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Jonathan 17h
A battle, a war — my hopes, my peace,
A storm inside that feels to never cease.
Pain in me, like winds that break all that goes,
And reason? Is it there? Nobody knows.

The dreamer, or the dream that wakes?
The mind that gives or the one that takes?

To struggle within is to be alive,
A flame that fights just to survive.
If war was not within me, would I still be me?
Or just a shadow, drifting free?

So let there be winds strong to tear and spin,
For even torn, I rise — and win.
A poem about the battle with our minds — a war within us. How fighting ourselves shapes who we are. Even when torn, we rise and keep fighting until the end, when we survive.
I am frustrated with myself
Y won't I change myself?
I do all the work on myself
But I still am not getting the results I want from myself

Who I am now is not enough to be self
I need more of myself
To expand into more of myself
but still I can't bring change through myself

I am age deaf
Deaf to the inevitable success brewing in myself,
Something mischievous is working against my self
Maybe an elf
That doesn't want to be a shelf
Holding onto parts that remind me of the inadequacies of my knife
I can't cut through to release myself
I desperately want to rebrand myself
So I can differentiate from my past self

I am tired of proving this new self
Her existence stranger to her own self
All she wants to be is high on life it self
Which always reflects back her divinity in herself

Ooo the pains of being so focused on myself
I can't get enough of all this attention on myself
From myself
All my problems a delight to marinate on oneself
Isolated from the world's problems watching from the topself
I have to solve my own problems before I can focus on your self

Ooo but my lonesome can't stand figuring all this out by myself
I guess that's y we split up and branched out to explore our self
So we can share different possibilities to free my self
And your self
So we can remember the freedom of being non self.

So goodbye not self
I tried but I can't bring myself
To act in your behalf
With you I can't laugh
I'd rather be the staff of my higher self
My lowerself is betting on the neck of this giraffe,
You don't give an F,
But you will when you realize you're nomore 12.
These cycles won't break themselves.
So let's rev
And meet our best self

It's OK to lean into help
You don't need to pay for this soul hotel
Drink up from this well
So confusion you expell
Clarity your gut smells
Your present self is perf
You just gotta remember your true self
God herself within you dwells
So give up the struggle, time to rebel

No need to repel
What is true in this melt
Your soul awakens to help your human compell
You already have the wealth
Like the clothes you've been dealt
kenzie 1d
The sun shine rolls in it time to get up it shouts.I cant get up though im stuck.I cant move im in bed feeling like it sinking im left to think. i'm thinking about the after life.I im tired but i been sleep for years never to rest always thinking left to rot.i finally have got up after years still tired barely able to move but i am getting up the suns down now.I am trying to walk i can't i fall to the ground.I wonder is this the life of bpd the falling and never able to get up.
The feeling of body and gender dysphoria is always present,
The hate for this body rises inside me, it conquers me,
The feeling of being trapped in the wrong body spreads like a infection,
The shapes feeding my insecurities, my dysphoria,
The gender I was born with, is a stranger to me,
I hate my brain, of thinking in a masculine way,
The realisation that I missed so much time of not being who I really am,
I hate parts of the society, who don’t accept me, who obtain my existence,
Fighting gender and body dysphoria is exhausting,
Will I ever experience body and gender euphoria?
by far my most personal poem
I want him to love me the way one loves
a whimpering and
neglected dog,
with pity and
with worry and with
shame. He will find me
in an alley, shivering and
shaking, hiding from the rain.
He will coax me out from beneath whatever
discarded scrap I am cowering under, he will wrap
me in a towel or blanket or his jacket, something - anything - warm.

He will carry me home, to his home. He will place me
by the radiator, turned up to full. I will curl up
beneath it, still shivering, still shaking, while he goes to the kitchen in the
hopes of finding me something to eat.
He will rummage through the
fridge trying, to the best of his ability, to recall
exactly what does
and what does not
**** a dog.
"A lot." I will say. "More than
you think." I will say.
And he will just smile and bring me
something that doesn't.

