A fire in our hearts for our every desire
A match, some kindling or perhaps a lighter
Waiting for an incident, an accident or worse
To light them up, die out and wind up in a hearse
Death is what we dread, death is our end
You can pretend to be immortal, but you can only pretend
Life is what we cling to, our unreliable friend
But when your fire dies out, life will only send
An inferno, a tornado, circling flames
Burning deep within ever since I was made
Forced into this world, this world of chaos
Wandering the streets hoping that I'll get lost
Sometimes I look up into the sky
And burn brighter than the Sun, though I'm dark as night
Praying to God oh no, God please help me!
God save me, God you made me, God just take me!
And I hear nothing, nor do I see sign
Of He who lives above, He so divine
Abandoned by the figure who claimed to love me!
No-one left, just my fire and me, so I'll wait till I cease to be!