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Fireflies Jun 2020
Get your hands *****
Dirtier, the need for change is a hurry
Take on this fight
Fight for justice, fight for what is right
Must not let this momentum die
Dying is for cowards, dying is for those who are not an ally
If the country is set in flames
Flames shall it be in, for the ones who died. Say their ******* names
Dont't you dare put that fist down
Down shall those murders go, we must do this to protect our children in the playground.
Change is close and we must fight till we get it
Kat Schaefer May 2020
Mama tells me you’ve been at night school
You make your living from 9 to 5
I know you like to burn the midnight oil
You study physics just to feel alive

Daddy says you spend too much time
Trying to prove that you’re above this town
He says education won’t get you nothing
Except a mortarboard and a gown

But I say forget mama and daddy
I love to see you sparkle and shine
How you talk about dystopian literature
When you come home for Scrabble and wine

Miss Carol says you’re wasting your energy
That an education won’t bring you a man
But if you live your life like Miss Carol
Being alone is part of the plan

Pastor Jenkins warns you of temptation
How knowledge often leads men astray
But I know God wouldn’t have made the path
If it meant you couldn’t walk your way
Nandini yadav Apr 2020
विदेश से एक अजीब सा मेहमान आया है
नाम उसने अपना कोरोना बताया है
देश में परेशानियों का पहाड़ बनकर
हज़ारों मुसीबत अपने साथ लाया है
हाथ मिलाकर वो लोगों को फ़साता है
दूरी बनाने से वो दूर भाग जाता है
मास्क ना पहनो तो वो खुश हो जाता है
और बार-बार हाथ धोने से वो हार जाता है
बीमारी का भय दिखाकर सबको डराता है
पीछे पड़ जाए एक बार तो बहुत सताता है
लापरवाही करे इंसान अगर तो
मौत के द्वार तक भी ले जाता है
डरना नहीं है इससे बस अब ये करना है
अपने हाथ और शरीर को साफ और स्वछ रखना है
उचित दूरी बनाएं सबसे घर से बाहर न निकलना है
लड़ रहे जो हमारे लिए उनका साथ निभाना है
नहीं करना अनदेखा इसको इसको सबक सिखाना है
बिन बुलाई इस आफ़त को
देश से बाहर भागना है,,

Corona leave us now

A strange guest has come from abroad
The name he called his corona
By becoming a mountain of problems in the country
Have brought thousands of trouble with you
By shaking hands he lures people
Distance makes him run away
He does not wear a mask
And he loses by repeated hand washing
Fear of disease scares everyone
Once again it hurts a lot
If humans careless then
Even leads to death
Don't be afraid just do it now
Keep your hands and body clean and clean
Make the right distance most don't get out of the house
Fighting for what we have to do with them
Do not ignore it, teach it a lesson
Un convened this crisis
Have to run out of the country
For more videos or poetries..Subscribe my channel
Nandini yadav Apr 2020
चारों ओर कोहराम मचा

सारी दुनिया घबराई है

स्वर्ग सी अपनी धरती पर

ये कैसी आफ़त आयी है,,

जबसे मैंने जन्म लिया

न देखा ऐसा मंज़र है

धरती के सीने में घुसता

कोरोना रूपी खंज़र है,,

सूने हो गए गली मोहल्ले

बन्द हो गए रास्ते

घर में रुकना है अब तुमको

बस जीने के वास्ते,,

अभी समय है रोक लो खुद को

घर में ही सुरक्षित रह पाओगे

अभी नहीं संभले तो सुन लो

आगे बहुत पछताओगे

प्रकृति की गोद में पलकर

उसी को छलनी करते हैं

ज़ुर्म करते बेज़ुबानों पर

और ख़ुद की प्रसंशा करते हैं

कोरोना नहीं ये कर्मा है

तेरी हसरत गुम हो जाएगी

जब-जब बढ़ेगा ज़ुर्म तेरा

कुदरत कहर बरसाएगी

बात पते की बता रही है

सबक सिखा रही कोरोना

घायल करदे जो धरती को

तुम ऐसा काम करोना,,

तुम ऐसा काम करोना,,

Corona or Karma!

