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kylie Sep 2017
write on my body with your lips
take my heart in tiny bits

touch my skin softly
read me to sleep
hold me when i cry
dazzle me with your smile

deceive me with kindness
then hurt me the next
your hands can do wonders besides just ***

my soul is fragile
but of course i have to bow down to you, my king
Nicole Jul 2017
A small black cloud circumvents my path as I trail through the world
He loves me, I think, for I fill his needs and provide the excess attention that he strives on
And I love him more than words can describe and, when he does not linger near, I feel lost and anxious

While the world may never understand his place in my life, I know that I could not live without him
But, one day, I'll have to
One day, my shadow will seem empty and silenced
My heart will ache with withdrawal and my ears will bleed without his sweet song

But I will keep breathing

Because the way he touched my life will last forever

While I may not always feel his soft fur along my fingertips
Or have the chance to cuddle him to sleep
I will forever love my sweet cat-son
For he has saved my life every day
With his love for life, innocence against all evils, and the sense of family he provided
Throughout my darkest days and loneliest nights
May you live eternally
An unnecessarily dramatic piece about my cat
blue mercury Jul 2017
dramatic fears spilling on a canvas
from my leaky eyes
i've tried the other options
but they seem vaguely painful
too intimate.

i hate that i've let you close
because the closer you are
the more it will hurt when this
doesn't last.

i'm washing away in this flood
and i'm going to pretend it doesn't hurt
this much, to love
and be afraid.
Benji James May 2017
Hey somebody
pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes  on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

Always underachieve
Failing everything I do
Failing them, keep failing you
Can't seem to do
Anything I set my mind too
I'm looking around
For something worth living for
Every time I find something
It escapes my grasp
Always end up back on my ***
Can't seem to get it right
No matter how hard I try
Can't appear to get it right
No matter how hard I fight

Hey somebody, pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

Why does life smack you in the face
When you're circling the drain
The skies have turned to grey
You're miserable every day
Can't seem to catch a break
No matter how many Kit Kats you ate
Is this it, is this my fate
Staying up until late
Just so that I can contemplate
Every **** mistake
I've ever made

Hey somebody, pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

Do you know
What it feels like
To stare at your phone
No messages coming through
Feel like nobody
even cares about you
Yep you wonder what you can do
Is there something wrong with me
Is there are reason people hate me
What is it they need to see
To see I'm worth some time
Every once in a while
Trying to hide this emotion
Behind a smile
All these sarcastic remarks
Covering scars

Hey somebody, pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

Can't seem to make it pay to pay
All this debt is crushing me
And I'm losing my mind every night
To that devil inside
The one that won't let you sleep
He even haunts you in your dreams
There no escaping this reality
And all I can do
Is keep on strolling through
The best that I can
Hope that someone understands
Maybe one day
I'll find happiness again

Hey somebody, pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

I want to get dramatic
Don't tell me not to get dramatic
Don't say I'm complicated
No, I'm not complicated
I'm talking straight
Hey wait, wait
Sister pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
You know I want to get Emo

©2017 Written By Benji James
CastorPolydeuces Feb 2017
For an excessively passive person
I'm easily annoyed, easily appalled.
People are so stupid, vapid, mediocre
and you know its true so you try to
be deep and meaningful, dramatic
to justify how absolutely and inevitably
pathetic you are.
It seems contradictory to be passive and easily annoyed, but when your actions are always passive, your thoughts make up for apparent tolerance. That's my theory anyways, or maybe I'm just a *****. Lol.
Blossom Jan 2017
Traveling down the side of the road
On the bicycle lane
Cuz you're ******* like that
Avoiding mechanical beasts and lakes of gas
In a distance of 3.6 in miles
According to the GSP your phone has
Sneak into the kingdom to steal the jewels
Don't let off any alarms...
DING **** oh crap here comes the guards

GUARD: Hi, welcome to Jack in the box! What would you like today?
YOU: I'll have a #4 with a Reese's Milkshake instead of a drink. large.
YOU: oh and curly fries. large. all to-go
GUARD: Okay! That'll be $7.64...

Digs through pocket
Finds some trash
Finds a ******
Finds some cash

YOU: here
GUARD: Thank you! Your food will be done shortly

Waiting so patiently
In this ***** old cell
The guard eyes you warily
You know this look well
Waiting not patiently
To find your way out
You then see the exit
And mentally you happily shout

*GUARD: Here's your food, have a good day!
YOU: you too.
A Jan 2017
You consumed my thoughts, my words, my taste buds my goodness I even forgot how I smelled in my own skin without you next to me

I couldn't  fathom a life without you and your charming wit I couldn't handle the idea of waking up and you not touching me or not being next to me

Your words went through my ears so clearly I bet if I really tried I could remember everything you ever said to me

I remember when I fell off the roof of that cabin in my grandparents backyard when I was 8 and broke my wrist and my nose, i cried so hard that day. Maybe I was being dramatic, maybe I am being dramatic, the day you left me felt like a million broken wrists and a million broken noses I wouldn't wish it in my worst enemy
Look I know my life's not over but can't I feel sad for a a few weeks.... or years
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