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Xmas light angel sparkling bright
Walkin on the rooftops
Got someone in sight
Gunna flitter and flutter
All through the night
Eyeing a weary sparrow
till all is well
till all is right
till that lil sparrow
be ready to take flight

Bonnie Raitt &John Prine
Angel From Montgomery
inspired by an Xmas light rooftop angel perched atop a roof during an early April twilight
AE Apr 2020
The spectacular quiet,
Is where the stars rest above the atmosphere
And where you lose the voice of reason
As you stare into the clouds
Hoping to catch a different dream
Searching for sounds you’ve never heard
Wisdom will tell you that’s life at its best
And youth will tell say you’re at your worst
Time will always live for the chase
And reminiscence will cloud your judgment
But when there is nothing but silence
And the sky is asleep,
You’ll hear the voice of your impossible dreams
Singing it’s famous lullaby
Waiting until you shut your eyes
To take your worries for a flight
And teach you how to say goodbye
The Internet is now our new party line. Soon, all 7.5 billion of us can join in this global conversation. And this is how it should be, a new world technological democracy. We shall have smartphones enough. We shall have multiple technological ways of of hooking up each to all others. We shall realize, truly, that we are one community, that we are all one, all members of one big and growing family of humankind. Realizing our oneness, we will defeat all efforts of any sort--ethnic, economic, political, and all others--to divide us, to separate us. We all shall be Citizens of Earth. Dictators, tyrannts, despots will no longer exist, because we all are one. Citizens of Earth will govern Earth. And at last, there will be Peace on Earth, forever.

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howrd Hawks has been a poet, a novelist, and a human-rights advocate for his entire adult life.
Mansi Apr 2020
It's starting to wear off;
The excitement and yearning
It's more of a residual
Longing for those feelings

As time progresses
It will be an afterthought
Of emotions I had
Once upon a time
Ella James Apr 2020
I want to breathe.

To be able to fill my lungs with air,

without them exploding with a bang.

We live for a breath of fresh air,

gasping so that we can live another day

When our lungs are full, we need to breathe out.  

Exhaling out the pain and the past

Our breath is a symbol of moving on
Azariah Apr 2020
The past is a place where everyone wishes to go to once in a while.
But if all wishes came true
Then no one would be satisfied.
This is why minds should process,
That progress comes by being friends with the day and moving with time.
Mitzi Ambrad Apr 2020
This where it began
where it was affirmed how important you were to me
where I held you like I didn't wanna lose you.

This is where it prospered
where we let our feelings grew
hoping we can be bestfriends 'til we grow old.

This is where it ended
where I took out my heartache
after you left because I unintentionally broke a part of you.

This is where I'll start
where I will reflect on what has been
and let it all go so I can move forward.

This is where I've totally moved on.
This is where it ended.
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