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CIN Sep 2022
Pack your things in a box painted blue
In a shoe box you found in the back of the closet
Your school bag and the purse your sister loved
We are leaving behind the memories
Leave these cold nights and drive through the woods
Find a lake to drown in and throw your family picture in too
Get out of the water still breathing
Still just barely alive
We can kiss under the stars
Love in the night as we leave everything we once knew
Home doesn't have to be a place
And it sure as hell isn't a person
But maybe the feeling you give me is
Lets thrive on nothing my dear
We can be more than just our family
Become the stars with me
I'd like to burn
i'm back in school again, i wrote this in history class sitting next to quite possibly the most beautiful stranger I've ever seen.
Simon Piesse Sep 2022
We thank you for our Queen,
For all that she has been!
By generations seen
As steadfast and serene.

Strong champion of the Arts,
She played so many parts,
Although our mourning starts,
She’ll live on in our hearts.

She counselled countless politicians,
Showed a loving disposition,
‘Service not self’ remained her position,
The Christian faith, her life-long mission.

She walked with the rich;
She talked with the poor;
She re-formed a nation
Broken by war.

Her Christmas messages
And kaleidoscopic dresses
Gave us hope,
Took away our distresses.

Above all, though she led our nation
She stayed down to earth, our special relation.
Now her train has left our station
We offer our humble adulation.

We thank you for our Queen,
For all that she has been!
By generations seen
As steadfast and serene.
Carl Sinderby Sep 2022
A child is pure and shines in love,
Pure in love and happiness,
They don't know hate or greed,
They take knowledge from those who think best,
A child with love takes flight,
A child with problems must fight,
Beautiful child be everything you want to be,
A child must live life free,
A child changes people,
Come now child let's discover happiness together,
A child.
Carl Velasco Sep 2022
I am counting the number of days
since I last talked to my mother;

not to worry, we have not been okay
my entire life, so this is not anything new

by the stretch of the imagination.
It’s funny, that phrase—imagination like

a rubber band, and a million versions of us
in between going farther away as you

stay in your end of the deal, and as do I.
Mother, I wish you used the same material

to make my umbilical cord, so even
after my many falls, I could snap right back.

But you did not. The cord was connective tissue
and errands and the relief of not having period

pain for nine months yet the impending
astronomical event of having a whole new

body to feed, to recognize as your own,
a spitting image of that ancestral buildup

you know well: the never making something
of your life, the token of You and Papa’s

foolishness, barely thirtysomethings yet
fates already sealed. When the doctor

cut through my only tether to you,
no one knew from then on I would be

on my own, and it would take seventeen
more years for me to know that. I am

counting the number of days you will
waste thinking there will ever be

a way to ******* back to you.
leolewin Sep 2022
Life's now fleeting moments with you
Flow through my mind like a whirl pool.

The minutes we think last forever, on a cycle which will never cease to exist, drastically come to a stop with no announcement.

The silence of your voice is infinite, bringing uncontrollable tears to my eyes. What I would do to say goodbye. One last hug, one last laugh, one last season in the garden, one last cheers of our glass. What I would do to make those moments last a life time.

To My Nonna, my Nonno -  Ti voglio bene asi... asi...asi

The knowledge, wisdom, kindness and love you have given me will live on forever through me. Thank you for everything, this is only goodbye for now. Until next time.

I love you.
For my Nonna & Nonno
Odd Odyssey Poet Aug 2022
The same blood you have, is also a curse to have!
I should be glad, but I'm mad as the one dealing
with the pride of some forefathers dad.

I was taught not to place all of my blame on
how my parents had raised me.
But I can't keep blaming myself; as if they'll praise me.
I often grew up wondering what actual resemblance I
had of my dad.

The last born nobody knew, the other son all the relatives
thought was just some random nephew.
The family picture felt too big for me to be noticed in it's frame.
I felt as a son; but only a son by just the family's name.

Seems I wasn't born the same.

All the first impressions of thinking my mother
was just my aunty. Thinking I was adopted by relatives,
because my real family didn't really want me.

"Maybe I was switched at birth," I thought to myself.
We all could be walking on the same ground,
doesn't mean we're all so down to Earth.

I guess I was buried in it,
for constantly being the one to take up the family's dirt.

The theory of a twin, who died in the womb.
I've felt so incomplete. Missing the other half to make me fit.
Hoping I had died that time as a baby; when I had my first fit.

