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kennedy Jan 2015
with a Polaroid camera
I captured you
I captured us
made us tangible
made you mine
face to face
skin to skin
rough hands
bringing me back to life
I've been cold for so long
A touch and a tremble
Ignites new flames
Consumes me
Soft sounds
Perfect chemistry
Unfamiliar devotion
Belonged to no one
Belongs to you now
Hannah Jan 2015
He told me commitment was too hard
with a cigarette in his mouth
and tattoos across his skin

I have acquired a terminal illness,
that lies deep within my fragile heart.
It shall set my soul into Abyss,
when tomorrow comes, and take its part.

In pain and burden I have suffered great,
Because of the blunt, that I have taken.
That has rendered me, a shattered faith,
Thus affection must be forsaken.

Now with the remnants of my being,
I have to pace forward and venture forth.
To seek relief and vestal healing,
in the cold lonely sea of the North.

Where I’m bound to uphold my duty,
As a nostalgic sailor I may be.
longing for her complete amnesty,
that I think I’ll never live  to see.
Im open for friendship. :)
Crossyde Gimp Jan 2015
I sat back there, pictured you from the rare and I couldn't help but wonder how to reach you from here.
For a second I almost got carried away by your back side but immediately slapped me in the conscience less I backslide.
You see I have this thing for beauty in its 3d vector graphic state, the very type for which a man could take any and every bait
There's force pushing me to make history and perhaps, set a memorial for generations to come, such force that could wake up a man to the reality of beauty accompanied by a compelling readiness to  defend, Simply put;
Can I Love You?

I must confess, I had a rather blurry vision
Of what seemed to be passion but turned out to be an illusion.
Like... what a beautiful rose, maybe I plug  me a branch, to smell closer  and perhaps even better;
But to think that it withers and dies on exposure to sun rays scares every curiosity to advance closer than I could treasure this beauty and still have me a precious rose tree in its purity; so from a distance, with no intentions of crossing a line, this is me respecting your dignity when I ask...
Can I Love you?

Can I get to know you, exceptionally?
I mean, get close to, and perhaps, inside your heart without touching your body;
Can I get lost, like an island, in thoughts of what I see without harboring fantasies about what the untamed me wants to get?
Get swept away by charm and just when am about to loose it, tap me within an say "boy not just yet"?
Because in me are two kingdoms waging war because of you; one wanting to make me king and the other wants to make you Queen too.
But It turns out a king ain't complete without his Queen hence am putting an end to this war dear princess...
Can I Love you?

On this side of eternity where simile and metaphor transcends reality, and reality, in turn, is perceived as fantasy, the only reality occupying my fantasy is commitment, devotion, trust and a blend of affection, a readiness to defend your course with vigor and motivation, in sorrow, I give you exclusive declaration like, here's my shoulder you can cry on for a soothing sensation.
And even tensions are high and emotions amplify, am willing to listen as our hearts dance to the rhythm that, our souls tie.
And history would smile at that very moment in time when question raised was;
Can I Love you?

Can I Love you like Solomon did to wisdom; desiring her more than all the wealth of his kingdom?
Or like Jacob loved Rachel, let me wait for you in enduring purity with steadfast emotional stability; let me be your companion as we journey through streets of discipline, into the sweet comforting atmosphere of all round maturity.
By all round, I mean physical, emotional and spiritual;
See, I make you my choice, the one I uphold and am  confident you're the right one.
And if you doubt me, ask around if, before we met, I was a sane man.
With that said, it's no longer the question  "can I" but am driven to have you seat back, relax and watch me love you like you deserve.
Pdub Dec 2014
To love—
Is to trust someone with matches,
As you play in puddles of fate.
I am at your service
Your wish is my command
But you say you want me to be strong
So I'll fake it till I am
I think I could fight an army for you
If I could muster up my own
I won't pretend I'm superman
But I'll make your house a home

Not looking for a conquest
I don't need to get my rocks off
I just want to see the world
And you're coming with.
ty Dec 2014
he said he was scared of commitment,
but he had tattoos all over his skin,

i guess he didn't see me as a work of art,
or maybe he didn't think the pain was worth it.
Brenna Smith Dec 2014
I think your name
would look great on my skin
Too bad your afraid of commitment
I'm just another sin
Please, really, I don't care
Go away and leave
I'll pretend that you meant nothing to my world
Or to me
I have commitment issues myself
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
Marriage is a Holy covenant,
Not a piece of paper handed to you by the state.

Ah, life!

Warm, beautiful commitments,
With God and each other.

Love, love, and faith!

Ooh, never ending!
Courage, endurance, and faith.
Endurance is a new discovery, every day.

Not always happy happy happy.

Where are the lively children?
Let us have 11 children, ha! ha!

Adventure, never ending.


Making up is so much fun, like a rough family.

Pledges fly high!

Tears laugh like beautiful children grown.

Faith, forever, not even in death will we part.

Copyright © Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
A Walk To Remember - The Proposal and Wedding.
Mark Lecuona Nov 2014
Flowing out of every pore
Reconsidered by every nerve
Are the things we reject
And the things we serve
Chained by our emotions
Freed by our loneliness
Courage from passion
Apprehension from sadness

I know I know I know
I know why
I know why you are afraid
You’re afraid of another lie
I can’t I can’t I can’t
I can’t promise
I can’t because I’m not ready
It’s easier to be honest

Standing in the doorway
As my eyes ask the question
My heart pretends not to know
Who will hear my confession
I want you to forget everything
Forget yesterday and tomorrow
This is no time for hesitation
This is no time for sorrow
Love apprehension commitment
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