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hospital bed                                      
                   wedded flourish of decor
catcalls foam the past                
                   behind the eye blind     stimulus
limbo scapes rake...          
                                then nevermore
early version

hospital bed wedded
flourish of decor
    catcalls from the past and blind eye
landscape  illumination... then never-mind
Ryan Jan 30
Shimmering light, gleaning
In my eye, million
Shades of green
Among the trees
What is it
That I see?
When I look at you,
Is it a reflection of me?
Or an abstraction of you?
Is it really you,
That I am looking at,
Or am I looking at me,
Through a part of you?
When you look out of the window
On a train journey
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Dew drops gather silent thoughts,
On the spider webs of yesterday,
And the world finds peace in waiting,
For moonlight to find its way,
Through night's sleepy waters.

The stars begin their slow retreat,
While shadows stretch and bend,
In this space between dreaming,
Where yesterday and today blend,
I watch the heavens discreetly.

When musing over the past few days,
Caught between a breath and a sigh,
Dawn teeters on the horizon,
Of a dark morning sky,
And I dally in limbo's sway.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Nemusa Dec 2024
We’ve made this place of leaving—
a vault for the untended.
Emotions stack like unlabeled jars,
their contents thick with time,
sediments of grief,
crystals of joy unsavored.

Are we the living,
or the ones who forgot
to move their hands
in the rhythm of the world?
The air smells of waiting,
stale, heavy with pause.
We circle the same questions,
polishing them into mirrors
where our faces blur.

Inside us,
an atlas torn apart:
coastlines of longing,
islands of silence,
rivers carving paths we never took.
Each scar a road.
Each sigh a compass.
Yet the map to home
eludes us still.

We walk the perimeter of ourselves,
searching for the key we swallowed.
The treasures we hoard
are dust without light,
their worth unseen,
their meanings locked
in a language we once spoke
but let slip away.

What is this place?
A limbo where our shadows
mourn their bodies.
Here, even death hesitates,
unsure if it belongs.
And we, the keepers,
stand guard over
what we cannot name—
prisoners and sentinels both,
afraid to leave,
afraid to stay.
Jeremy Betts Aug 2024
My chin digs a ditch stretchin' miles behind me
My tucked tail has fallen off and lost sight of me
Occupying limbo in the company of ennui
A trait from Eeyores' arced personality
No hospitality
Low fruit hanging heavy
Rots gradually
A ******* at the ready,
Presented indefinitely,
Squarely into the faceless face of longevity
As it inevitably gets the best of me
And I seemingly seem to be ignoring the complexity
Like it doesn't apply to me
Oh the irony

Reimers Jun 2024
Here again, it’s all so familiar,
The empty space I carved for myself,
A void that brings me solace,
Far from the world's embrace.

This time, I entered willingly,
Unlike before, when ignorance guided me.
It’s different now; I can choose to leave,
Yet in this toxic, dreadful silence, I find comfort.

No longer weeping in the corner,
Everything shifts, but the feeling persists,
The heaviness in my chest—
As if the rain never ceased.

Bloodstained puddles on the floor,
Grim reminders of past hardships.
Each reflection a testament,
To all I've survived.

Maybe I’ll linger a bit longer,
Wandering endlessly through this void.
I’ll escape eventually, won’t I?
I can get out… right? Someone... please...
Zywa Apr 2023
Reality flows

out of the war camp, between --

dream and welfare work.
Novel "The time of the angels" (1966, Iris Murdoch), § 5

Collection "Unspoken"
Odd Odyssey Poet Feb 2022
Hitchhiking at night, caught a lift with
the sun. Riding around the many of stars.
The heavens close at hand, hell conspiring;
while the world was burning.

I must of been roaming around
Judgment Day. At the edge of oblivion;
wondering which place I should go.

Limbo it was; uncertain like the ghosts
of their incomplete dues.
Two extremes, of the crowded silence;
and emptiness of all their screams.

                   Was it only a dream?

While my eyes were still open;
but blinded in their tears.
Bare hands that hold onto the heaviest
of all my greatest sins.

Cold and paralysed; I came back to life.
Soon to return back to earth.

                        Oh what a trip!
marïama May 2021
I feel like I am on a never ending train.
No next stop.
All this precious time I’ve wasted.
God, look how much time I’ve wasted.
I have wrote of you twice before
Once after the first “I Love you”
Again after I knew you.
And now after I’ve known you..
The raging fire once felt now reduced to a flicker.
I can now see you without a glimmer
So many misunderstandings we never planned
No one would ever understand.
Who are you?
Someone I should know but it feels as though you are a stranger
Destined to be two halves that don’t fit
Your noise echos in my ears
Flashing memories of laughter brought
While your betrayal vibrates in my body
Leaving my stomach in knots
Am I to forgive you for wanting to be whole.
Sacrifice myself for you to be whole.
I’ve rebuilt my wall.
Brick by ******* brick
Every piece to so sadly fall
My tears it’s unyielding glue
Leaving no clue
Of the destruction it’s previously been through
Now I know the true lesson in love
To love until it is forevermore
For in hope of another life
with a chance at love once more
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