A wilderness is untamed, nature bursts forth in all its glory; without the guidance and destruction of man. It is beautiful, a place where the soul is free, although it may be in danger.
A wilderness is here.
Concrete slabs put upright with windows; facing more concrete. Trees are sparse and trained, grass short and restrained; people reign. An empty kingdom of blank angry emotion, called civilisation; where the soul is definitely in danger.
i am overzealous and underwhelming. i say somethings and i regret them. i say nothings and i wish i hadn't. i am weighted and unbalanced. i place value where i think it belongs. i lean heavy into things for too long. i am uncertain and so sure. i run out of thoughts before my heart runs out of feelings. my thoughts run over and overwhelm my heart. i am liminal and concrete. im incomplete but hoping i could be.
,, “””. \ ,,, “””” \ ,,,, “””” \ words are seeds which float like a dandelion fluff in the wind / a breath of air can send them to flight/ yet T H E Y
I envy those With a constant smile. What life have you lived To morph a concrete face? And how do I get there From here? Perhaps I need to stop Staring at the sky—At the birds— As if one day My bones will go hollow And I’ll fly all the way To forever. — maybe I should just work harder
Beautiful people walk light on the earth and I find my feet sinking deep