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Aniseed Jun 2015
I must never lose sight of myself
Lest my heart churns thoughts
Into poison
And everyone into a villain.
Sometimes you see yourself much differently than how other people see you.
Rebel Heart Aug 2014
I actually picked him up outside a bar,
Where he wanted to get in my car.

Next he asked to move in,
I agreed-it wasn't a sin!

Me and him, we go together.
I wouldn't let him go, ever!

Soft pale skin and dark green eyes,
One look at him and I was so surprised.

Best black hair I'd ever seen,
Body frame was tall and lean.

I love the way he snuggles up to me,
And the way he licks me too.
I love the way we cuddle in my bed.
And the way he barks at me when he gets mad too.

Though he may at times be disloyal,
I forgive his nature and leave his mistakes in the soil.

Best of friends we are,
Maybe even more.
Though I doubt we'd ever get married,
That would be a bore.

Me and my dog, Wolfy's the name,
I love him cause unlike my ex's, he's not lame.
Never jump to any conclusions.
Things aren't always as they seem.
Paramount Pawn Jun 2015
You watch a lot of people on TV
Then judge them on their acting
Some really deserve praising
While some I question how they even became actors
They're so stiff
Their expressions so still
Their voices so monotone
I really question their job
I sometimes think I could do better
But who would agree to that
When I feel embarassed trying to be someone else
Violante Holmes Apr 2015
When you look in the mirror,
What do you see?
Someone strong and beautiful,
Someone happy and free?

Someone alone in the world,
Someone who looks like a fright,
Someone who curls up alone in their bed at night?

Do you see beauty?
Do you feel disgust?
Do you see someone
Whose life has gone to rust?

I see strength and sadness,
Loneliness and freedom.
I see someone who lives
In a forgotten kingdom.

You see what you want,
From the mirror you look at.
But others see different,

They don't see 'fat'.
They don't see 'ugly'.
They don't see 'dumb'.

They see 'strong'.
They see 'unique'.
They see things you cannot see,
No matter how hard you blink.

So don't trust your mirror,
No matter what you find.
For your looks in the reflection
Are all in your mind.
Ash Saveman Apr 2015
Silent eyes
Judging stares
Don't they know what I'm going through?

No, they will never understand.
They can't experience the suffering I go through on a daily basis.

Their glares pierce through my soul though.
Like I can control this hell I'm stuck in.
Clawing at the walls,
Leaving my fingers ******.

A judged fool
That is all
Silent eyes
Still as the night air.
Full of life,
Yet crystal clear.
A little world so vibrant,
So alive.
Only to be hidden deep below the reflected eye.

Holding on with each breath from the wind.
It's colors, smeared and faded red.
Once lush and majestically shown.
Now it dances, naked, lifeless and alone.

Even the clouds in the sky hold secrets in their hands.
Something so blue, so immense over head.
Can quickly turn gray from a silent violence within.

The reflected eye, is the neglected eye.
What seems full of life may hold darkness inside.
Before you judge, before you speak.
Ripple the surface, understand whats beneath.
Another card I pulled from Sarah's bag of inspiration. With that girl by my side I won't have writers block for the rest of my life.
Adam Kobosky Jan 2015
Three simple rules I've learned*:
1) Don't judge and you'll gain respect.
2) Having respect builds honesty.
3) Honesty reveals who you really are.
Yes, I know this is not something like a poem but I hope you understand what these three rules can do for you.
PrttyBrd Dec 2014
The old and feeble worship and rave
Trying to find more souls to save
For if they can save one from the pyre
They'll surely subvert their own hell's fire

Dismissing a past strewn with humanity and sin
All the lies forgotten, so empty within
Judging all others, since they found their path
Do they have enough stones, they're doing the math

For they will not leave a sinner unbruised
Bashing their lives, verbally abused
Telling them all they're feeling is wrong
Dressing it pretty in verses and song

Hypocrites profound, come one and come all
The louder they boast the harder they fall
Pride in beliefs is still a cardinal sin
When I get to Hell, I'll welcome you in
Strong faith, fellowship, worship, etc. is not bashing others for doing the very thing you spent your entire life doing. I'm not judging them for trying to make it into heaven as soon as they think they may just kick the bucket, but don't shove your Jesus down my throat, my Jesus is kind and forgiving and does not hate me for being fallible.  After all, he made me human in the first place.  I hate f'n hypocrites.
Jordan Nov 2014
Have you ever been so happy with someone?
But you hid it from your family
And one day they finally find out
After all the things with that person is over
But your family won’t drop it
And continuously bring it up
As if you did something wrong.
And stress overtakes you
And you just wanna run away…
To that person..
Because that person,
Was the only happiness in your life
But you know you can’t run to them
And you can’t run away
So you’re stuck home with your family judging you
And you cry every night.
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