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K Balachandran Mar 2015
Look! two butterflies entangled
in the thick of love, try extricating,flapping wings
girl, forget you're a doctor,let love resolve it.
A strawberry touches her lips,
astonished I stop eating my peach;
where does the fruit end, her lips begin?
Your dad is conservative,
mother is moderately appreciative,
every move of amour, has to be  politically sensitive.
On this bikini your body prattles,
a language unintelligible through, I am all ears,
darling, make your body speak, the lingo it truly appreciates.
Water nymph, your bodyhugging dress
simultaneously does myriad things,
talks erotica, tries seduction,makes me a fool fumbling for words.
Benj Bonsway Oct 2014
I placed you in the box,
the padded box that seemed too small
torn from galloping heart,
fingers fumbling for stubborn clasp,
I focus for just one moment
Place you in that small padded box.

I watch as,
night tucks away all things
As bed bugs are wished away
But teem beneath the sheets
As closets checked for monsters
whisper into darkness:
            “things not always as they seem.”

You, the necklace, must agree,
For I laid with such ease,
            Your slinking arms
            Your solid charm
That was winning to anyone
            You met.

And I watched whenever I could,
To ensure the box was still,
but then again
who’s to say
That I wasn’t just moving,
In opposite directions
            With myslinking arms
            And lack of charm
That shied away with
            That very same ease.

But either way,
Living independently,
Our motions certainly did not cancel,
Whatever it was that we did-
And no matter
how carefully you were lain-
You awoke tangled.
With QE there is a
Spookiness factor
According to Einstein

When we take two electrons that are proximate
Their actions mirror each other
When we separate those two electrons at massive distances
And we change the spin on one
We get instantaneous change on the other

No time lag
Through these experiments it has been suggested that
If there is an unseen mechanism communicating between the two particles
Then it would have to be traveling at 10,000 times the speed of light

I think our quanta are entangled

The physical laws of the universe
As seen through Newtonian mechanics
Have been useful
They are rational and make sense when matched with the correct scale

However, as we approach the very small, the very large, and the infinite
Newtonian laws fall away
Some might even see it as rationality falling away
That’s what Einstein suggested

I see it otherwise
Join me down the rabbit hole?
I try to remember the "good times."

Just to realize I'm drowning,
Drowning on Hallmark lines

Remembering the "good times"
Smiling complacently
Drowning on Hallmark lines

And I realize the memories
Were all good

One lines.
Just a thought, I'd like too add more :)
Thank you for reading
Talk to me?
Victoria Mar 2014

I checked the video page one day to see if you were on drugs
All I saw were two common folk nothing more than thugs

The love is lost;it's over now
Not entertained or amused

I'm over our entanglement
Unaffected and bemused

How to start my life again?
It's time to begin living

**** 12 steps of recovery
What was done I'm not forgiving

I'm learning how to laugh at me
And simply how to be

Progress not perfection
A lifelong revelry

The time has come to say goodbye to a past misunderstood

It's time  to make amends with me
Not a  lost "boy" from the hood

Just a side note for clarification...the video page refers to 'youtube.' 'he' is currently posting music videos of himself and it has become evident that he is back on drugs

— The End —