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catashtrophe May 2014
I wish you were here.

Or that you never left
Or that I wasn't hollow
and that my chest didn't feel ironically full
of the burning fire you left festering in there
and the
that you obliterated.
Eli H May 2014
Is it my fault that I've locked my heart in a vault away from your hands? Or is it a crime that you've broken in and reached my heart? Your personality like molten gold filled in the crevices and hollowness that covered me. Are you a miracle? Are you a miracle? Are you what I've been praying for? Because the way you look at me makes me feel a thing or two and I would love to get to know you.
Sarah May 2014
the empty words i uttered and the hollow promises i made haunt me more than the words that were lying under my skin and were waiting for me to utter them but i never did.
JP Goss May 2014
Shh…the rain cooed, calming the flood that rages
Still a concern…or was
Now placed upon the wetted soil
Transfigured, blessed in holy oils scented with cinnamon.
I grasp at the compass that Donne reassured,
Tragic to find it etched in notes
Of the Song of Swans:
It may commune beneath a firmament of birds
Yet, it seems divided in this steely sky—the color of wrathful swords—
I sniff: it smells of cinnamon.
I am drawn by the scented bliss, anointed in general
That is, with the rest,
But somehow, cologned, it’s too sweet, too new
Now a criminal to laws of ancient Hebrew.
To the iron clouds, the necks will bend,
To turn from he who smells of
That is, with the rest.
Yet, they do not smell
Nor peel back its bark lest it poison the oil
As rain poisons soil,
And ignore, as they do, when rain is to come,
The oil is fragranced evil with cinnamon.
And though I complain, clack to the mud
It, too, smells of cinnamon,
And so we’re the same.
“****” is my cry. “**** them to their hell,”
Burn the concrete buildings, tear away social offal
That, with some entreaty, seems to plague us all! Why so much Injustice?
Who are you? A God? What makes one lump of clay
A clod, the other a home? Upon the heads of refused beings
How do you stand so tall? You can’t lest your empire fails
While the seesaw of suffering hoist up the side of wails
And smoke the vital oxygen,
Scowls, the first impression
Worried not about advancing goals but living day to day,
The things that move metabolisms, world-wide, subject to pay,
Wasting our lives not in 9-to-5s but looking
And failing to find
And toting excess and praising their holders
While blaming the others born from behind
Partitions drawn in world wars started for oil
For money, for wealth, both so glutted and glutting pride a nation wide
While its cells are tinged with cancer,
Both sides of false dichotomy claiming they have the answer, to answer the question
Of recidivism, the poor and they are to live or get along, dangling the carrot so high
It goes above their dreams, and it’s so blurry that it’s hard to tell
What exactly one pursues,
Or race, religion,
Of a woman’s place in the is to see how absurd such a question should be,
Here is a question that seems appropriate: why are differences discouraged,
Who says what is better but the powers that be
Lenses shaped for us to see only those things specifically made
To make the made untouchable,
And they do it, and will not stop, we’re left with no hope
But from where pleasure is wrought: drugs and sedatives that
Blunt the mind that worries, sober, replacing them until they’re over
But without any solution; a bandage to a bandage
Since a sober mind that cognizes problems can’t possibly solve them in the same state
Of mind.
A lust for love with no genuine conception,
*******, deflowering with cold, stony hearts
Fostered in a day and age where manipulation is more inescapable means
And less insidious art,
So broken by our broken dreams and forced to walk without contention
Compromising on who we are
No struggle to help make us strong
A simple shrug to carry on,
While the most powerful blood, the fire in our veins is given, given, given
To those we think we love,
While we sit dreaming and falling in love with love
Always coddling the scars, where the blood and sinew were streaming
Until they are closed and pink, taut and empty like a drum
Still yearning to beat the same rhythm again,
Needing to learn before synchrony may happen
And two drums may beat to the other’s tune,
Feeling some pulse that holds us feet from decay
All the warmth and butterflies
Come in a zephyr smelling of fetid, carrion meat
That makes true affection
Feel like maggots in the skin
And we leave to new horizons, akin in their process:
Where they end, where they begin.
And yet we’re so weak in every regard, being the forge of our own fortress’ petard
Sade-masochists that run, run, run away
Feeling as though we’re cast to sea, waiting for the problem to deal with itself
A shining light house on a miserable horn
Hides by our back, the shore receding out, and even in the darkness
The vastness of the sea, there’s still the light cast ‘cross the sky
With the same, though fleeting, periodicity.
And I can do nothing, least, nothing of worth
Being as I am, a whiny little white boy with middle class struggles,
Well-fed, well-cared for, and some domestic unrest
But I am minor, mediocre at best,
And have never had the muscles, the mettle, put truly to the test.
So I can only complain beneath the anthill of my worries
And all my attempts to make any change are thwarted by my failings, my comfort
My life,
Doing drugs, self-medicating because it’s the best I can come up with
Spiraling beyond uncontrollable until it is no longer
Me whose spinning down to destruction,
That was something of the past
Now, I truly have nothing to grasp
And I kick and I scream and I try and I try and I try
But look in dismay at any hope I may have for people to change, yet their conduct belies
A sense or desire to be anointed enspiced
Since the general oil has seemed to suffice, and that’s not enough, but I just want some change
Some honesty, but I can’t find it, I know not what I feel
All this angst piling up, like a chapter in the life of Holden Caulfield:
He’s my ******* idol since I pressed with all this
Stupidity with no venue but complaints
And this is doing nothing, this ******* poetry, neither solving nor affording comfort
Back to me. It is art and no one cares
It has no voice, save the face-value point
And I want meaning, and so I try to make it knowing full well
The intention is demeaning, but not in my writing
Its filthy fingers touching on everything that I’d like to achieve
Legitimately, but it’s all conditioned
It’s breakdown is imminent  
If only I knew how accept
Oils scented with cinnamon.
I wish I was different, or acted upon it, instead of just ******* in the lines
Of a sonnet,
Or that others may smell of their own fragranced oils
Then trifles, then problems may seem something
Of little toil
But, but, but, where am I to go, where do I begin?
I’ve gone in circles, where I stopped I’ll start again
And I’ll never escape because…
Shh…the rain cooed, calming the flood that rages
Still a concern…or was.
In due time the sun will do as it does:
Show us what is, is soon to be what was.
The nature of me, with little consistency, is grasping for a dawn
I see it coming up
Now that I’ve smelled the breeze
Of cinnamon.
Jasmine smiles Apr 2014
He left me hollow
just like his words
He left me in the dark
To lie lifeless
In the shadows
Devoid of all light

