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Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
Sueño con una Navidad correcta y alegre
Nunca sueño con una Navidad blanca o nevada
Es muy resbaladizo y traicionero cuando nieva
Para ir a la iglesia uso zapatos de cuero
Y es fácil caerse y lastimarse
No quiero romper tu corazón
Al decir que esa blanca Navidad
No es un momento divertido o alegre. Pero la misa de medianoche
Por supuesto, es un momento feliz. Me encantan los villancicos
La música góspel, las decoraciones y cuando doblan las campanas
Me encanta una Navidad cálida y alegre en el estado del sol, en Florida
Donde sea seco, atractivo y agradable. Es como tener una cita
Con la Madre Naturaleza. El clima no es malhumorado ni sombrío
Los niños juegan con sus regalos y todos parecen felices
No sueño con una Navidad blanca o nevada
¡Oh, Jo, Jo, Jo! Me encanta una Navidad correcta y alegre.

PD. Traduccíon de ‘ A Right And Jolly Christmas’ por Hébert Logerie

Copyright © diciembre de 2023, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados.
Hébert Logerie es autor de varias colecciones de poemas.
showyoulove Dec 2024
We are called out for the mission
To give of love without condition
Some are called to the foreign land
But all are to be his feet and hands
Where words fall silent, love speaks
To find a home is what the heart seeks
Our own homes can be the mission field
Our towns and communities to be healed
Preach with conviction, with peace, not rage
The voice of a prophet and wisdom of a sage
They will see your joy and how it is portrayed
In the face of persecution, you stand unafraid
If they question, they are open
If they are open turn them not away
Pray for them and with them
I will break their hearts of stone
Until they beat for me alone
Each of us has a mission should we accept it
Something to reach out right where we are
At work, in town, or riding in your car
Each gifted uniquely for a special role
And what a gift to uplift another human soul
To care for the widows and orphans
The forgotten and the oppressed
The stranger and the refugees
To work and know the work is blessed
Each of us is on a mission to do the work of God
Just don't expect the whole world to applaud
Sow the seeds of faith and hope
The seeds of charity and love
The wisdom of God was spoken
Like an echo from above
Inspired in part by Emily and The Goodwill
A poem,
Is a little story,
You write on little paper.
Sometimes it rhymes,
Sometimes it doesn't.

A poem,
Is a song,
That the singer was too hurt to sing aloud.
Sometimes it's mortal and sad,
Sometimes it's the irony of walking out of a flood thirsty.

A poem,
Is a prayer,
One that the author begs you to hear.
Sometimes it will save your soul,
Sometimes it will save another's.

A poem,
Is a gift,
So you should treat it as one.
Sometimes you will receive one,
Sometimes you won't.

A poem,
Is a curse,
So be warry if you steal one.
Sometimes it will come back to bite you,
Sometimes it will just leave you fearing the possibility it would.

A poem,
Is a poet,
And those who are poets, are poetry.
Sometimes they strive for fame,
Sometimes they leave their work in random places under random names.

A poem,
Is a call in the night,
That echoes into the ears of those who are hurting.
Sometimes it heals them,
Sometimes it guides them to healing.

A poem,
Is optional,
But those who read them won't regret.
Sometimes we can't bear to read poems,
Sometimes we can only bear to read poems.
A little longer, but it's hard to capture beauty in few words. Hope you enjoy!
Francie Lynch Dec 2024
This time of year,
When trees go bare
And snow covers our ground,
I come down
With a seasonal disease...
Weeks prior to Christmas Eve.

The onset is a distant twinkle
Shimmering in the deep;
That gives me such a nuanced twitch...
I itch to hang a wreath.

And when I sneeze,
I'm joyfully pleased
To shop for such and stuff.
I horde it in a secret place,
Then worry I've not enough.

When my muscles get tired and weak,
My back gets bent and sore,
When my body starts to sweat...
I await the seasonal cure.

I'll run a fever, hullucinate,
Take to my bed and wait.
Don't present me meds,
Don't ring me up a nurse,
I'll protest and rave.
This winter ailment,
This gifting curse,
My present proclivity,
Will only break
Come Christmas morn.
Oh Come, Oh Come Nativity.
Anais Vionet Dec 2024
Already back in class.
Wow, the Holidays went fast.

