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Mina Mar 10
The remaining of your lifeless body
Were some vivid images printed on my eyelids
some distorted memory tapes deforming in my brain

That night was a nightmare
I never woke up from
Every morning i still pinch myself
I bite my thumb
hoping the night is never too firm
hoping the morning comes

It's Killing me how
I'm starting to forget your face
Your glasses resting over your peaceful gaze
Your smile and innocent laugh brining life grace

I miss you and my annoying chats
I miss us playing with stray cats
I wish we wore your 20th birthday's hats

I miss such a young pure soul
I miss you as a whole
And i don't forgive the world for taking you
I don't forgive myself for every second not filling my eyes with you
Before you flew into the void of blue

I wish i said my goodbyes
Before it was too late
Before i knew that that night
such angel dies
i wrote this poem as a honor and remembrance of my real first friend, the real childhood memories I'm glad of every second we spent together, my cousin whom died in a car crash in the middle of august in the middle of the summer turning the sky grey and my eyes rainy,  i wish you were here to tell you that I'm sorry.. i love you
Bekah Halle Dec 2024
he was looking at them
searching for answers
but all he could see
was their vacancy;
their eyes hollow and shallow,
he ceased.
his dreams evaporated,
and his spirit deceased.
Eve Nov 2024
I stand amidst chaos, lost in the haze,
Reaching for you, but your gaze never strays.
The one I once sought, my refuge, my guide,
Is no longer waiting where hope used to reside.

You, my constant in a world so unkind,
Now absent, like others who’ve left me behind.
Perhaps you've surrendered, as they all have too,
Given up on the soul you once held true.

So now, I'll play the role they’ve designed,
Proving them right with the scars in my mind.

No, I haven't abandoned the fight within me,
I’ve merely become what they forced me to be:
Friendless, loveless, and cold as the stone,
A shadow that lingers, lifeless, alone.

This is an old poem from 2018 that i decided to revamp.
Ariannah Oct 2024
I can accept the feeling
Even tho it breaks my heart
I can accept the feeling
But ill never get the answer to why
I am like this when he's with you

I can accept the feeling
Or at least that's what I tell myself
Cause I can't escape tears and the pain they put me through

I can accept the feeling
I'll let it eat me alive
I can accept the feeling
Maybe that's why I feel numb..?

I can accept the feeling
But I would never accept the pain
Cause it turned my sadness into fifty different shades of grey

And I will accept the feeling
Of failing the things I wish the most to come true
And I'll let it devour me
Like I never let anything through
To get to my feelings and to help me keep you

So I will accept the feeling
In order to keep on having you
I learned to accept the feeling
When I most needed to

I learned to accept the feeling
Just to understand what I'm going through
It wasn't nice, it wasn't easy

But I learned to accept the feeling
Even tho it brought me pain
I learned to accept the feeling
Just so I don't lose you
Zywa Apr 2024
Corpses in the street

look like humans, but fake ones --

more like broken dolls.
Novel "Fury" (2001, Salman Rushdie), chapter 6

Collection "Low gear"
Man Jun 2023
I say
You don't respect my feelings,
And am met with silence.
I tell you,
Ours will die its death
Without an ounce of violence.
Is it so, if it is lifeless?
Andrew Rueter Mar 2022
We are surrounded by the lifeless
whether it's the corpses in red
or the horde of feeding undead
we don't see any niceness
in all the ways we have bled
so an idea pops in our head
to leech the likeness
of the zombies instead
of what's righteous.

A possum parades
around in the trash
it's called young and brash
by those it evades
through darkened paths
that harken back
to wild ways
we should've passed.

The possum pals with predators
to avoid the hunters
then those gun toting meddlers
have the gall to wonder
why they got themselves a runner
when everything is a red alert
then The Battle of Fort Sumter.

We track the terrified critter and stone it
a warning from a Kentucky poet:
when society is at its lowest
we'll pray for atonement
not for original sin
but being given a life to give
instead we fight with shivs
this how the lifeless live.
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