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joel jokonia Oct 2017
my friend you the worst friend
i dont know why we friends

how could my best friend be the worst friend
arent worst and best opposites

but still my best friend is still my worst friend
tayarose Oct 2017
I've been a mommy's girl ever since I was born
And when you broke my heart
My love for you never quivered, not once did it warn
I though at least you picked up the pieces
but you didn't, It felt like I pick up thousand thorns
Not once did I blame you for what he did to me
Even though your the reason why he did it
Not once did you try to make him quit

It's been 2 years now
And I've completely cut you out,I'm unwrapped from your finger
I learned i'm not no servant,I don't need to bow
but when you did you made me feel worthless
I wanted to die
And I tried
God show me I had purpose
So did my dad
Thank God for that man, Even though you hate him
I love him to the death of me
and you know that, I can see it in your eyes
I can see the hatred you have me
I already you knew had for me
but it was hidden
Now it's being hurled at me

Still my love for you hasn't quivered
cause you are my mom
Forever will be
Linked by blood
But never my mother by the rules of my heart
read it slow
Alaska Sep 2017
I often catch myself
worrying about me
                  that's how you know
                             I must be
                             ****** up.
It's okay though,
                 i'll be fine..
one day.
saranade Sep 2017
The closer I get to being done
The more I see a bed at home
A bed alone
It's made of sticks and stones
Each night it breaks my back bones
I get so ****** up when I'm alone
It's so ****** up
That I find someone.

The people will always show
Not once but twice in a row
Alignment perfectly chronological
Calloused and shallow
When they are illogical
Waving words so psychological
Psychologically ****** up
It's so ****** up
That I found them at all

For a moment I'm special
So quickly I'm gone
Your feelings grew strong
With misplaced infatuations along
I've been doing this dance so long
I should know when I'm done wrong
Skipping and singing along
It's so ****** up
I've memorized the lyrics to this song
A day in the life
Ammar Aug 2017
There are a million questions in my head
ever since she left
I keep pondering upon the answers

is she ever coming back?
will she call me again?
will she move on?
will she get over me?
why won't she answer?

stuff like that when i'm drunk

but mostly
Is she okay?
Is she healthy?
Is she eating right?
Is she still insecure about her body?
Is she being treated right?

and then there are times
when i think about her questions
what would she be wondering

no she isn't thinking if i am okay
is she thinking about me at all
oh yes she is....
she asked me a question once
and she didn't want my poetic *******
I don't write too great anyway
I never answered it

my answer wouldn't be nice
but it would be honest
and my answer would be
what I'd want her answer to be
to my question
"will you marry me in 4....when its all over?"

she never said "yes"
just jumped on her bed ecstatically happy
then reality kicked in
and her answer was more like a "maybe maybe not"

once again leaving me thinking
leaving me to the misery of my heart
leaving me as a prisoner of my mind
and a prisoner to her love

point being


i do miss the **** out of you
Wouldn't undo a promise
"kia maine aapke saath zulm kia"
Vale Luna Aug 2017
I'm fifty-one shades of ****** up
And thirty-two flavors of freak
Every instinct I have is corrupt
Including the words that I speak

I'm one hundred and one crazy dogs
And sixty-nine perverts in one
My existence goes against all odds
But the list is nowhere near done

There's thirteen reasons why I cry
And ninety-nine problems I've got
One of them’s the way I long to die
And the way my insides rot

I'm four seasons of misunderstood
And seven layers of bad luck
Cuz the bad always shoves out the good
So why should I give a ****?!

There's six, six and six demons I hold
From fifty-two weekly mistakes
My secrets are often always told
So I get used to the heartbreak

I'm two hundred and twelve wildfires
With three point one four percent logic
I only have primal desire
So the rest of me is toxic

I'm fifty-one shades of ****** up
And thirty-two flavors of wild
I've gone beyond the normal “corrupt”
And beaten Christian Grey’s style.
For my 50 Shade fans!
BladeRunner Aug 2017
That smile
you threw at me
that ****** me up

Was it on purpose
or just kind

but so beautiful and deep

and how I wished it was for me

My day was going just fine
until you smiled
AB Jul 2017
You knew I was broken
You knew I couldn't take more loss
You knew I was holding to you
Like a drowning man
Clinging to driftwood.

And still you left me.

You said I was needy
You said I was clingy
You said I wasn't strong enough alone
You said it was my fault.

And you said those things with ease.

Well it's been a while.
And I thought I'd get better.
But I didn't.
You ****** me up...

Or maybe I did that to myself.
They say not to be stuck in the past but for me I just don't know how to move past those thoughts
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