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Kaze Poitier Jun 2018
Understand that I isolate myself for the purpose of doing the impossible
To be become the impossible
For I thought to myself "I'm possible"
Possible of finding love
Of creating something beautiful
Of inspiring those who will hear what little remnants of my name stay intact
However I'm entitled to nothing
And my existence will mean nothing
Nothing so I thought
However every moment of time has left an impression
I have left a dent in your mind
The very existence of us
The very destruction of us
Maybe it's unforeseen rebirth
Is or will be a memory
And that memory
Will haunt us whenever we are alone
Understand that and accept it
As we each crave for flesh
For tender lips
Sheets dampened by intimacy
And something to satisfy our Sadistic appetite
We are nothing but empty vessels
Even though for that split moment we have feelings of
How long is it before reality collapses on us
How long is it before we realise that a human is cursed to love and that lust is not love
How long before you realise the very existence of you and I
Is it not because God no longer wish to be alone
That's why everyday we search for our better or more realistically lesser half
And everyday we fail one other unintentionally looking for perfection
However it is in our nature to have just that our desire to be something that we aren't
However the demons dance
The angels sing
And everything will remain the same
And today was the day I destroyed everything I wanted to protect to hold dear
to love and cherish
Another night I cry on my pillow
Unable to bear it
I wrote more than three poems about her, only girl to show me the embodiment of love
I would kiss the earth her feet walked upon
She was so much more bigger than me than us so then I thought there could never be an us
The most ethereal soul, kindest heart, and beautiful mind
Someone I could spend my life with or even until the end of time
The graceful butterfly you ever see
That's why I walk the streets at night to put my soul at ease
Though it's not with me my dying wish and last prayer is that you remain happy please.
i’m sorry.
that may come as a surprise to you, i know
haven’t really spoken much lately though
haven’t really spoken a lot at all
but hey, that’s okay
i know how hard it is to make a phone call.

that’s probably why i always forget to
oh honey, no, of course it’s not you!
i’ve just been so busy lately
but when i can, i will go to my cellphone straightly

and scroll down; way down
to the numbers of people living outta town
to the numbers i would never admit
i honestly don’t give a ****t.

i wasn’t enough back then.
do you even remember the time when...?
when, you know...
oh...silly me!
you probably not.
the time
when time turned against you and ran out the clock

the time on this fateful november night
you could see everything you didn’t do right
the time sombody decided to send me down here
just so i could feel the vain, and of course the fear
emotions you taught me all to well
when you shouldn’t even have been able to enter my so former fragile shell

a shell i never planned for you to see
let alone sit down there with you and
have a tea

i never understood why you said what you said.
and i probably never will.
wouldnt you give anything now for that abortion-pill?
i know you would, and that with certainty
i heared you say it when dicussing the cost of an university

and although it was that exact moment my heart forever broke
because you were saying it like it was a ******* joke
and although your lawyer sat there giggling
with my mother next to them,
the highest level of patience bringing
i still can’t bring myself to hate you with all my heart
at the end of the day
you and i
are eachothers lost part.
no matter how small
you somehow are
after all.

my mom still adores you, and i guess that’s okay
i can’t blame her for being some way.

what i do blame her for, and that i can’t undo
is that of all the men in the world
she had to chose you.