There was chaos all around

The whole world is terrified

Heaven on earth

What a tragedy this is,

Since i was born

Neither seen it

Enters the chest of the earth

There is a dagger like corona,

Gone neighborhoods are listened

Closed roads

You have to stay home now

Just to live,

It's time to stop yourself

Will you be safe at home

Listen now if you don't

You will regret so much

In the lap of nature

Sieve the same

At foul play

And treat themselves

This is not corona

Your beauty will be lost

Whenever you will increase crime

Nature will wreak havoc

Talking of address

Corona is teaching a lesson

Hurt the earth

You do such a thing,

You do such a thing ,,
Hello friends, to listen my other poems please subscribe my youtube channel miniPOETRY
Nandini yadav May 2020
फ़िर से वो दिन आएगा
जब सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा
कोरोना का अंधकार मिटाकर
एक नया सवेरा साथ लाएगा
फ़िर से वो दिन आएगा
जब सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा
लॉकडाउन हुआ है जबसे
कैद हो गए घर में तबसे
बिछड़ गए अपनों से सारे
कोरोना के कहर से हारे
ये हार का सिलसिला जल्द खत्म हो जाएगा
फ़िर से वो दिन आएगा
जब सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा
बन्द हो गए धन्धे सारे
छूट गयी मज़दूरी
चाह कर भी न कमा पा रहे
हाय! कैसी मजबूरी
इस मजबूरी की दीवार गिरा
हर वर्ग काम पर जाएगा
फ़िर से वो दिन आएगा
जब सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा
खुल जाएंगे रास्ते सारे
सब बंधन मुक्त हो जाएंगे
हरा के फिर कोरोना को
आज़ादी का दीप जलाएंगे
बिखर गई है अर्थव्यवस्था हमारी
उसको मजबूत बनाएंगे
बिगड़े हुए इन हालातों में
सारा देश एकजुट हो जाएगा
फ़िर से वो दिन आएगा
जब सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा
करें प्रकृति को नमन आज हम
और करें ये वादा
न छेड़-छाड़ करें धरती से
न हो ऐसा इरादा
प्रकृति का साथ पाकर
हर आंगन खिल जाएगा
फ़िर से वो दिन आएगा
जब सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा
सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा..

This country will smile again

When the whole country smiles
Erasing the darkness of corona
Will bring a new dawn
The day will come again
When the whole country smiles
Lockdown since
Imprisoned at home ever since
All the people who were separated
Lost from the havoc of corona
This necklace will end soon
The day will come again
When the whole country smiles
All closed down
Missed wages
Can't earn even after wanting
Oh! What helplessness
The wall of this helplessness fell
Every class will go to work
The day will come again
When the whole country smiles
Will open all the way
All ******* will be free
Beat the corona again
Light a lamp of freedom
Our economy is shattered
Make him stronger
In these circumstances
The whole country will be united
The day will come again
When the whole country smiles
Bow to nature, today we
And make this promise
Do not disturb the earth
No such intention
With the nature
Every courtyard will bloom
The day will come again
When the whole country smiles
The whole country will smile ..
Please...Stay home and stay safe
अपना और अपने परिवार का ख्याल रखें।इस मुश्किल घड़ी में लोगों की मदद करें।lockdow को पूरी तरह से फॉलो करें।
ये कविता एक उम्मीद है एक आशा का प्रतीक है इस निराश की घड़ी में,मुझे पूरी उम्मीद है कि जल्द ही भारत और पूरा विश्व इस समस्या का समाधान खोज निकाले गा और सब कुछ पहले की तरह ठीक हो जाएगा।
जय हिंद जय भारत
Nandini yadav May 2020
भारत माँ से आज उसके 

