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Sanmi Pawar Nov 2020
She stood by the door, with tear-stricken eyes;
A small-little push, and they'd be inside.
She thought of her mother, who left her all alone;
She wished for a father, who would care her like his own.
Her thoughts were broken, by the furious bangs on the door;
She begged the Lord of mercy, even if she wasn't the one wrong.
Her frail body was thrown aside, as they rushed into the room;
She closed her dead eyes, awaiting her doom.
Throughout the push and pull, she did not utter a word;
For she knew her mistake, of being born as a Girl.
I'd walk my way to the realm of peace,
That I may find rest for my weary soul.

Alicia Moore Sep 2020
This house is made of ice.
A gelid, brass interior awaits me with wicked vice.

Stepping through the frozen doors,
I fall into my own homely grave.
A familiar capsule with silky floors.

Paintings hang upon each wall,
Lifeless and disturbed.
Although, the images do utter one final whisper before tightening the noose—
“Beware of the abominable master of abuse.”

I wish to float,
As with each step the rivers of blood in my feet howl.
Icicles pierce through my soles;
Daggers with a bright smile...

I am only ever welcomed into this house of ice
With a vast iniquitous price.
Light up my life
Like a sky full of dying stars

Because my life
Has been useless so far

The starlight enters our eyes
Even though the star is dead

I see my reflection smile
Even though I've long been led
Away from life.
Parin Jun 2020
I am lifeless
Such as a dry falling leaf
Dead from inside
Yet restless and rustling
In the wind
As to go far away
To separate itself from it's roots
And never to come back from where it once left.
Kimberly Rose May 2020
When you said you wanted to strangle me
I thought how grand that would be
There wouldn’t be a me to cause more stress
I wouldn’t be around to make more of a mess
You could live your life as any normal day
I’d be your problem, come and gone away
So wrap your hands around my neck
and don’t stop until I choke on my last breath
As you feel accomplished you want to stay to check
Now ****** is your addiction, now it is your ****
My life is gone, no room for precious moments
My life is gone, there’s nothing more that torments
Elle Vee Apr 2020
One day,
I thought about you.
The next day,
I iust can't stop.
The day after that,
you haunt my dreams.
A week later,
My are around your lifeless body.
A week after that,
I found a new one,
And turned you to ashes.
AstralPotato Apr 2020
Let me drown in the sea of joy
Of unwavering happiness and delight
Retrieve me from this dark abyss
Where I wandered without light
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