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Madeleine Jan 2019
Whispering of sweet
nothings from the pick up lines
to cute sweet nicknames

sweet elegant songs
from music, loud and gentle  
written just for you

from indoors to out
bird singing sweet melodies
thunderstorms rumbling

doors slamming all day
food sizzling on the stove top
people snoring late

your majestic voice
so cool, calm and Collective
your voice is my guide
Penguin Poems Dec 2018
Holes in my ears? 8.
But including the ones in my heart?
Or my soul?
Or my head?
Too many to count.
You can't be mine,
Because it's still her, right?
Your eyes seeks for her.
Your ears likes to hear her voice.
Your nose likes her smell.
Your brain thinks of her.
Your heart shouts her name.
I can't be someone else's,
Because it's still you. Right.
My eyes seeks for you.
My ears likes to hear your voice.
My nose likes your smell.
My brain thinks of you.
My heart shouts your name.
You can't be mine because it's still her, right?
I can't be someone else's because it's still you. Right.
Bunny. It's for you.
Luna Jay Dec 2018
I’d cut off my own ear and mail it to you,
To be your very own personal listener-
But I’d rather gouge out an eye of mine
And mail it overnight via amazon prime.
For it has seen many tragedies,
As opposed to just hearing them.
Salmabanu Hatim Dec 2018
At home mum had the last say,
All members of the family looked up to her everyday,
Times have changed,
She passed away, wise and aged.
Before she went,
Her last advice to me she sent,
Dear, you too have a large family,
And if you want peace and be happy,
Keep your eyes open,
Your ears open,
But your mouth shut,
Let the problems sort themselves out.
Let you be their Godess Statue,
Wise and astute.
An elderly person at home is for advise.Young people nowadays hate interference.
Abby M Dec 2018
I read a story once
About a bug that crawls into people's ears and lays eggs in their brains
Ever since then I have to cover my ears to fall asleep
It's funny that people think that way
That they matter
That a story WILL happen to them
Because at the end of the day
It might
Hunter Green Nov 2018
Why couldn’t I find home in you?
These parts of you I will never get back,
All the colors that rush through your head and eyes,
Your distinct and special parts that make you enough.
I wish my passion and desire for meaning weren’t so rough.
I feel like just
                          closing my eyes,
                                                    pluggin­g my ears,
                                                           ­                  covering my mouth.

I would rather shut out the reality of the pain you and I have been through,
and experience my heart of dreams

                                                          and places I’ll never go to again,

my home I may never find.

I hate that I couldn’t let you in?
I hate that I felt lost with you?
I hate that my mind won’t agree with my heart.

You are an artist and you create the most beautiful expressions,
You’re quite brilliant,
You light up the whole world with your honest kindness,

At times I know I didn’t deserve these godly reflections.
So WHY did you feel I was the right one?
WHY have you only captured my heart when I don’t have you within arms reach,
I know it’s Because My Mind is let loose and it finds ideals to grab onto and leach.
Isaac Oct 2018
You could die today or tomorrow.
The chance is real no matter the sorrow.
Have you given out to the point of peace,
Knowing very well your own life will cease?
Your eyes that read and ears that listen
Will one day have fulfilled their mission.
But you don't know that hour or time.
All you know is that you cannot rewind.
The freedom is in what you say and do
Inside this moment that forever is new.
Your breath is running out, so don't be shy.
Love people, for that is what never runs dry.
Written 31 October 2018
Robert Oct 2018
your voice is like
honey to my ears
too bad it sounds
a lot like goodbye
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