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Elioinai Oct 2014
I came back, from the great fight,
With my heart in a mess,
My mind began to crumble,
And my strength was ebbing away,
When did I forget the victories already won?
Cover up the truth, see the conquering line receding?
When did the spots reduce my vision?
And my dreams lose their bright contrastings?
I have found, that victories in life, are not like plaques on a wall,
But wrestling belts, for you must always fight to keep them.
July 16, 2013
Hannah Yardley Sep 2014
Some people say I work too hard

I agree

I work too hard trying to keep my head above water
I work too hard trying to impress other people
I work too hard trying to suppress my emotions
I work too hard trying to 'stay strong' in the face of ridicule
I work too hard trying to keep my teachers happy

And honestly

I work too hard trying to act like I don't
Sometimes you just need to stop trying. Let people see your emotions. Tell your teachers they're being ridiculous. Stop trying to impress other people. You are the most important and sometimes working too hard can be your downfall.
Sonali Sethi Aug 2014
Run till you feel your heart start to beat
Run till it beats to the rythm of your feet
Run till you feel you pulse in your ears
Run till you've run past all of your fears
Run run run till your mind starts to soar
Run till you can't run anymore

Run till you feel the sun on your skin
Run to the furthest you've ever been
Run till you feel your limbs start to burn
Run to the prize you've been trying to earn
Run run run till your inhibitions fall
Run till you can't run anymore

Run till you feel your tears start to dry
Run till you feel you can reach the sky
Run when you feel like you don't have a chance
Run for the times that you gave up your plans
Run run run  feel it deep in your core
Run till you can't run anymore

Run till you feel your sweat start to drip
Run when you feel you're losing your grip
Run till you don't feel so lost and alone
Run till you feel the power in your bones
Run run run till you know for sure.
Run till you can't run anymore.

Run with the ones who've been there from the start
Run for the dreams that live in your heart
Run till you've past all the negative ones
Run from the words "it can never be done"
Run run run, far from where you've been before
Run for the ones who can't run anymore
I wrote this poem this while training  for the Pinkathon (a 10km run to raise awareness about breast cancer in women!).  If you like it please visit my campaign page
And help fight breast cancer!
sanctuary Aug 2014
hey baby girl you'll be fine open your mind
dark days are ahead but be kind
to others specially to yourself
don't say no one would help
because in you is where mending begins
It's true it's a cruel world
but don't let them bring you down through words
Oh baby girl I know after this
you'll laugh with bliss
you'll be okay
come what may
my beautiful soul
I know protecting others would be your goal
and if ever do it right
don't give up the fight
Don't let them feel your pain
because there's nothing to gain
oh baby girl don't cry
*soon those tears will dry
CC May 2014
The taste of blood swelling in your throat
Ignoring your aching feet
Run for joy
Run for fear
Gasping for air
Tears stinging your face
Clouding your vision
Sweat stained clothes
Air blocked ears
Heart drumming
Threatening to tire out of your chest
Get back up
Scraped knobby knees
Pounding head
Have you reached your destination yet ?
If not
Run !
Hope will find its way,
Even if you try to hide,
Won't give up on you.
Jasmine smiles Apr 2014
We all hurt
we have all tasted the dirt
We have all felt pain
No matter how little its all the same
Its not a competition
Its no ones ambition
Don't be upset because I have a sadder story
I don't do it for the glory
Did I forget to mention
its not about the attention
We need others to care
Not to compare
people need to feel
Before anyone will heal
Your pain is just the same as mine
You will understand in time
the darkeness will clear
until then I will always be here
To hold your hand in the dark
To show you how to find your spark
believe in your heart
Then begin a new start

— The End —