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Riley Oct 2014
Please break out of your boxes.

I don’t want you to be an object in anyone’s mind.

I want you to be filled with light and ideas,

darkness and rage.

I want you to be filled with being

and with thinking

and with everything in between.

Because who you are does not belong in anyone’s box.

I may have been wrong before

our heads are not the most terrible place.

It is the boxes

created by our minds

for others

that seem to be Hell.

And I hope that you do not end up in someone else’s box.

I want you to transcend every box

you’ve ever been met with

because you are so much bigger

than anyone’s mind.
Gary Oct 2014
My words are out of disbelief
When I say what's going on
Why are we killing so much anymore
We use to be civilized
Now We Are Just Barbaric In Our Traits And Quest For *******.
Call me what you will, say what you want.
All I want is all this killing to stop
All This blame To end
All the fingers to go in for of a wave, or handshake,
Instead if a judge mental pointing
Two wrongs do not make a right
Killing humans, is not a lesson we need to teach our children
There Is No Understanding In A World Of greed.
And no room for improving our future with in moralistic judgements and fear based thoughts.
Emmanuel Sep 2014
As i walk down the hall many people i see
Different lives are lived so different are we
from each other
She's happy, he's mad
That kid is suicidal
we no not of others peoples life yet we think we do
what good does someone else's life do to yours
we are all different with different lives
He has tattoos she is well dressed
one might be extremely nice while the other
gossips of her friends
Again what does someone else life have to do with yours
is your life not exciting enough that you
must talk of someone else's
If so what a sorry life you must live.
Nickols Aug 2014
I'm tired of being judged.
It's simple.
You do not know me.
You know nothing of my life,
My struggle.
The pain,
The Joy I feel.
Nothing of my journey through the burning pits of fire.
Nothing of my lips caressing the one's I love.

Until the moment I say, "hello, it's nice to meet you," you know nothing of me.
Not the color of my eyes,
Nor the freckles decorating my skin.
The feelings and emotions flowing within my veins, are not yours to judge or own.

Keep your backward opinions to yourself.
I know who I am;
A strong, passionate woman draped in the color of red.
Lahela Jul 2014
You are as transparent as cement.
just a girl Jul 2014
they say i'm strong but at the same time weak
i fight my things and i don't let it bring me down
but yet it hurts me and makes me sad

they say i'm pretty but still not good enough
i look good and do everything right
but i still fail in the end when they judge me

they say i'm mature but still so childish
i take responsibility like a grownup
but my childhood was stolen so i act like a child now

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