Wasn’t Black Friday great?
‘Bargains,’ make my heart race
and the Internet’s my kind of place.
I can dead-on shop this time of year,
shamelessly, without the fear
that someone will be judging me.
I make some ‘passing effort’ to be frugal,
that’s what ‘black Friday’ sales are for—and google.
I bought my suitemates those techie gifts, to guarantee,
that they’ll meet with their approval.
A Christmas playlist for this:
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 11/30/24:
Frugal = careful about spending money
showyoulove Dec 2024
How deep is your love (for me)?
That stretches from sea to shining sea
How much higher than the mountains
Streams of life flowing down from endless fountains
How deep is your love for me?
It's a little overwhelming this Endless Love
To feel the weight of your glory falling from above
I am swept forward in this flood of grace amazing
Even now, ever new trails, my heart is blazing
One thing leads to another
And pretty soon I will discover
Rarely, are things as simple as it seems
For now, I'm in a place far beyond my wildest dreams
"How much do you trust me?"
"How deep is your love for me?"
Says the Lord, God of Hosts
It is in Christ's abundant mercy that my spirit boasts
We are playing now for high stakes
It's not a gamble when it's for souls' sake
Never was a time when the stakes have been higher
It is of critical importance, the situation is dire
Sometimes I marvel at your perfect timing
But I still need, at times, your gentle reminding
That Your generosity and love will not be outdone
And I would ask, Lord, let's keep having fun
May I disappear in you as you increase
And may the joy and wonder never cease
Written on day 49 of a 48 day challenge between me and God when I was raised to write another week and from there another 50 days after. The end result of the challenge was more than 250 writings in 2019.
bucketb0t Nov 2024
White and Red
Christmas is all about Buckethead
Wonky bucketbots loyal helping-hand
Shred gift of magical BucketheadLand

Buckethead... seasonless Santa
Metaphorically & Literally
Especially Musically
A poem dedicated to Buckethead's live concerts, and how he shares and exchanges gifts during his shows. There's no need for a special occasion, especially when it comes to his music, the most humble person I can think of.
showyoulove Nov 2024
God right now I could use a hug
And a fresh hot cup of coffee in a mug
Won't you wrap me snugly in your wings
And call to mind such heavenly things
The road is hard the road is tough
I'm losing my mind, my patience and other stuff
Lord, hold me close to your chest
And there, let me stay and rest
A God hug is just what I need
Though it is with reluctance I concede
Sometimes, I'm not as strong as I think
And I need your love to pull me back from the brink
Sometimes a God hug is all it takes
And Lord what a difference it makes!
Let me be with you in silence and peace
That as I decrease you might increase
Let me learn from you and lean on you
Where I can find a love so pure and true
And when I struggle to bear my cross
Remind me that not everything is loss
By your gifts, you strengthen me
To become who I was made to be
When I lift others up, you lift me up as well
And my burden is easier, I can tell
So, help me serve and do your will
To sow the seeds of faith and so instill
A firm foundation of faith to follow
But with love, so my words are not hollow
And so, once more, with a kiss and embrace
I am comforted and strengthened by His grace

God, some days I could really use a hug from you. Maybe today is one of those days. I run into your waiting loving arms ad there I rest, I cry, I need someone to listen or tell me it's going to be okay. Help me take a few moments out of my crazy day to get a hug from you and continue moving forward. By your Holy Spirit, reveal to me something that I could do to be a God hug for someone else. Help me count my blessings and use the charisms (gifts) you gave me to do your will for others as we, in turn, find ours lifted as well. Amen
showyoulove Nov 2024
Turn it on, turn it up, let's start tonight
Spirit grow, let it flow, we are the light
So let us shine and let us stand
We representin' Son of God and Son of Man
How you gonna shine for the world to see
Are you gonna let that light go free?
We are radiating illuminating
We love in a world used to hating
We were made to spread love like fire
Testify and, by your life, you'll inspire
A turnaround a turning back
Of hearts astray again on track
So, the question is this: the question remains
How can I shine in my own special way
And add a little color to a world painted gray?
How can my light, however flawed
Reflect the most perfect light of God?
Take your little light and offer it up
As a sacrifice of love and praise
He will bless the gift and multiply
Do what you can and let God amaze
On every occasion use the gifts you're given,
They were made to be shared not hidden
showyoulove Nov 2024
All have been given different God-given gifts
To choose to use to grow to show
The love that we receive and the faith that we believe
To bring His kingdom down right here right now
To change the world, to change the lives
To change our very hearts and minds
To speak and act and think and pray
To make the most of every single day
Let His light shine through you
That you glow for someone who
Was lost and wandering
Someone searching for something
And maybe your gift and offering
Is what picks them up off the ground
And turns their whole world upside-down
You could be the answer God sends
Upon your loving "yes" a soul's fate depends
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