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They tell one lie,
They speak one truth.
'It's easy to heal,
But you'll remember all your scars.'

The latter of the two, a truth.
Though that which precedes,
Lies through it's teeth.
Fangs of darkness and deceit,
Designed to forge a man with a black heart.
If not for the comfort of the summer sea,
I too would've succumbed to the gray of this city.
Morphed from a young and happy form,
To a soulless monster,
****-Malum=Evil Man
Maryann I Feb 21
I placed my faith within your hands,
each promise carved in sacred stone.
Yet time has turned them into sand,
and now I stand here, lost, alone.

You spoke in silk, in honeyed air,
but all your words were woven lies.
A dagger laced with love and care,
hidden well behind your eyes.

I stitched the wounds, I bit my tongue,
still tasting rust, still breathing ache.
Some ghosts may haunt, but you, my love,
you chose to watch me break.
7. Betrayal and Broken Trust
Lostling Jan 31
Danger from above
We scatter like mice
Running for the shadows
Lest your paws come down on us from above
And imprison us
We hide our faces and our claws,
Crossing our fingers over our lives,
Waiting till you finally rest
So we can breathe

Aren’t you glad frozen smiling faces
Are beaming up at you?
Offering rotting daisies with trembling hands
Noses twitching with fear
The lies we tell to survive the war
polina Jan 25
I have measured out my life with
the sadness I felt with every
One of your lying looks, your deceitful eyes that
Tell me the truth while you say you “love me”.

I have lived out my life hoping
that you could come around, whispering
Honeyed promises that I wish I could believe
But you’ve left me, and every moment of my life
Is now measured with the memory of you.
cowritten in english class with my friend lol
Stifin Jan 16
A pulse of darkness sleeping within,
Beyond the light, it's secret twin.
He who's sleeping all this time,
Awakes now, rising in his prime.
A shadow with horns, humming along,
So gentle, yet why does it feel wrong?
An aura so ominous it gives shivers,
So strong that even light withers.

It's the demon inside me, shrieking!
I can feel it rising, giving me power.
My heart is charging, it's striving!
The light is losing, it got devoured!
Those virtuous moments all forgotten,
In a single pump of the devil's deceit.
Look how your reality begins to rotten,
This is what it wants, evil is in heat.

A reflection, I saw my eye so beautiful
That eye of pure deception, how powerful.
I have absolute freedom, this is my peak,
Is this really the world? I see it so weak.
There's so many pawns in the game,
How exciting! I'll burn them all into flames!
So the story of this poem is your evil side taking control over you. On the 1st stanza, it's a introduction of what is the subject which is the demon, the 2nd stanza is about revealing the demon inside you, lastly 3rd stanza is a reflection of what is inside you, and how you see the world through that.

So the stanza represents the mind, spirit, and body. I'm gonna keep make poems like this with some story in it like the other poems I made. I want to practice more and improve.

I hope you like it!!🌺🦋😖
Lidia Jan 3
To the deceitful people I say,
As in the midst of treacheries they lay,
To test gold there does exist a way,
For their wrong deeds they'll have to pay.
Gerry Sykes Nov 2024
The drab
brown butterfly
sits on a white blossom
incautiously drinking honeyed
The darker side of our relationship with nature isn't always visible – a metaphor for our relationships with other people.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Strange things happen in politics
We cannot trust the polls
Life has its own ***** tricks
We can play divers roles
This is not business as usual
Always fight to save one's soul.

Things are upended in politics
Ignore the belligerent critiques
Everything happens in a season
For an un-intelligible reason
Nobody can predict the results
Of an election filled with insults.

Politics in many countries are very *****
We all can see why. Politics are slushy
Voters lie. They mislead the pollsters
Who behave like palm readers
Like inexperienced magicians
So they can foul the naïve audience.

Things are pell-mell in politics
Life has its own yucky tricks
Everything occurs for an obscure reason
Under the lights of an unusual horizon
No anchors can predict the results
Of an election filled with assaults.

Copyright © November, 2016 Logerie Hébert, All Rights Reserved
Hebert Logerie is the author of several collections of poetry.
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