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Maria Jun 2017
I am your most willing victim
And You were my destined shotgun
Those bullets are your deathly goodbye
Splattered blood and overflowing tears
Was the sole witness of this crime
Of how i almost died and tried to survive
You caused this big empty hole in my chest
Unclosed to eternally bleed
Salty-scraped bitter wounds
With utter confusion and dismay
Still this heart — aches for your love
AllyRose Jun 2017
Have my rivers began flowing?
Is my hair finally growing?
The sharks are blood-thirsty.
Forgive me, but is my womanhood showing?
Is it only natural for them to prey on me when their thirst needs quenching?
Their tendencies are dangerous,
They can **** with a look.
When their finished, they leave you for dead.
After using every trick in the book.
They leave you for the next and the next after that.
In their eyes, you're just another fish in the sea, they can pound away at.
Arpan Rathod May 2017
As I say
final goodbye,
I add
one more name
to-**** list.
Carson Hurley Apr 2017
I am the darkness
that stole the light
I am the cold
that killed the flame
I am the wind
that wilts the wood
I am the In
that meets the sane
M Harris Mar 2017
Silent Killer,
A Predator’s Smile,
A Guise Engulfed In Disguise,
A Child of Immaculate Torment,
Her Diamond Lies, Insidiously Advent.

Lost In Her Radiations,
Trapped In Her Demented Seductions,
Fenced By Her Hype,
Immersed In Her Gripe.

As The Clicker Goes Down,
The Ideals Start To Facedown,
As I Cauterize In Her Suicides,
Ashes Divide,
Weeping For Absolution,
Filled With Consternation,

Her Angel Eye’s Smirk, As I Charred Alive,
Screams Slowly Vanishing In Void,
Devoid Dismantled,
Lured By Her Lust,
Transcending To Dust....

- 03:07AM
Àŧùl Feb 2017
The right eye I avoid blinkin',
There is a new irritant therein,
But harmless compared to the killer,
The killer roamin' here an' there,
Thousands of faces she always had,
And she dons one or the other,
Kills by the name of the lover.
My HP Poem #1415
©Atul Kaushal
Mio Seanachaidh Jan 2017
The immune virus that is hushed and silenced, a private personal matter like an unspoken rule.

If known that one is positive, then all life known turns hell and that soul, that HUMAN BEING is made to suffer unjustly at the very hands of society.

Stigma attached to the incurable disease breeds hate and fear making one diagnosed positive feel sub - human and inhuman like a ghost

***/AIDS affects us all whether we know it or not - although there is no cure for this fatal score, we have hope that one day we can fight this disease

Until then, educate yourself and get tested - knowing your status can help save your life!

Further spread awareness and prevention so that others can know, let's work together to end the fatal virus and stop the hate!
Self explanatory!
A lonely child,
child of neglect

I see you.

Night it befalls,
lonely child met..

You meet me.

Peeled round waist from belly to back,
four pieces do a belt of babe make;
stitched and branded.

Lonely child of neglect,
I bathe in your warm fat.

Clouds they roll, stream cotton-frayed sky.
Mother's light peeks to say goodbye, to you;
-the lonely child whom had to die?

I transform.


eah, hah-hah, hah-hah, hah-hah...

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