा साथ हमारा

अब वही अपना हाथ छुड़ाने लगे हैं

वो धीरे-धीरे हमसे दूर जाने लगे हैं,,

मिलकर देखे थे जो कभी ख्वाब हमने

अब एक-एक कर हर ख्वाब दफ़नाने लगे हैं

वो धीरे-धीरे हमसे दूर जाने लगे हैं,,

हसरत थी जिनके साथ ज़िन्दगी बिताने की

चाहत थी उम्र भर साथ निभाने की

दिलाया था जिसने भरोसा अपने क़रीब होने का

आज वही तन्हाइयों का एहसास कराने लगे हैं

वो धीरे-धीरे हमसे दूर जाने लगे हैं       

 वो धीरे-धीरे हमसे दूर जाने लगे

They are slowly moving away from us...

The words of the heart that were related to the heart
Now the heart is pressing in the heart
They are slowly moving away from us,
Feel free to talk to us once
Now every secret has been hidden
They are slowly moving away from us,
They used to say that they will never leave our company
Now he is freed
They are slowly moving away from us,
Together we saw what ever dream
Now every dream is being buried
They are slowly moving away from us,
Hasrat was with whom to spend his life
Wanted to live together throughout my life
Who had given me the confidence to be close
Today those same loners are starting to realize
They are slowly moving away from us
They are slowly moving away from us
For more videos or poetries please subscribe my channel #miniPOETRY
Jack R Fehlmann May 2020
A lot of this rotten ending
Is at its core, mine, my fault.
I know it now, as i then could not
See it for an awful, unfortunate
Though those words fail,
Falling short of all I cost, us.
So much, too much for a choice
One, miscalculation of an emotion
Keystone in importance, it was
To lie or act falsely I was not
I could not, because I was in love
With one like I never knew
Love was abundant, cherished
More so than I held for life itself
Therein lays the real reason, love
I chose to love you with all I had
Every last fraction of myself
I gave freely, I wanted for you to have
Every bit of how I was feeling
The thrill and the beating chest
Ache that made life worth living
My mistake came as consequence
The cause and effect,
I wish I had seen this, I didn't
Known before one can give,
So very much, one must have
Accepted the equal amount
Not from another, from oneself
I never learned how to, or the importance, see?
to love you, came natural easy, but
Having never loved myself.
And for this, to us
I say I am so, so, very sorry.
That this part of
Of this, of then, of us
what was, and isn't
Was my fault.  
Now loving myself
Us far more difficult
It begins with forgiving
That is where I am now.
My lack of self worth made us doomed from the start.  I see this now.  I am sorry you were hurt.  Love yourself baby as you need to and maybe one-day forgive all I caused.
Darsh Parekh May 2020
Forgetting how you used to look at me,
Forgetting how close we used to be,
Forgetting how you used to smile towards me,
Because I know we won’t meet now like the waves of the sea.

I am forgetting you day by day,
I am forgetting how like kids we used to play,
I am forgetting the promises you made of forever to stay,
Because I know no long now you want to continue this way,
And it’s even getting easier for me day to day.

Forgetting how your perfume used to smell,
Forgetting all your secrets you used to tell,
Forgetting how unexpectedly you used to
hug me at times,
Because I know all this is over and you need to move on sometimes.

I am forgetting you day by day,
Memories occur in my mind each and every night,
It’s filled with so much of happiness and is so bright,
But it’s moving in the direction of darkness and  that’s alright.
                      -Darsh Parekh
Noura May 2020
My eyes were fixed on the wall in front of me,
“The clock is broken, it stopped”
“No, it’s working just fine” he said to me,
“It’s not moving, slow down, you’re going too fast”
“Catch up with me, then”
I can’t
“I ran once” “I ran once, and my clock worked”
“Work harder, catch up”
I can’t
“I think I’ll stand here a little bit longer”, I smiled.
Mister J May 2020
Another sleepless night
My mind feels restless
My heart in confusion
What am I gonna do?

Would these worries go away?
As I learn and grow with age?
Should I just choose death
Rather than loving the undeserving?

I guess I don't have the answers today
Maybe tomorrow will shed some light
To these worries in my young life
I'll open my doors when the need arises

This paranoia is damning
I've had enough
Maybe a dream will do for now
And face the real thing tomorrow

After I go to sleep..
Inspired by my conversations with Saumya
Thank you for that!
Hope you all like this. 😁

Charlotte Ahern May 2020
You pierced and devoured me like a delicacy
Silly boy didn't realise you can't digest a soul
I'll be coming back up
And it's inevitable that you're going to get sick
You know what the world needs after it recovers from this pandemic
is a universal family picnic. You know we're all related, don't you?
There's a nice little TV show that shows different people where they
came from, using DNA and that sort of thing. But you know that
little TV show doesn't go back far enough to tell you the whole
story, to show you the big picture. I'm not just talking about ****
sapiens. That would be missing the big point, the point being that
regardless of our evolution, all our forebearers were still related to
each other even as they evolved as far back as 6 million years ago,
not just several hundred years ago, which is pretty much what those
interesting little TV shows talk about. The point is that we human
beings now don't keep in mind how long we've been related, even
as we have gone through the evolutionary processes. Now we have
the Internet. Now we are able to go half way around the world in
seconds, not months or longer. Ecologically we are forced to realize
we are all in this together, that we are one, but this critical realization
is true not just ecologically, but also genetically, and most importantly, spiritually. We have been connected, related, God knows how long, and
our survival is dependent not just in realizing our interconnectedness,
but acting upon it. So let's have a universal picnic, have fun, get to know
each other, laugh with each other, break bread (and some ice cream maybe) with each other. Wars are insane. They are anachronistic. They **** our
distant, and not so distant, relatives, as well as our close family members. Good old USA spends over half our money (taxes) on killing machines.
Crazy ****. Let's clean our air, our seas, our fallow lands. Let's cure all diseases. Let's stop profiting from others' pain. Let's stop hunger and homelessness and hopelessness. Let's stop killing each other and start
saving each other. And after we right all our wrongs, let's celebrate by
having a universal family picnic, maybe every month. There are about 7.8 billion human beings on Earth right now. Let them vote using smart
phones to see if they would like Peace on Earth. Let them govern Earth.
We are all Citizens of the Earth.  

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet, writer, and human-rights advocate his entire adult life. He recently finished his novel A CHILD FOR AMARANTH.
EmperorOfMine Feb 2019
The smile you give me hurts my soul
Because as much as I want to smile with you, I know how this story goes...

From a smile to a scowl,
It's the same, every game,
So that's why I throw the towel,
I don't like to waste my shame,
It's okay, but don't you dare,
I don't get why do you care,
It's a curse I cannot lift,
I just wish not to exist,
But I do, so I accept,
It's all I really have kept,

So you see, the mystery has had its story lit to see, I'm often alone, and misery, don't waste that light on someone like me...
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