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Shruti Dadhich Oct 2018
Hey guys!!!
How will you feel,
If you are stopped from entering in kitchen for next five days???
What will you do,
If you are ordered to sleep on mat leaving your comfortable bed for next five days???
Will you not have a fight, if they stop you from entering in a temple saying you are impure for next five days???
How will you feel if you have two big  fights every month,
The fight with bleeding pain,
& the fight with society...
I can easily defy the pain,
But tell me how to fight with this society,
How to answer this question on my purity???????
Cause if this is impurity,
Then the one who made these rules is himself impure!!!
& you all are also impure!!!
If it's impure then God is also impure!!!
The problem that we face is thought to be pain, but actually the main problem is the poor mentality of people...
Cause girls have enough strength to fight with this pain, but how to fight this fight with society, the one who didn't know this pain made the rules mentioned above, & my anger is for the ladies who followed them blindly, without asking "Why?" , but I'm not blind & also won't follow anything blindly, so now I'm asking "Why?"
Pagan Paul Sep 2017
In a garden fair with flowers
is where she whiles away her hours.
Especially in the months of Spring,
gently rocking upon her mood swing.

Flying high and dipping low
she lets her emotions freely flow.
Not caring what the feelings bring,
gently rocking upon her mood swing.

Hanging beneath an apple tree
a virginal symbol of her purity.
Listening quiet to the songbirds sing,
gently rocking upon her mood swing.

© Pagan Paul (25/09/17)
Puspanjali Sahu Dec 2016
When my imaginations
started stripping in front of me
and I saw  
its naked body,
I realized  
stains of blood
on my white beautiful cloth

and I cried a lot  

Do not know why  
Maybe I was afraid of  the pain
that will return to me
in every month
or fingers, eyes  
that will point out on me
if I could not hide bright red stains
on my cloth  

But I was not knowing
those drops of blood
will grow into
bones and muscles
tiny eyes, hands and fingers
and the most beautiful smile  

Those are the brave drops of blood
that could make me  
a “Mother”  
before which
neither pain nor fear
Periods are normal for every female. Sometimes it is abnormal because it comes with irritability and mood changes and these problems are severe in approx. 3-8% women. But when we talk about it, we never discuss problems and ways to solve it. We find them icky.
Because of this type of mindset of the society, when a girl is in her period, even though she suffer from a lot of body pain, she prefers to keep silence. This also makes girls to hate and feel shameful about their periods....even though periods are the signature of their ability to create a become a mother.

Word help: When my imaginations started stripping in front of me - childhood is considered as a period of innocence imagination and this phrase indicated entry of girl into puberty phase.
those drops of blood will grow into bones and muscles: the birth of a child
Pea Jul 2016
in the middle of july
i dream of red poppies
it comes out from my baby hole
it's not forming a line
like one day in april 2015
23:13 i drew a bridge
swamped with lil red poppies
not long enough to reach
the wrist
of my left hand
Why would I choose one
if I could have them all
Ismahanwrites May 2016
Sometimes it comes and I see it
and at Times it doesn't
I wait for it like I wait
for phone calls and text messages
and When it comes it comes
with all this pain
I can't endure it
Starts from my feets feeling weak
to my back feeling like it's broken  
to my ***** feeling so swollen
to red dots all over my body
mixed with mood swings hating
and everyone around me
makes me wonder at times
why I was a women But yet again
it has its blessings For only
a women can take all that pain.
AK Jan 2016
Each sunday,
the owner's face lit up
as I popped in the neighborhood bodega
in need of paper towels, soap, toothpaste.

Occasionally, when I uttered the word “purple,”
his brown eyes glowed and he flashed me a smile
as he fetched the Trojan condoms behind the counter.

This week,
I came in on saturday,
he looked pleasantly surprised to see me,
earlier in the week.
until I reached the counter
holding tampons, desperate to stop my leaking body.

In my humanity,
I was no longer ****,
not worthy of a smile.
Nor the well wishes of a nice evening.

His greetings had always had an invisible price tag,
exchanged for a glimmer of hope.

The hope that his kind words would
earn him a discount in the time it took

for me to live up
to his fantasy
one day.
Lux Capacitor Mar 2015
I'll eat you out
while you're bleedin'
eat you out til you come
I'll drink the ***
in your blood
Feeding, drowning,
show you around the
other side of sanity

Be a wolf
under full moon
I'm a wolf
under her moon
do you
come to meet me
at the edge of light
every night
for fun
or do you want
these --
do you need
these dark eyes
unblinking in the shadows?
Jo Nov 2014
Oh!  There it is!
The blood of my Mothers’
Blossoming on
My white sheets
Like a bouquet of English roses.
A shame -
Laundry day had
Been yesterday.  

My thighs have been painted
Rouge -
They blush
Like my cheeks
When my gaze
Lingers on my body
Too long in the mirror
As I put on my Sunday dress.

The needles in my
Lower back fill my
****** with blood -
I am a woman now -
And as such I must
Wake before the sun
And wash my sheets
And my body
Before anyone has a chance
To smell the iron and the shame
Between my legs.  

I have never been so
Acutely aware of my body:
My sore ******* feel like
Overripe tomatoes ready to burst,
My stomach bloated and taking up
Space I’m told is not ladylike -
My head throbs, my limbs ache, and
I continue to shed my insides.
How is it I never noticed
The cry of my body before?

A week of blood
Before I have served my sentence
For a woman
Who dared to disobey -
I clean the stains
And wash myself
I may come back to this later.
starling Jul 2014
i want to say something haunting and profound

about the twisting in my abdomen

and the red stain blooming between my legs—

but all I can think about is how far ******* gone I am

and how much it hurts to be a 19 year old girl

with a brain like a jagged seashell
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