But to my twin up in Heaven I hope you're keeping that space
for both of us. By the chance my sins get ahead of me,
Could I get into Heaven by the chance of your luck?

To my father on Earth, I grew up wondering if I was ever
the son you wanted, or the one you deserved.
Maybe I secretly got on your nerves, as I felt the
disappointment in those many cuss words.

To my mother in church, I'm not your little boy anymore.
Neither that daughter you treat me as.
My manhood to peers, seemed so poor. And yet I'm the ear
that listens to all of your words, but not the mouth to tell
you my many truths by the galore.

To my brothers by name, we all knew we were never the same.
But as life went in one direction, I was the child who went
the other way. I can remember all of those harsh words
you often said. As if I'm tasting them all from too many past

To my sister I never had, life could of been easier if you
were the child the family actually had.
That's all I can say, because that's all that I have.


The Black sheep.
indi Aug 2022
Every other year, this reunion. All my life.
My uncle opens the door, trying to hug me-
I no longer oblige the way I did years ago,
stepping aside as he hugs my grandmother.

He awkwardly gestures us in.
The family sits on the sofas,
unease sifting underneath the carpet,
an undercurrent we pretend isn’t there.

Some things everyone agreed on, like
ignoring our ***** laundry,
pretending that it’s- we’re- okay
for grandma’s sake.

No one has forgotten.
My cousins stir their drinks,
stare at their nails,
barred from the teenage escape of phones tonight.
They’re younger than me-
not by much.
I always wonder if we’d be closer if I lived here
Probably not.

Even after all these years,
I still feel like I’m the only one who can sense her sadness.
She had history she doesn’t know I know about.
Her eyes sometimes catch on my uncle,
and each time it looks like she wants to say something heart wrenching
but instead, she averts her gaze and keeps her mouth shut.
I wonder what she would say if she tossed all caution into the wind
blowing away like ashes.

Meanwhile, my uncle bears the weight of conversation
somehow making it all about him.
No one actually wants to hear about his business,
his newest spiritual awakening
(Roman Catholic this time)
a once-every-seven-years occurrence.

I wish I could go back to when I didn’t know who he truly was.
Before he spit vileness at my childhood self,
before he attempted an apology over my grandfather’s dying body.

My grandfathers absence haunts this house
his books in corners
his chair my uncle so casually sits in.
He died in this room,
looking out on the fields sitting in front of our windows.
My uncle may have been his son,
but my grandfather would always tell me
there’s no one more special to me than my daughter’s daughter.

I sometimes wish I could forgive my uncle,
move on a happy family,
stay in their guest room and drink eggnog in front of a fire on cold Oregon nights.

But as I look at him divulging his oh-so-dramatic life stories,
I feel rage.
A hell inside me-
the kind he prays he will never experience.
I sit there and let it bubble, never too close to the surface,
and sit through the rest of the night
tucking away time into my pocket until they leave.
inspired by blood by margaret ross
HTR Stevens Aug 2022
On a hill far away from the city
In a beautiful distant galaxy,
Live a boy and a girl so happily...
Daddy he loves Mummy
Mummy she loves Daddy
Daddy he loves Mummy
Mummy she loves Daddy.
Where the stars like glitter forever shine,
Where the rivers bubble with rose red wine,
While on sweet apples and oysters they dine,
Daddy he loves Mummy
Mummy she loves Daddy
Daddy he loves Mummy
Mummy she loves Daddy.
Where the weather will always be just fine,
High among the stars, floating on cloud nine,
Whispering to each other "You are mine"...
Daddy he loves Mummy
Mummy she loves Daddy
Daddy he loves Mummy
Mummy she loves Daddy.
As if written by children
Ginn Mosxa Aug 2022
I know you want to hurt me
Convince me I was wrong
But honey I am certain
Ive become far too strong

I gave you every chance
You didn't give a ****
Took you out the depths of hell
You crawled right back in again

I sorted through our ashes
To find our missing pieces
I gave them all to you
Hoping you'd solve your puzzle
Hoping you'd change the tide
What the **** happened
To breaking the cycle
To end it all with you and I

I hear every tear that falls
But you're so far in your denial
You won't pick up the calls
So keep sharing all this nonsense.
Keep pretending that you're fine
I'll be here always
When it comes that time.
Steve Page Aug 2022
This is a love word
that might someday make its way
into a song or perhaps a letter

This is a love word
that’s short of a sonnet
but is written with honest tears
and the signature tightness in my chest
that I’ve grown to trust
as coming straight from the heart

This is a love word,
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