कई वीर सपूत बिछड़ गए

नमन है ऐसे वीरों का

जो कुर्बान वतन पर हो गए

न झुकने दिया सर देश का अपने

वो अपना सर कटा गए

                     भारत माँ की लाज बचा 

                     ख़ुद मौत को गले लगा गए ,,।

न रुके कभी न झुके कभी

वो तान के सीना चलते हैं

ख़ुद जान की परवाह किये बिना

वतन की रक्षा करते हैं

जिस मिट्टी में जन्म लिया

उस मिट्टी का कर्ज़ चुका गए

                    भारत माँ की लाज बचा

                    ख़ुद मौत को गले लगा गए,,।

घर परिवार को छोड़ कर वो

सीमा पर पहरा देते हैं

देश की रक्षा की ख़ातिर

अपनों से दूर वो रहते हैं

जिस माँ की गोद में पले-बड़े

उस माँ को रोता छोड़ गए

                  भारत माँ की लाज बचा

                  ख़ुद मौत को गले लगा गए,,।

धन्य हैं वो वीर जवां

जो देश पर मिट जाते हैं

कदम बढ़ें दुश्मन के अग़र तो

वो चीर लहु पी जाते हैं

न भूल सकें कुर्बानी उनकी

वो ऐसी छाप लगा गए

                भारत माँ की लाज बचा 

                ख़ुद मौत को गले लगा गए,,।।

A salute to the martyrs

Today many of her brave sons
got separated from Mother India
Salutations to such heroes
Who sacrificed their lives
Do not let your head bow down
They chopped off their heads
Mother India left unhappy
He embraced death itself.
Never stop never bow
They walk the stool
Regardless of my own life
Protect the country
Born in the soil
Pay off that debt
Mother India left unhappy
He embraced death itself.
Leaving the family
Guard the border
For the defense of the country
Away from loved ones
The mother who grew up in the lap
Left that mother crying
Mother India left unhappy
He embraced death itself.
Blessed are those brave men
Which disappear on the country
Step forward after the enemy
They drink rip blood
Do not forget their sacrifice
They were printed
Mother India left unhappy
He embraced death itself.
दोस्तों यह कविता एक श्रद्धांजलि है हमारे भारतीय सपूतों के लिए जो देश की किसी भी परिस्थिति में अपने घर अपने परिवार को छोड़ कर सिर्फ देश की सेवा में तत्पर रहते हैं और हमारी व देश की रक्षा करते हुए शहीद हो जाते हैं।
Bhill May 2020
It's been so so long
It's been so long since I saw
Since I saw life dance

Life dancing the bop and jitterbug
Life dancing to rock and roll
Life dancing to country and ballroom
Life dancing to anything
I'm sure we will experience the dance again

Brian Hill - 2020 # 129
Find your life dance.
james nordlund May 2020
"May we never forget the crippled, wind-beaten trees,
how they, too, bud, green and bloom.  May we, too,
take courage to bloom where (and when) we are planted".

Yes, the Tao has a metaphor for them, 'the useless trees',
twisted, turned down, bowed, not for the saw mill, of no 'use'.
Like my son, screaming ****** ******, after being crushed

By a Roman Catholic imperial, masquerading as a medical worker.
Same as I was, neutered as a newborn, for my father was given
a vision of my birth years before it by Thee, to protect it.

So, two of my older brothers were ****** to death in the crib,
For the psychic terrorism, 'the ****', thought they were me,
a molecule of the cross I bear, bear for Thee, to save Thee.

Were you not born of woman, and must you not protect yourself
as all life on Earth must?  Do the future exterminated quarter
of a million Americans, of which you might be one, not bear

that cross, responsibility to defend themselves, life?  What
must '...We(e),...' do to stop the criminally insane 'opening
of the country' way too early's plan to premeditated ******

the people en masse, to liquidate their assets and ases, as well
as cower the polity into voting more conservative, if not repub,
cowering the country to the global oligarchy's spearhead's, the

repub conspiracy's, agenda of humanity's extinction by the axe?
Do those climate crisis bent, useless trees, "Live To Tell", as I
have to warn you if you're not taking bullets you're making them?

(Thanx to Mohatma Gandhi's, BR. DAVID STEINDL-RAST's,
Madonna's (from her CD and song "Live To Tell")
above quotes and great worx, respectively.)
Technology used to be a tool in man's hand, to make life better, now it's the hand, man the tool, it advances in every way while the family of man devolves day by day.  Do not be a tool of man's extermination to extinction, by cowering to the technocracy's tool of the 'use' of corona virus; be the human, life, by stopping the too early "opening of the country" by ****, stay home, stay social distanced, wear masks and advocate, please?  Thanx for all you All do and don't; have an excellent eve'   :)   reality
Mitch Prax May 2020
Dear diary;
I have thought a lot
about leaving this all behind
and buying a one-way ticket
to anywhere where no one
knows my name.
I want to forget who I am
and lose myself
in another's culture.
I want to stay until I tire
and do it all again
somewhere else.
Aditya Roy Apr 2020
I rushed into the sea
When I spotted some land
The tough sailors asked me to stop
I told them to wait and stand
Soon, I realized we were on a sinking boat
Someone had pulled the plug hole underneath
The captain told us to save ourselves and hold
They left me hanging from the trees, as they rowed away from me

The crowds cheered for us
As we made I back and forth
Turns out there was a hole again
The laughter faded as the water poured in
When the slaves jumped out from inside and swam again
The people left for their homes, hurriedly
The captain told us bring some buckets
And away, away the shipmates swam away

The banks called as I made it back home
Asking if I had money to consume
They wanted to see me
As I hadn't paid the loan
I wrote them a letter as a plea and said no
They wrote me one and asked me if I had a plan
I send one back and it said "None."
As I fled across the country
They caught me half-way with bags in my hand
I hope you guys like this one and enjoy it, as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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