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Zani Jul 2017
This Hypnotic suggestion
Is shaking the shift above
The electronic connection
Negating us from looking wide
If you ask the question
You only have to look it up
So we forget reflection

Seek that connection in time
No one will ever ask why

We have been
Become so disconnected from our love
I know
Its easy to get lost with all we know
Be free
Begin to reconnect and come alive
The time comes for us to go home
When we go back to love

I’m sick of propagated confusion
Spreading vibrant illusion
To escape this contusion of the life we lead.
People dealing with people instead of loving each other
When that’s all you ever need when you come out your mother

She went through what we went through
So that you could rejoice
The fact she made a pact with man,
To land a place in samsara
Where we experience dharma
Let us remember that our purpose
Is to manifest our spirit karma
But we forget

Beware the others who are counting on amnesia
Pushing chemicals inflicting mass hysteria
Through the numbing of our patience and
Our sovereign state of being supreme
Placing all our sacred natural knowledge under lock and key

Do you follow me?
That through unity  
We start
To heal
One world

Let me ask you what on earth you’re going to do about it?
We should be asking sacred vessel what it needs to drop
This luggage stopping you from oscillating
Oh so eloquently frequently
To the point where grace can be achieved
To guide the life we lead

It Is being lumbered upon you
Through miseducated passing
Of convenient knowledge
Made to confine truth
To a political happening
Not a spiritual fastening
Between siblings borne apart and
Then taught to compete
But should we be working together
With our holy conscience tethered
To compassion, love and tolerance, forgiveness
All these parts will build a loving society
Where the meek are made stronger and
The stronger seek wisdom for sustainable ecology

Do you follow me now?
That through unity  
We start
To heal
One world

Dream to be free
Of all mind obsession
Together we breach
Another dimension

Seek that connection in kind
Its all that we need to survive

Here we are
In the moonlight wind together
We face the pain we see
With hearts’ desire
We made this love
To shine above
The darkness of this world
The time comes for us to go home
When we go back to love

Serendipity brought planetary saviours
Ready to fight the curse
That wrote this act we rehearse  
Generating a familiar scenario
Where those who choose can make love but
Once they do they have to go
Because the basis of our system is ******
We won’t go any further
Until we stop this mass destructive suffering
Based on greed until we burst

Will you be driving the hurst?  
Through these secular streets?
Will you reap the benefit of a societal need for closure?
For disclosure
Of all injustice bought and carried out in your name it should give you nausea
For it is you that is responsible
It is we who choose the lives we save and those we don’t.

We shall do away with regiment sacristy
This living force we cannot see around us
Hums of superhuman energy
Which we can tap into with nurture
Through nature
Through living action
Putting time aside
For what lies in our childrens' future

So make a change
It might feel strange
You will feel pain
But for our own sake
Lets aim to raise game
Of universal gratitude
A whole new attitude
This one loving mind
Eradicate world solitude

Hear me now!
That through unity  
We start
To heal
One world
A new song I am working on. Have you ever thought about the dichotomy of technology  connecting us so much more mentally to the detriment of tactile emotionally significant experiences?

Find the music on my Soundcloud account here:
Helen Baker Jul 2017
I fell in love with the boy with hot chocolate eyes and long coffee lashes.

The boy who strums his guitar by day and writes stories by night.

I fell in love with the boy whose heart is made of gold and classic cars.

The boy whose kisses are a mix of  sugar and ecstasy.

But most importantly the boy I fell in love with fell in love with me too.
all for you Jul 2017
​i love you
but you'll never look at me
like you look at her
or your guitar
or your nephew
but i will learn to love myself
like i've done before
and look at myself
the way i wanted you to
George Anthony Jul 2017
my hands are always shaking
but never when i play my guitar,
fingers always trembling
unless they're tapping frets and bars

always have the shivers
'cept when my baby's on my knee.
i've always been unstable;
she's the only love that makes me steady
Scarlet Niamh Jun 2017
Wrap your arms around me
and trace circles
along my spine
with the soft skin
on your strumming hand.
~~ Peace, at last. ~~
William Lee Jun 2017
In the corner
rarely used  
these days,

Once was my
strongest crutch.
Rounded wooden box,

A hole beneath
the metal strings
capture their vibration.

Though struggles  
staying in tune,
when it does...

Beautiful, harmonic
whispers flow,
timid and sweet.

Waiting patiently,
I should use
the wisdom offered.

A name of
a company  
once respected,

Long forgotten.
Like my father,
what remains:

The proud letters
unaware of time,
humble origins.

So I pick up
again and play.
Fingers find

Old homes.
Just tourists at
childhood streets.
Nostalgia  dances
on the sidewalk,
somber tease.

Youth played
with a vigor,
assertive​ and strong.

Now each note
stutters of hesitation,
fearing mistakes.

I've been better.
I started worse.
Nostalgia smiles regardless.

Sounds of wood
and metal continue
resonating in me.

I don’t remember  
every scale.
Still, I'll always

Know the major
lessons and minor
chords; ingrained.

He seems to be
proud of that.
proud of me.
shakti iyer Jun 2017
~Wanna watch you play
your guitar,

so so mellifluous.

stare at your lips singing
for me.

sitting on the floor with
my hands on my knees

the sense of moment
so ineffable

and then,
I forget oblivion.~
hello, i wrote this out of imagination one morning.
i wanna make this  to reality.
Sally A Bayan Jun 2017
Once upon a time,
i had a book i read nightly....without fail.
t'was a compendium of impossible dreams,
big plans, summaries of late night talks
on "long-shots-but-worth-a-try," stuff,
...our very own fairy tales, where we
wished for magic wands and wings,
written on nights when sleep was elusive,
when bottles of cold beer had lost their effect.
talks were fingers grew tired, for,
my guitar wept with sad songs....t'was then
i learned to pour martini...into my coffee.

lost my guitar one day, got busted....but, life's
many notes and tunes, played on with time.
eclipses shaded the already dimmed horizon,
floods ruined boxes of souvenirs...stamped,
handwritten...with ribbons of silver and gold...
people died, some left...some fell out of love,
moved near the mountains, others left their
preferred milieus...for uncomfortable zones...

the moon, looking down from mountaintops,
was a witness to tears...of sufferings,
.....realization, and of acceptance.

when nights refused to end,
when the howling of distant dogs, echoed
and shattered the stillness of the night,
i question marked our tales with suspended
endings...tore off  unfulfilled, hopeless pages,
i crossed out those with "no forever afters,"
only a few pages were, i began
creating new plots......and new settings
i added new characters, and new twists,
all written in the midst of unholy hours
.......til a new dawn....proclaimed itself...
to this day,
i write my own fairy tales, with no beer, definitely
i still have my night coffee...though sans martini could be black, or with its mating cream,
....and all the dark curves and swirls, in between...
"a long shot, but worth a try," it may seem,
...yet, i do wish, i could put some sugar and cream
......upon everyone's dark, and bitter coffee...


Copyright June 6, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(This is the shortest I could make of
   this poem...i apologize....)
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