Until the day I saw you
It was just another day until I saw you
every colors in the world is in your eyes
Everywhere you look you shine a light
my impurities are washed away in your sun
I am beautiful I am free

But now I fear
That I will awake you will be gone
Left again to feel the spear
of only a memory of your song
Keep my love
Don't make me hollow
Red Bergan Apr 2014
This fairy tale.
This myth.
It has freed me.
From his grip.

My body goes limp,
In his arms.
As the mask forms.

My body,
My heart.
My very being is changed.
Before his dark eyes.

The mask of Iridescence.
The marks of blood..
The shadowing of Ebony.

A heartless soul,
Is born.
Conquering my Gold heart.

The Hollow mask.
Is now my friend..

"She's transformed now..
Only she controls the Hollow inside."

My body arches,
As I scream and Roar.
I have become the monster,
I once destroyed.

A Hollow.
The beast you once destroy has always been there. Watching your every move.
Zainab Attari Apr 2014
It’s traumatic not knowing what to type
It’s that edgy feeling till your thoughts ripe

Its difficult to sleep in peace
I place a variety of words on a leash

I sit with a cup of coffee
With my laptop glaring at me

My mind is weakened
My soul is vacant

My cursor is blinking impatiently
And I am deleting each line repeatedly

My hearts not burning with sorrow
My heart is happy but hollow

I don’t feel anything extreme
I don’t feel generous or mean

My mind is at peace
My thoughts are at ease

And until an artist can’t feel
Their thoughts are concealed

So I need to dig in deep
And let this moderate feeling seep.

-Zainab Attari
A writer's block is the worst phase, isn't it?
Mikayla Shaw Apr 2014
As I perch by my window at night
Bathing in the moon’s soft silver light
I think of you
And wonder if you think of me too
Do I ever cross your mind
The one who left you behind
I wonder if you’re doing fine
I left you broken, desperate, and scared
Every minute, every second I wonder how you’ve faired
Sailing alone on a tumultuous sea
But think also of what you did to me
Hours to days, days to years
How often did I hold back my tears
You deserted me first, shattered, alone, and defeated
Without you there, my strength became depleted
Still unsure if you even cared
I, too, was beyond scared
I had no choice
I had to raise my voice
I held on tight
And gave one hell of a fight
But I offered you, too, salvation
If you only accepted my invitation
So forget the pain you feel this night
To stop and wonder who’s wrong and who’s right
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