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Amy Duckworth Oct 2018
The person always willing to fight.
Is right next to you.
That one who has been with you for forever.
AD Letwixt Oct 2018
What's next, then?
Suicide or Madness?
L Thor Pedersen Mar 2018
She thinks that the world can only see her in one way, but no one in the world can see her like I do..
Her smile inspires the sun 2 rise and causes the heavens 2 shake,
When we touch lips nothing else exists-except our beating hearts in a state of bliss,
Days go by...
swept away in a'blur from'a single kiss,
You take my breath away and leave me wanting more,
How could I ever forget...each and every moment..that I spent with the girl next door,
A goddess amongst mortals..soft and smooth
every second with you feels like more,
Im still in awe from the moment we met-basking in the warmth that emanates from'your core,
Showers and silhouettes, cascade across chasms, decades and fathoms..never imagined before,
I await to b in your presence again,
so soft and sweet..
the girl next door.
MarvelMe Oct 2018
I looked up to you
I wish I were you

You and I were the same
Even though people told me you were insane

I didn't care what anyone said
Because when I needed you
You always came to my aid

But then you weren't there for me
When I needed you the most
It felt like no one cared for me
I was so lonely

I used to hate you
I'm glad I forgave you

All the thoughts of fantasy
I dreamed us as a family
Ended up being a sad tragedy

I won't make the same mistake
I'll be there for every birthday cake
From the time they wake
To the time we go to the zoo and see a king snake
In fact well even make Swiss steak
Or cupcakes
Or pound cake
We'll play with snow flakes
We'll go see great lakes
I'll be there for heartbreaks

I'll give them the love I never had
I've forgiven you already and I'm not mad
But at the end of the day I'm still glad
You were my Dad
Dad's are important
Survived Oct 2018
Maybe all this is just a nightmare
and when i wake up i will be
lying next to you.
Mary Frances Aug 2018
If I will exist in the next cycle,
I wish to be reborn as someone
who's meant for you.
We'll find ways for our paths to cross
and author the love story we failed to
write in this lifetime.
raicyd Aug 2018
how many times,
should we keep on saying it?

"next time,"

I've come to hate,
that word.

it is the only word,
that stops us from seeing each other.

and I'm scared,
that someday our "next time," will be

"never mind,"
when will be that next?
EmperorOfMine Aug 2018
Falling down the windy planes,
Go diving down until insane,
Dropping into a wonderland,
Spiraling like a living fan,

From little eyes made out of glass,
Looking into the shadow past,
Seeing myself wake up again,
Restart the new simulation

I'm a hider, you're a seeker.
When did I become a peeker?
No running there's no stopping.
I can't stop myself from crying.

Why do I keep freaking trying?
I can't stop myself from crying.
I can't stop this ******* crying.
Please help me stop ******* crying.

From plastic beds to rocky roads,
I've lost my mind, I've woke up cold,
When did I get into green robes?
I am a sacrificed lost soul,

I can't help thinkin' I am dreamin'
My head can't work when it is steamin'
I've gone insane, i'm falling down,
A bird diving into the ground.

A bird diving into the ground.

Chained to the concrete rained-on ground.

I've lost my head, seeing in red,
I'm not the same as I once said,
I won't go down till I am dead,
Next, to the next, that's being led.
We're all a little loopy.
Bryce Aug 2018
A normal kind of guy
Just the guy
No cosmologist
Sans Christian
******* the droplet suns
Distant in the blackened sky

Gotta 'and'er some
The bristled gristle
The cryogenic iris
Steel teeth gnashing
Right-toe left
Ardent in an autobiography

Good man
Soft man

Locomoted his GMC
to the Sea
Thought maybe
With precise aim he
could undertow away

No pick-me-ups
In copper-channels
That Ionized the pick-up-truck
With archaea iron
that ugly duck
Reminiscent of the man
In all but--

A castaway
The man who never hesitates
Bop upon the interstate
Lost within
concritical maze

Shoring up
Going home
Giving up
Turned to stone
Marble chin
Solumn grin
Chlidren sing
Seeking wings
How'd he know
Where to go
Will he see
What it means?

He's the guy
The one with the lollipop lap
Licking the syrup off the lip
Of a sweet polished sapphire
And the kids
My god
They think he
And his dog not yet
Dead but depressive in the gloom
Howling into the midnight grass
And the creatures that stalk
With their ******* youth

Soon their weight will hit the deck
And like a noose,
Break the joints
The planks of which would stress
And bend his eyes upon his head.

God willing
Should he be exhumed
His energies excape to the river
And float,
into the sea.
Audra Jul 2018
Were you hit?
By a

I think you’ve seen

Not that I could
Say this…

What if:
        I came that night?

You even
To come?

Would you     respond
                To me?

At least I
        saw you.

Things could have gone
       Much worse.

I’ll just
For next time.
To the one that makes me so confused and doesn’t even know it
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