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Meredith Leigh Jun 2019
the tremble of the ground
thrusts more fear in your heart
than the gnashing of ancient jaws,
the burn of leather scales and the
sprays of blood in the atmosphere.

fire brushes the tips of the clouds
but they thought
it may as well spew from the
back of your throat,
dance along invisible wings
that carry you past the carnage,
the tremor of cracking souls
and hopeless shrieks towards
the unforgiving sky.

bones sigh under cool glass,
brushed with the earth
that betrayed you.
Cameron Alix Mar 2019
You, you are a
******* like the
that takes and takes
Strong energy,
mild energy
Inhales the organically-grown
of all flowers, regardless
Good intentions.
that sure is nice
What humility,
too thoughtfully acted by
But I see it.
You have
not landed.
The world needs your
footprint but
it does not need your self-indulged
Be humble.
Your success is not
marked if
You are not humble.
Keep your tentacles
in your depths and
Poised you seem to be and success is your process but
Humility is my truth.
We float on
neighboring clouds of
public service
that have not the same hue.
Take a step back.
I see you mean
No harm
like a dinosaur with no arms
Good intentions.
Take a step back.
You desire to envelop others yet
You do so
I see it.
Let your brain rest from the throne.
the world does not serve you
It serves nothing
and no one as
We are all lucky.
You say that you’re lucky
For all
to hear
just to endear
And that is the problem
My dear, be poised.
Publicize your life for
Take a step back.
We need your
not fake.
Transform this and
Good intentions.
The world is not yours
You walk on its leaf
and repeated, recycled
Take a step back.
The world is not yours.

Cameron Bell, Copyright © 2019
This poem is conflicted, a mix of both misplaced judgment and overpowering values. Please let me know if you have any feedback! It also sounds powerful when read out loud. Trying to fine-tune my voice.
Philomena Dec 2018
Velociraptor means "swift seizer"
And you have seized my heart
I have no idea when I am getting it back
If you even plan on returning it at all

You don't play fair
And if it came down to a fight you'd have me pinned in seconds
You leave me rather quite helpless
Cant run, cant hide, its like you read my mind

But despite it all I'm glad
Because for someone who has always been alone
It's nice to be part of a pack
No seriously please send help
Anya Oct 2018
I asked my little brother
why he bought
the tape white out
not the liquid
the length of two whole
strips of white out
matches the size
of a Megalodon
A shark
two million
Pagan Paul Jul 2018
It really happened this morning
you'll never guess what I saw,
happily playing in my bath tub,
was the ghost of a dinosaur.

Not knowing quite what to do,
feeling sorry for his poor soul,
I reached in, pulled the plug,
and he disappeared down the hole.

© Pagan Paul (15/07/18)
* not a euphemism.
So many reports of people, family, children, cats, dogs, headless horsemen, headless horses. But nobody EVER reported seeing a ghost of a dinosaur.
Playful Poetry :)
Crandall Branch Feb 2018
words all have their roots
ped = foot
saurus = dinosaur
photo = light

just like my love for you has roots
or like a tree has roots

and all these things are infinite

the power of language
the power of nature
the power of love
please leave a like or comment! It would mean so so so much :) :) :)
Joe Cottonwood Jul 2017
El Niño scooped the sand 
clearing every scrap of driftwood, 
every construction playful of a summer’s dayful 
the slapped-together forts, dinosaurs, castles
now launched to Mexico, to Tahiti, who knows?
replaced by fresh fragments of forest 
twisted logs, battered beams
shed by Oregon, by Vancouver Island and Alaska
bobbed by current
to this windswept cove.

Beneath swirls of sunset
as Van Gogh might render
among scattered scallops, kelp, 
sandpipers by the hundred, 
one joyful dog
dances the landscape
expressing with his grin
this vast chaos
of delight.
I live back in the hills about 10 miles from this, my favorite beach.
First published in *The Avocet*.
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