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Karisa Brown Feb 2019
We were one
In a million pieces
Scattered on the floor

Before time shattered
The door

Our love
Was infinite
Or so it seemed

Now my heart is broken
And I don't know what
That means

You're still
annh Feb 2019
describes my centre
defines my true potential
infinite circles
‘We are all born naked into this world, but each of us is fully clothed in potential.’
- Emmitt Smith
shanika yrs Feb 2019


Not you, the witch
I need a hug.        
came a long way.


She knows, she does

She is not here

never mind
' be outside
that bench there
in cold

Till she comes?

© shanikayrs
Elena Feb 2019
Sometimes I sit down and think, “Is this all there is to life?”
Compartmentalize my feelings of sadness, joy, and excitement into boxes
Some of which stack higher than others and tumble down into subcategories
Times I was sad because of my period, because of school, because of ----

Other times I stand up and I don’t think, “I am completely satisfied with life.”
Because I am not
I look at cracked paint on walls and study the paths the minuscule crevices decided to take
So easily permanent and there

My head has established a tyranny of overthinking and anxiety that boxes with itself
Left, right, no left, up, maybe down, sideways, maybe
Too much to think and my brain can’t seem to understand there is still time to think
No decision has to be made about anything ever just yet not yet maybe

I understand time casts an infinite shadow
It forever runs out even though it’s nowhere near the finish line
It’s always running out
Always leaving me breathless
idk i wrote this cause im feeling anxious also procrastinating on my english homework
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 41

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Who can not bear the infinite pain of eternal love!

He can not reap the exotic fruit of eternal love!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Brooklynn Rogers Feb 2019
A million you's
Existing all at once
All different people
But still you
The you known by your ex lover
The you known by your childhood friend
The you known by a sibling
So many versions of you
That people see differently
That people see separately
You exist a thousand times through other people
Somewhere there's a you
That you might be embarrassed of
Somewhere there's a you
That you might be proud of
All of these you's
Are simply a small piece of a raw you
The you that is sitting here
Reading this
Thinking of all the you's
That people carry around with them
Allen James Feb 2019
We spend our lives
trying to fill that
which is infinite,

And then wonder
why we're so exhausted.
gray Feb 2019
They give me a reason to breath
The liquor i bleed is the manifestation of the countless nights i couldn't leave
My honor is the night sky i share with you
The stars we all whisper to know your names more than the moon
Because when my arteries throb and my lungs burn
You bury my head in the sand for protection and hand me the earth
So when i tell my words to come softly
it's because i need them to be heard
by the people i'm living for -
the ones i can't hurt
i'm tired of writing about forgotten love so this is for the real love of friendship
Justin S Wampler Jan 2019
It *****, y'know,
life & ****.
Everything *****,


But I guess
that's what makes it
good too,


It seems that
is the enemy
of emotion.

Or at least


it is.
IC Jan 2019
One cannot be without another
Some are connected
and cannot live without each other
Call it love, or more an illusion
But the feeling is real
Like an explosion of stimuli and emotions
A band that cannot be broken
And nothing that breaks the bubble
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