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Jaicob Dec 2020
I think about you
Before I close my eyelids
And drift off to sleep.
Dreams consume my simple life-
What I wish happened-
Holding your hand in mine
Or imagining
Falling asleep in your arms.
Dreaming about the one you love...
Emanzi Ian Aug 2020
Maybe we are meant to be
Maybe we are just messing around with each other and this will be nomore before the new day comes
Maybe we are really going to really build this up to something stronger
Just a few days without a call or text makes you feel like maybe am gone,
Yet within those few days,you are constantly on my mind
Am weighing in on all the options of ensuring that this really turns out perfect
And yet we are not perfect
We are just humans
I just wish I could find the exact words to express how I feel about you and how you make me feel
Maybe then,you'd not be worried at all by episodes of silence
I don't wish to hurt you at all
I just wish to make you feel cared for and really loved
Please give me directions and guidance on how you wish to be loved
Guide me on your expectations of a caring partner
I am a good learner and ready to put in practice what you teach me
What am sure about though is,
I am ready to see to it that  this what we are both willing to build together blossoms
With patience and tolerance for each other's shortcomings with understanding,
We can really have some so beautiful together
Afterall,our hearts seem to have a clear  language between them.
Close your eyes and hold my hand.
Zack Ripley Apr 2020
It's a scary time.
A time where there's a lot
we don't understand.
We can't even take each other's hand.
But I don't need to hold your hand
To make me feel safe.
Just one look in your eyes
Is all it takes.
Mel Jan 2020
It’s dark in here,
And what I thought would shelter me,
Only highlights my doubts.
Now, there’s nowhere to run.

Piercing screams wake me,
Raging thoughts that keep clawing at my mind.
Of course, I know I am not asleep.
So, I ask for it to stop.

I just want it to stop.
And I don’t like the spotlight—
The burning brightness in my mind,
Only rage can pierce the night sky.

But I can’t close my eyes,
For, once my lashes fall,
So will my breath—
Only, it won’t rise like the sun.

Sometimes I think I’m too far gone,
Then a hand appears on my shoulder,
And even though I shrug it off,
It persists at my side.

And that hand keeps me steady,
When the world starts swaying too fast.
When the monsters in my head won’t stop—
The hand never lets go.

And in those moments, I feel safe.
Like the strongest winds wouldn't stand a chance;
Like no one would care if I slipped up,
Not even me.

It is that hand that finally pulls me out.
That hand of undying friendship,
One that will guide me to the light
Even after befriending the night.

That hand that doesn’t give up,
Because it knows it can lend out some light.
Even if it leaves itself with only darkness,
The hand will do it anyways.

Jolan Lade May 2019
Please hold my hand as we step out of my dream
Please hold my hand and follow me through the portal from sleep into reality with me
Please don't be a dream
Jennifer West Feb 2019
Please don't take another
Bite of my tortured soul
I don't think I can take
Another second more

Please don't look through me
When I'm right here
I know I'm not much to you
But I don't want to disappear

Please don't leave me withered
And out here alone to die
I've had enough of love
So just hold my hand one last time
Jann F Nov 2018
open your eyes,
reality kicks in
salty tears running down my face and
I'm about to drown in this beautiful sea

swimming in the tears, i swear i could hear
a whisper in my ears
thats your voice, that keeps me up

i dont wanna drown,
i just wanna be alive
looking in your beautiful brown eyes
to feel your security in my bones

rescue me, im begging you
catch my hand and pull me out
out of this water, made from my own mistakes
pull me out, please, i don't wanna be here anymore
dear reader, its all about your mental strength so keep it in your beautiful mind and be careful.
Lore and Legend Aug 2018
Dear Brother of mine, so far away
I think of you tonight as I kneel down to pray
Of your sorrow beyond words, of your heart fairly broken
Of how you feel "He" has drawn away love's token

Dear Brother of mine, my heart for you grieves
As the hope that seemed once to dwell in you leaves
I will not pretend your life has been easy
As so many "Christians" claim their lives are all breezy

Dear Brother of mine, I know grief in my own way
And so for your heart tonight I shall surely pray
May these prayers of mine be a warm hand to hold
As you suffer doubt in a world so cold
This poem is dedicated to all my brothers and sisters in the Faith that need a reminder that they are not alone. Love and peace to you all!
I thought we were simple,
and I thought we were capable.
I thought we could work,
but I feel like a ****.
I thought I could be,
that girl you would marry.
Now, here, I don’t even want to be.
I don’t want to be the one
holding your hand
and saying it’s okay.
I’d rather fight my demons
on my own
in my solitude.

— The End —