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Jaylyn Jun 2017
G etting used to the fact that no matter how much we try to talk, you aren't really there
O nly way I can cope is by writing this
N ever would have thought that you would be silent
E very time I was under the impression that you were ok
W hen I asked how I could help, I let you work it out
I n a constant loop
T ired of constantly being sad all the time
H esitant about letting you know how much you hurt me
T entative about telling you what I should have told you that day
H onsetly wondering how I haven't cried every night
W ondering what would have happened if we worked it out
I ndecisive about standing up for myself or just giving up
N ever have been this low in my life
D oubt that you made the right decision leaving me
Zero Nine Mar 2017
When all the water has left
the dry Earth will sing to Sky
Return, please, return!
Both the stone pulling
and the void pulling
like to kiss in the middle
of war. Scorched turns to damp
in the end, providing our
diligence and duty to life.
It's shameful the water goes
now when such destruction
hangs in the near distance.
Diligence may no more undo
the damage, for the time
has gone as well.
josh wilbanks Mar 2017
"You only miss me when you're ******"
Like i only breath when i sleep
Or how i'm only smart at school

I don't miss you cause i'm ******
I miss you because i love you
I'm not stupid enough to tell you sober
Used to being down ;
not used to smelling **** piles close to the ground
Its funny
cuz usually i find their hand and hand
Fragile as the castle that you firmly built from sand ;
outside rigid like the horn of a rhino
Always wit Marry never really was a whino
sitting in the trees as he watched his brothers time fold
Eyes closed during violations of his minds home...

Tryna set my devils free
all though it seems without em i would not exist as me
Hands in the air like im looking for the savior
my chains are invisible affecting my behavior
Eating very little as it hasn't been my nature
struggling to find a better suiting nomenclature..
Death-throws Jan 2017
I dropped  the ****
Woops, hey now  I haven't touched your speed.
Slow down,
The codines around
Don't frown, the acid will make me into a clown
Lost now,
I'm running around
10 miles off the ground
But I'll come down
I allways do
The drugs never last as long as you do
So let the  heynas hackle  from the street side
I may be ****** up but I'm not the one whos dead inside
*******. **** your fear of my  problems.  
**** your  "passion" for solving them
I am who I've made myself and if your going to **** with a man who's gotten to where he is solely from his determination to succeed through hardship
Your going to have to try harder
Stanley Wilkin Nov 2016
When the sea rolled in
I knew we were ******!
It came in like an express
Snorting, snarling, inconsiderate
Blowing everyone away.
I survived. Clinging to a tree.
I watched my friends
Wallow away in sea-water.
Maddy Van Buren Oct 2016
falling through cracks
living alone
knowing I needn't take you back
the hurt is the same
withstanding quiet disapproval
forgetting you want to get away
for a moment you are mine
the moment is fading
you've never said to me the right line
I've wanted to love you for so long
I'll do anything, anything
to make you want me this long
Kerstin Oct 2016
I can feel the numbness
It pulses in my lips
I pinch my hips
To see if I still exist
I can't breath
Maybe I'm just suffocating
The air won't pull in  
My chest rises and falls
But nothing gets pulled in
Im suffocating in the darkness
That I created
From my own stupidity
The world is not ending
But my world is pulling away
Taking the air I breath with him
I'm left out in space
But there are no stars
It's the emptiness
I carved out around me
With bleeding hands
I can't breath
I can feel the numbness
It pulses in my lips
I feel the grace of fingertips
I try to latch on
I weigh a ton
Will my world hold on
After all my stupidity
Will he give me air to breath
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