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Trap music and sad rap
Nightclubs and bar crawls
Culture streams are visceral
Don’t get carried away
Emojis and acronyms
Twitter mobs and Tinder
Paddle hard right
Watch out for the rocks
Pop idols and fashion
Cam girls and pornhub
Hustle and swag
Image and pride
History’s mightiest riptide
But I’m not in the throng
I’ll be on shore at the headwaters
Watching it all flow out to sea
i, me
Perhaps its in knowing that I want both love & the selling of soul. I want to live & forget past failures as any pain leaves, blending with the wind, going past to the distance, passing the horizon line. A breathe, a heartbeat, a smile & forget the rest. To what sequence of thoughts that are in play that leads to volunteer death of an individual?
Big Virge Nov 2019
Are You .... " P.C. " .... ?  

What Does That Mean ... ?  
Does It Make You Feel You're Good ..... ?!?  
And Treat People The Way You Should ... ?  

I Guess For Some ...  
That's What This Means ... ?
Well Folks I Hate To ...  
SHATTER Dreams ... !!!
But ...
That's NOT What It Means To ME ... !!!  
Calling Me ... " Coloured " ...
Instead of ... " Black " ...
ISN'T RIGHT ... !!!!!  
What's Up With That ... ?!?  
How Many Colours ...  
Do You ... SEE ... ?!?  
When You REALLY ...  
Look At ... ME ... !?!  
Coloured Is How White Folks Be ...  
After Fighting ... In The Street ... !!!!!  
But Am I Black ... ???  
Or Am I Simply ...  
Just A Man ...  
With A Slightly ...  

DARKER Tan ... !!!
Check Those Words ...  
And ... " OVER - STAND " ... !!!!!  
P.C. Means ....  
NOTHING ... To Me ... !!!  
P.C. Can Stand For  ....  
" Police Constable " .....  
Too Many of Them ...  
Means ... Here Comes TROUBLE ... !!!!!  
P. C.  ..... Does NOT Mean ...  
You Are ..... " Humble " ..... !!!!!!  
Stay With Me Now ....  
Don't You .... " Stumble " .... !!!  
This Simple Piece of Poetry ...  
Will NOT Be Seen As Being ... " P.C. " ... !!!  
Especially By The ... " Bourgeoisie " ... !!!!!  
But Truthfully ......  
What Does It Mean ... ?  
" Personal Computer ? "  
Or ... Could It Be ... ?  
" Big Brother's Viewer ? "  
... " Watching " ...
ALL The Things We Do ... ?  
Whilst Surfing Sites ...  
In Our Bedrooms ...  
I'm Not Sure ... ?  
Do You Have A View ... ?  
That's Something ...  
On Which To ... Chew ... !!!
"Eh get back to  
the question Jack !?!"
"Actually, the name is Virge !
Son, listen up, to these here words !!!  
are you P.C., or dismissing my poetry !?!"
Here's Some More ...  
..... " Analogies " .....  
P.C. Could Mean ... ?  
YES ... " Poetry Clique !!! "  
That's ... BAD P.C. ... !!!!!!!!  
I See These Cliques And EVIL Breeds ...  
And Watch Them From A .... " Distant Seat " ................................... ........ !!!
P.C. ... Could Mean ...
A .... " Private Club " ....  
Do You See The Link ... ???  
GOOD That's The Stuff ... !!!  
That Makes  ... " P.C. " ...  
A Thing For Those ....  
Who May Get Stuck ....  
Because P.C. ....  
Means Oh So Much ... !!!  

To Their ... " little " ...  
... NEEDY Minds ...  
I'm Saying ... !!!!!  
Are These People Blind ... ?!?  
THEY Seem To Need ...  
To Have ... " Guidelines " ...  
And ... Tend To Lie ...  
Throughout Their Lives ...  
THEY Like HARD Drugs ... !!!  
And ... Getting Drunk ... !!!  
"Sir, park your car  
between these lines,
NO, NOT those ones !  
that's Moss's Drive !
Her Mottos's ...  
"Be a ******* model,
take *******, and wreck your life !!!"
Folks That's A Joke ...
of ... My Design ... !!!  
Did You Laugh ... ?  
If Not ... That's Fine ...  
Let Me Move On ...  
And Feed Your Mind ...  
With More of .....  
My .... Simple Rhymes .... !!!!!  
" P.C. " ...

