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I write my heart out
my feelings I was beginning to doubt
then I came here
filled with fear
but came my way was not abuse or hate
it gave me the motivation to create
so kind a community
my heart no longer performed an emotional mutiny
I bared my soul to this place
your kindness shone onto my face
you have all been so nice
and it didn't come with a price
I finally found my community
Gideon Mar 8
Sometimes we wanna make something.
But we really just want to cry.
Maybe creating tears is still creating.

Creating love,
Creating light,
Creating dark,
Creating night.

Maybe what matters more is the fact that
there’s a product rather than what we produce.
Bekah Halle Feb 5
“I want to create,”
I said to myself.
To let bubble up what’s deep inside.
To live: jump off the shelf.

So splat, plonk, slam dunk.
And then from play,
To deeper things of this world,
To question: why are things this way? 

From thinking about me,
To think about us,
From survival, limitation, and not enough,
To live out the plan, maximus.

Throwing off the constraints 
Letting things fly,
Being intentional,
Seeing the significance if we don’t try.

The world needs us,
Today: right now!
Be present; hear the call,
Plant the seeds we’re born to sow.
Maimoona Tahir Sep 2024
I desire to create,
What remains unperceived,
Unrepairable faith in it's authentic self,
Unscathed by anothers opinion or morals,
Their hopes and desires,
The birth of such a rebellious idea remains unearthed,
I want it raw,
But God despises it,
The idea of being challenged,
So all left of my thoughts is the binding vision of tomorrow,
A vision of hope,
That ensues an ameliorating repercussion on my mental capacity,
Concluding the idea of a saviour,
And Of my passion and greed,
Greed to learn something I shall never master,
Maimoona Tahir Sep 2024
Like a concept she felt known but not heard,
Her desires were just a replica of her mother's,
Like wise her mother Will she mourn over them too?
the demise of her desire,
The deceased desire to live,
To create,
To be known and heard,
And to be aware,
To be completely infatuated with something more than an idea,
To be infatuated with reality,
she had learned 4 walls is all there is to this life.
Simran Guwalani Apr 2024
But it is your story
It’ll be as you write
Love in itself is a fairytale
if you play your cards right.
Copyright Simran Guwalani
Nat Lipstadt Feb 2024
"I will create as I speak."

these profound and most serious of words,
vibrate within my chest (really!) as I
tongue test them, having just awoken
and a Sabbath ~Saturday looms before me,
naked and full of

I am hopeful, and unafraid, by the clean sheet of twenty four hours that covers me nearly toes to head, a singular occurrence,
would be dread of the shroud of lists of items of urgencies that demand outage justifyingly,
urgencies crying out,
attend to me now!

but this day different, a sleepy peacefulness
compromises my interstitial spaces, and an amber color of
calming quiet fills them, no raucous splashes,
no errant droplets hinting at the fullness-yet-to-come
when the tanks of
empty are quietly, with a silent sigh of finality, announce the profundity of sufficiency and satisfaction facing
undefined emptiness,
that these contradictory sensations are
harmonious extant
within me for the foreseeable momentary.


this single syllable Hebrew word for “enough,” issued in one breath, like “the end!” hits me with a slap of sensibility as a closing lid on this just about to possibly boil *** of emotions and internal combustion.

two last thoughts burr me mind before signing off:

the contradictory nature of the blanket of
an unscripted openness of a day ahead, and the
totality of its fulsome satisfaction it offers,
do not confuse me.

no scholar I, it occurs that the word Dai,
unlike any other, has a root unknown to me,
but internet of godlike humans had anticipated my query and offers me irony and reassurance that I am so not the first to wonder and know this satisfying confliction of this two headed Hydra send-story, sensatory, balanced imbalance
for the root of this common word used daily to say:
“enough,” “stop,” or “that's sufficient.”

comes from the root is DaWaH דוה which literally means
“to flow or extend outward.”

and though
I created this poem as I spoke,**
I only reiterate what my ancestors already knew
thousands of years ago!

by the bye,
the Hebrew phrase "I will create as I speak,”
is well and better  known to you as:


Feb. 4 2024
Mrs Timetable Jan 2024
Your font
Makes you
Perception, unconscious brain emotions
Goddess of USR Nov 2023
play James Bay- One Life  

An invitation to dream and create the life we imagine

To my true love counterpart, the one who guides me through soul expansion,

I offer you this dream: visions of all of you, all of me, V, B, O, M, and our future grandchildren. Our family. The one we knew could exist together many years ago when we shared the ten-year plan.

Dream with me, my love. There is no one else in this universe for me but you. You are the one I long to create this life with. You once asked me to dream with you. Now I’m asking you to imagine and dream with me. Know that it’s possible and that I am right here, standing in the center of our dream, waiting for you to dream and build with me. Everything in this world is built twice: once in our imaginations.

A Beautiful Life

We live in the center of our dreams
A purposefully created dream-built life
We have homes in places near and far
Where we enjoy the sun, the stars, and the sky

We are citizens of the world
We move effortlessly throughout the globe
We have stable grounding wherever we go
We are connected by love, not by code

We are partners in vision and in action
We create change and impact in the world
We adore each other and share our passion
We are dynamic, radiant, and bold

We are expressive in the ways we allow
Our love, support, and understanding to flow
We are together super stellar, unique, and alive
We are magical, otherworldly, and divine

We experience the majestic and the creative
We guide those forces to benefit humanity
We prove that doing good, creating, and influencing
Are not mutually exclusive, but can be in harmony

We have amazing children and they have amazing partners
They love and support each other deeply
They have successful vocations and careers
They are happy, healthy, and free

We have a main home near a lake
A 7-bedroom house with room for our future grandchildren
Between the four, I know they will add more
It's convenient, luxurious, and spacious
It's filled with music, song, and laughter
We dance around the kitchen as we create beautiful memories and meals

We ride bikes,
We ski (you coaxed me back gently)
We meditate and channel
We shower together and make love
We visit ice castles and play Lindsey Stirling
We laugh and reminisce about our journey

We admire the beauty of the world together
It touches us so deeply and we feel the awe
We live in love's frequency and gratitude
We feel so blessed and we thank God

We love, respect, and admire each other deeply. You are a legal scholar and consultant the world over and you advocate for justice in all of its forms. Your work creates change and you write. I am your muse.

The show I created is a resounding success and you support me in this endeavor
It's syndicated and a series franchise
It's a new genre of television media
It's a fortune and a benefit for mankind

The design collection is a hit
It's a fashion sensation the world over
I collaborate with the famous stylist from my days in Paris
to bring the AR augmented reality collection to life

We visit Paris often and are hosted in style
We have access to everything and everyone
We are wildly successful and recognized
We are creative and influential and fun

We experience the majestic and are highly creative. Together we are able to guide those forces to create projects that benefit humanity and still make a fortune. We proved that doing good, creating, and influencing are not mutually exclusive and can be accomplished.

We go on to develop, build, and release the Justice system. We changed the face of divorce and child custody. We made it better and live to experience it.

This is our vision of a beautiful life
And there is plenty of black and white; we are fully expressed
A life that we love and enjoy
A life that we build and share
A life that is ours and not a toy

Dream with me, my love. Build this life with me.
For CBM of Dublin- sent with a thousand kisses ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Zywa Oct 2023
I want to create

what is not there, not as art --

but genuine Love!
"Denver Doldrums" (1947, Allen Ginsberg)

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in de 40s and 50s"
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