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Sara Kellie Dec 2018
Every time I pull it off
it goes off in my face.
It's in my eye and
on my lips,
I look a right disgrace.
My ***** though
she loves it so
I do it all the time
and if I feed her
from a tin
I'd feel it was a crime
because she just loves
those sachets
that I can't pull open
without getting
covered in

Poetry by Kaydee
Breanna evans Jan 2019
cutest little claws,
soft fur, softer purr, and sweet
sandpaper kisses
my Bobtail kitten is the cutest creature that has ever walked the face pf the Earth.
change my mind
Breanna evans Jan 2019
cute little furball
with twenty tiny daggers
big eyes and no tail she runs a bit like a rabbit
Breanna evans Jan 2019
little ball of fur
claws and sandpaper kisses
too pure for this world
inspired by a bobtail kitten I rescued that bears a striking resemblance to that little cat from those Shrek movies.
Becca Dec 2018
scratch at the ceiling
tear the seams
cry for help
go back to sleep
Praggya Joshi Sep 2018
Can you cuddle
With my heart
It's as soft as
a pair of tiny
Fluffy kittens
Smiling endlessly
Into the void
Always dreaming of
Soothing summer hands
That would warm
Their winter flesh
With a soft love
That would linger
Through the grey weathers
And crystal clear skies
A desire that is exhaled
From its pores
On starry sidereal nights
Tickle it with a playful smile
Not with a playful mind
It beats melodically
for an everlasting caress
Come near
You can listen to it
Only when you'll try
Lilywhite Sep 2018
there is no where to hide when
under pale moon light

and when rolling in the deep
there are no lies, no falsities

for you can see right through me,
and I through you

like a kitten with a spool of thread
you spark my heart evermore

with your little quirks, and comments,
your opinions, and open ended topics

oh and yet, you're a marvelously beautiful creature,
with your flawless curvatures, and features

you're darling, just darling
all the way around, inside and out

and when laying next to you,
as you run your fingers through my hair

not a single worry bothers my pretty little head,
not a single care

oh, so long as you're there...
An ode to an old muse of mine
nish Aug 2018
sometimes its hard to be happy
but here i sit
with my darling, precious cat
fast asleep on my lap
and i'm writing poetry
can it get any better than that?
just a thought.
it began with the two cats

then the dog trotted in

then enough time past
and unfortunately, so did
one of the cats

then we rescued a bearded dragon

and for a while there
it was just a trifecta
of various species

until the new kitten had arrived

and now the bird is on its way

as the animals keep rolling
into this sanctuary
we call HOME

I spend my afternoons
taking care of our pets
feeding them
watering them
picking up their ****
maintaining their
living spaces
making sure they each
get attention

along with working all morning
and taking care of the kids
cooking dinner
tending to the ignored laundry
mowing the lawn
washing ***** dishes

my wife thinks I’m *******
on my leisurely hours
but not taking into consideration
that *** is no longer
an aching mystery

and as I’m ******* about
common domestic work

those pets bring such
rapturous enlightenment
to my spinning brain

but they don’t pull out
my inane thoughts and
put it down on paper

except for maybe
this poem
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