Could Just Mean ...
.... " Pretty Cool " .....  ?!?
Now THIS Definition ...  
Fits The Vocal Style I Use ... !!!  
And My Poetry When Fuelled .......  
By My Wish To ...
... Air My Views ...  
WITHOUT Pretence ...  
But Through The Use of ...  
... " Common Sense " ...  
My Wordplay's Built ...  
Like ... Navaho Tents ... !!!!!  
And Is NOT MEANT To ....  
..... Cause Offence .....  !!!  
But .... " secret sects " ....  
I DO Detect ....  
Are Stuck On Being ....  
" Politically Correct !?! "  
Now THIS P.C.  
Is NOT For Me  ... !!!!!!  
Cos' This Defines ...  
.... " Hypocrisy " .... !!!!!!!!!!!!  
Be Nice Because ...  
You WANT TO BE ... !!!!!  
NOT To Prove ....  
You Are ............................  
,........ " P.C. "
It's such a strange thing that I felt I had to write something on it .....
Something is at war inside of me

Someone said to me
Unless you are
or overworked

And I wanted to say
You just described
My average day

And I was afraid to say it

Afraid not to say it

Afraid I would be a downer if I said that

Afraid I would seem holier than thou if I didn't

Afraid that if I didn't say it I would seem like I was left out of
Or too good for
Our culture

And then I wondered

How did we get here

That they way to fit in
In our culture

Is to be tired, stressed and overworked

And how ****** that is
Aaron E Oct 2019
"Forgive us," We chant.  

they're only words that we've inherited
an outline we've decided
history's absurd parameters
the language we've provided
as if trust in our alignment
to a violent set of precepts can be merited.

     Civil Culture?

It's a culture of the owner
simple values we've inducted
printing match sticks out of loners
when the world is deconstructed
do you measure up or fold it
you reduce the world to numbers
blew the lid off feuds abundance
knew the billionaires would fund it

     What's it mean?

Doesn't matter.
it's a remnant
not a battle.
don't dissect it
never tattle
golden goose
baby rattle

stolen goods
failing castle
swollen foot
gravy saddle
smoke and soot
pale and fragile
cut the fruit
use a scalpel.    

     This is...

     Strange fruit.
Luminous words formatted
with clear conscious of vivid
strokes of the hands. A shame
that it didn’t get the results
as one desired.
Anthony Pierre Oct 2019
Born to a culture
common its faith
of shallow waters
schooled in this trait

Great motion of tides
ebbs most to modal tasks
like sand on beaches
the future's unmask

but without notice
some dove deep in fears
for comfort n solace
swam away with years

In the darkest of waters
a home made for few
where hope is deep
a new species grew.
Mystic Ink Plus Oct 2019
तिमी मलाई

सेल पकाउन सिकाउछेऊ
कि आफै आउछेऊ ?
शैली : प्रयोगात्मक
विषय: सीधा कुरा, भन भन भाई हो।
Aaron E Oct 2019
With each breath,
the words we left erupt into contingency
clever quips afford an inference sold, stark in it's consistency.

If ever I was taught a thrift aligning threads along a canvas.
Head to toe, snake oil or poison, chalking up life's mysteries
The needle treads along indifferent rhythms
often missed in lieu of lecture
lifted structure, painted fracture
vivid summer, lazy *******

lay the meaning on at will along alliterated thrill
fulfill the seam content to spill
to drill the point in that much faster.

tears of sadness
tears of laughter


Why does it work
to levy silence or flirt
to learn a line of some actress
or divide up the earth
assert a picture infatuated with prying for worth
when it ain't there.
"I don't care,
I ain't tryna get hurt."

Have a word, agg a bird on, classic
who's drinking champagne,
who's getting turned on

Choose a new frame for the tragic.

Are we laying the groove
or are we playing in traffic.
No spoilers.
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