I tell him I will not live long. He could
do anything and I would not live long. He says he has
forgiven worse sins. I tell him I
hope he never dies. He tells me I will
be disappointed. I tell him I love him. He says I love him
the way a whimpering and
neglected dog does,
desperately, painfully, with a need and
a hunger found only in children and
anorexics. He tells me
he loves me too. I tell him
I am sorry. He says he has forgiven
worse sins.

He strokes between my eyes,
a gentle spot, designed only for soothing something
to sleep. Perhaps by morning I will be
cured, my whimpering ceased, my shakes subsided. I will
run through his house, tail wagging, while he smiles and
laughs and drinks his coffee. Or perhaps there
will be no change, perhaps he will have to drive
me to the vet and have me
put down. Perhaps he will want to. A mangy thing, sick and
diseased. Irreparable.
Unsavable. Perhaps he won't need to. Perhaps
by morning I will
already be dead. But
for now I will sleep, warm
and fed, a hand soft between
the eyes.
This is about my dad, but it could be interpreted differently.
For those who didn't make it
And couldn't handle
When the cruel world
Came crashing down upon them

When the time came
That you fantasies ended
And reality
Showed its ugly face

They hurt you
When all you wished for was peace
And the daylight
Seemed so far out of reach

They said to stay strong
And they told you to fight
When you had nothing left
When you couldn't find
To fight for

Because it's just a problem
Something to fix
Just give them some pills
And make them talk

Shallow words
Give little comfort
When all they say is
e v e r y t h i n g   w i l l   b e   o k ay

They told you to stay strong
And they told you to fight
When you had nothing left
When you couldn't find
To fight for

Everyone just needs time
They said
But it was already too late
To save you
GClever 6d
We feel the same way
I know why you choose to be alone
There are so many things in this world
That I too cannot comprehend
But, we already know so much
You and I
We're two brains
Thinking of the same puzzles
However, we were never supposed to meet

Perhaps, when you and I
Have surrendered the
The waves that continue to keep
Back to where there's comfort
Or not

We feel the same way
If only we could not read so much into things
Not so much with the thoughts
The concepts
If we try not so hard to understand
Every detail––
We would not end up
Finding ourselves unable to understand the WHOLE
The big reasons
As to WHY we question
Or we DO not question
And the most miserable of them all
Why are WE here?

We feel the same way
I know why you choose to be
The waves
T h e     v a s t n e s s    o f     t h e     s e a
The gloom
In the moonless night
The shore.
let your mind wander, then slowly, let it return where it is safe, where it won't drown
Did you know I was falling down?
Or did you just want to watch me drown,
Dipping farther into the water,
Shivering as the cold came up farther.
Every single time you wished me luck,
You pushed me ten steps out,
Now I'm too far from shore to see.
My head is almost completely devoid of thoughts, I can't focus on reading and I have nothing to write.
The Dark Ailment

The day came when silence consumed my mind.
My mouth no longer had the strength
to speak the thoughts that haunted me,
keeping sleep far from my grasp.

I left behind the warmth that once made me feel safe
and wandered into unknown paths
where flowers bloom all year round,
where the scent of the sea follows you wherever you go.

Where once, a small child took its first steps,
hoping to find a friend.

But the day came when everything was erased,
and a violent new beginning was forced upon the world.
The child had no friends
and was driven back into the loneliness of solitude.

The sea fell silent.
Its scent no longer carried memories
memories of your mother unwrapping your lunch,
"Come, eat something, Giorgos.
Don’t go into the water just yet, you’ll sink."

Just as the universe itself sank into darkness.
The flowers vanished.
No one felt safe anymore.

No one sleeps now.
Dreams have turned into waking nightmares,
lurking in every mind
that has chosen to remain silent.

It feels like something is eating you
from the inside out,
until it’s too late.

There are no sensations.
No dreams.
And nowhere left to go
except for the few steps
this sickness still allows you to take.
Written while i was possessed by a lingering shadow.
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