happy fathers day daddy ❤️
Praggya Joshi Jun 2018
The best mistake I made
Was believing
as a child
In the idyllic world
Of pixie dust strewn fairy tales
Laughing at the prospect
Of a strange world
Where happiness
Wasn't always there to stay
Where the triumph of good over evil
Didn't necessarily happened
Where those who professed
To love you dearly
Didn't always turned distant
Where sleeping beauties
Didn't always woke up
Where the shining sun
Didn't always warmed your frostbitten skin
Where a beating heart
Wasn't always a sign of life
Where being older
Didn't always meant
Being stronger
Where bruised knees and scarred wrists
Weren't always a consequence
of slipping on the stairs
Or tripping on the sidewalk
I happily believed
In a world
Which I realized
When I grew up
Could only exist
In the realms
Of my heartfelt dreams
But could never be real
Ashley Jun 2018
No liver, no lungs. No talking equals no hate. Scared of the outcome when the outcome is bland. Hearts must be 1,000 times the size. Even if you forget and forgive people won't let you leave the past behind. Mistakes are mistakes, not failures.
I ****.
Seema Jun 2018
Conseal the pain of this broken heart
Let there be flashes of light
Unveil this darkness, O' sheering rain
Drums of thunder thumping tonight
Blots of ink dubbed on paper
Melting candle wax shapes a figure
Breeze of glory, sound of chimes
My trembling hand on the trigger
Drowning deep in this nights swamp
Swallowing pins and needles of taste
Tears break into silent cries
This life is just a waste
Do I or do I not
The fight is still going on
Live or die
Coz I am already torn
Helpless, but there's a guilt feeling
Why be a coward for someone elses mistake
Live and start all over again
Give no time to fake
Pulling the trigger gives no escape
My soul would be barred in this world of fake
Why should I take my life
Why not, correct my mistakes...

Fiction, not my story.
Haruharu Jun 2018
Inside this prison walls I see so much wasted time.

So many careless mistakes.

Destroyed lives.
I see them fighting, against time.

Some have lost hope,
wanderers in the corridors.

But some are fighting, for a change.

Their strenght gives me hope.

Locked in every night, they still see a future in freedom.

They have taught me the worth of it.

And for that, I'm thankful.
Anthony Mayfield Jun 2018
Ding ****!
I’m home!
Let me in!
Out here, it’s cold as sin.
I’ve missed all of you.
I see you...
You can’t hide through!
Ding ****!
Ding ****!
It’s cold out here...
Clouds come from my mouth.
I’m sorry I’ve been away.
I’ve been gone
So long...
But I’m back now!
Ding ****!
Ding ****!
Ding ****!
This isn’t funny anymore!
This game has quickly turned to bore!
This is my home for
goodness sake!
I see you all in there!
Why can’t you...
Can’t you...
You can’t.
You can’t see me.
You can’t hear me.
You forgot me.
I’ve been gone
So long...
But I’m back now!
I’ll help you remember me!
We’ll be reunited family!
Ding ****!
Ding ****!
Ding ****!
Ding ****!
Oh no…
It’s him!
He’s found me again!
Behind the rock!
Behind the tree!
The Red Man still follows me!
He’s staring at me!
You can’t let him take me!
I lament for all the wrongs
I’ve wrought.
I repent for the false treasures
I’ve sought.
I’ve been gone
So long...
But I’m back now!
Let me in!
Save me from HIM!
DING ****!
DING ****!
DING ****!
DING ****!
DING ****!
This house is so pristine.
So perfect clean white.
And I the lone smudge as the first
Sign of blight.
But if you’d open the door...
Just open the door.
Save me before he comes!
I can be clean!
I’ve been gone
Too long...
Oh no he’s coming!
And I can’t keep running,
Running from red.
Don’t leave me to waste.
Please open,
Make haste!
DING ****!
DING ****!
DING ****!
DING ****!
DING ****
DING ****!

A poetic story about a person who tries to weasel their way back into the lives of their loved ones after being away due to a terrible mistake, only to have their mistakes catch up to them and keep them from returning home.
Joshua Michael Jun 2018
Alors merci, for breaking me
You taught me what's not love
You showed me indifference
Alors merci, for making me tough
Alors merci, for leaving me
You broke my chains
You set my mind free
Alors merci, for showing me
Alors merci, for being so cold
You showed me to find better
You left me for another to love
Alors merci, for showing me my value
Alors merci, for being the wrong one
You allowed me to find the right one
Alors merci ma chère
I have found love now and thank you, I was looking in all the wrong people and now I've found the right ones.
Thank you I am happier now.
Kendall Jun 2018
Biological colossal mistake, it was an exciting chase
Pursue. Follow. Beg.
Whatever, you gave me the run around.
You went through my things and acted like I had something to hide.
My first real go and I couldn't wait to end it.
In the end it was you who finally followed, and begged, but it was I who walked away, for a good reason too...
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