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Sad thoughts consume my mind again
A single raindrop turns into a storm
Silent thunders roar inside of me
A quiet chaos before it pours

Lightning strikes me with flashbacks
Then exits as fast as my light of hope
Leaving me a pile of burning ashes
Striking faster than I'm able to cope

And yet, the rhythmic pattern of the rain
Somehow, puts my mind at ease
Among the chaos of my clouded mind
The rain seems to sync with my heartbeat

Calmness settles once the storm passes
Its remains soothe my tired soul
Array of colours and puddles of reflections
Marks a healing from the night's cold
Butterfly Aug 2019
I was standing in purple light and you said that you remembered that the first thing you thought was: "**** she's ugly."
I burst down
Of laughter
Than after we walked out of the light.
And you said that I was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
I'm sorry, this is such a bad "poem"
It's about someone that I love so maybe that will make it up?
ALesiach Jul 2019
darkened sky rumbles
lightning strikes flashes deep
steady blue raindrops falling

ALesiach © 8/2016
M Solav Jul 2019
There is form. And there is force.
Lightning blazes the sky with frightening might
Which bursts and dissipates in arteries of light
How it animates the living,
With its thundering displays!
How it penetrates us with awe,
And fills darkness with stories
And that is what we call the Force.

There is form. And there is force.
Gushes of wind brush the once austere surface
Which rises and resonates in hills that interlace
How it fuels our imagination
With its frenetic waltz!
How hypnotic its furious motion
And the flow of its assaults
And that is what we call the Force.

There is form. And there is force.
Mountains spring from seas and glide down the coast
Which is where we have crawled and now thrive the most
How it shapes the current world
With us barely noticing!
How volatile all our endeavors
And at the mercy of its whim.
And that is what we call the Force.
Written in June 2019 - for an exhibition in Peking.

— Copyright © M. Solav —

This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
Leia Spencer Jul 2019
This girls got lightning behind her eyes
Storm clouds rolling through her thoughts
Thunder bursting from her throat with every laugh and every cry
She's electrifying
The sort of rain people love to dance through
Too bad she's terrified of storms
-beauty to all but herself
Mitch Prax Jul 2019
The Day you leave me-
the flowers will never smell the same,
the sun will never shine the same
in the same way that lightning
will never strike twice.
Laokos Jul 2019
another page

with words

on it.

     another extraction

     from , spilling

     free.  ashes from

                ritual to the

                dexter , projections

                of intimacy to

                the sinister.

                           this space does

                           not allow

                           anything and yet

                           is open to everything.

a lightning strike

s  l  o  w  e  d

to  the


of  a

l  i  f  e  t  i  m  e  ,


behind your eyes.

     the circuit is

     already complete.

but not fate , not

          determined , not


don't you remember ?

you already let go.
read horizontally on smart phone is correct spacing
Laurel Leaves Jun 2019
It shatters
Rips the sky in half
I roll the windows down
Plunge into the downpour
Fill to my lap
Small droplets trickle my forearm
Delicate bumps rise
Can you see this
It’s projecting the same
Atmospheric pressure
My breaking
Until my knees start to shake
You’re dying
You’re dying
And all you can do
Is watch the sky
Pretending it’s falling
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