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Eva Apr 2019
I tip-toe on this balance beam of security,

Eyes straight; not focused on what's surrounding me.

Such a delicate situation I'm in,

I wonder... If I fall, will that be a predicament?

Cause falling doesn't mean I don't win,

If an ocean of You is what I'm falling in.
lovely Mar 2019
the stolen kisses,
the flirting,
the looks
and the lust.
we had it all.
we were the recipe for fun.
and we did have fun,
then you got a girlfriend.
and i was stuck with feelings,
feelings that i didn’t recognize until it was too late.
My folding fan
Opens wide.
And covers the smile
I'm trying to hide.
Bethany M P Mar 2019
I believed in love I believed in you,
Till you pushed my limits now I’m almost through,
But then I think maybe I deserve this pain,
I’m not worth it so I should stay in this lane,
It continues the pain the hurt,
When you cheated it was more then a flirt,
But I’m supposed to forgive you and just feel better,
And here I am writing this depressing letter,
Nothing grand to sweep me off my feet,
No pretty red rose pedals on the sheet,
Nothing to make up for the pain you placed in me,
Nothing for my sad eyes to see,
So I lean against the door of escape that could set me free,
But that’s the closest I’ll get to ever flee...
GRAVE27 Mar 2019
Your smile...
Keep me alive
Keep me able to go through
Even the coldest night
The hottest day
Like a stars dancing in the universe
Please watch me
As i'm trying to match your light
Even though your light
Is something one could'nt beat
To be able to witness such beauty
The way you look at me
Tell me a word
That clearer than any language
When you look me in the eye
I'm so high i could fly
When i met your eyes
I feel an overwhelming love
Your brighter than a moonlight
Brighter than any stars i've seen
Beautifuller than anything i've seen
Warmer than anything
You make me comfort
You make me calm
You are everything i need
You complete me
I thank god for guving me
The most beautiful blessing
You're perfect
I love you
Dedicated to my beautiful girl
ClawedBeauty101 Jan 2019
A stranger came up to me and said to my face
"I just want to say that you're pretty." My emotions, he tried to persuade

Is that all you got? Is that all you see?
An image that is pleasing and beautiful to your eyes? Is that me?

An object to complement, admire, and then leave behind?
You didn't ask how I am, if I'm okay, or say anything to comfort my mind

I can't stand men...
Because to most of them

I am a shadow of a statue they wish to see
But will never get... I was not created to appease

...Don't get me wrong, it was a sweet compliment, but I would much rather receive it from someone who is of the Lord and means every bit of what he says because he doesn't see an image or an object. BUT A PERSON WHO THEY WILL LOVE AND CHERISH FOREVER NO MATTER WHAT I DO
she waited for the flirt
he promised he would write
poem equals her smart

he wrote nothing
he gave her white and sang
without voice he moved

his lips as he sang
she screamed and said," wht a worst!"
he ssaid,"Nothing equals your beauty

except that white appear as a day
telling the world you are shine
as the sun faces the earth to get fine

plant in green as your eye
the write to one who we loves, needs great suffer
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