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Leanne 1d
The color blue,
not just a random hue.
Blue begins the start of each day and continues through the night.  
Blue like the sadness you feel when your not feeling right.
Blue as the tears falling from your cheek when you start to overthink.
Blue like the deep waters; some will tread, others will sink.
Blue like the birds who flutter their wings high in the nest,
and stay snuggled under their mother’s breast.
Blue like the blood pulsing in your veins keeps your body living.
Blue like the color eyes you stare deep they just keep giving.  
Blue like the bluebelld growing in a patch,
just putting a smile on your face when you pass.
Blue like the hottest part of a flame from a fire,
never touch no matter how much you desire.
Blue like the flag that holds the white stars tight representing our freedom and our rights.
Blue like your fingers and toes getting frozen from the weather, making it hard to move
Blue like the moon that Elvis sang about and he swooned us, too.
Blue can be the faintest hue to the deepest hue.
Blue can always look so good on you,
no matter what your mood,
What’s not to love about the color blue?
My favorite color! BLUE
The rain fell,
Far from the sky.
Down upon the rocky shores,
And all through the night,
Weathered the rock to sand drop by drop.

Then in the morning the sand blazed bright,
For the man to see.
Down to the shore he went,
And dug up the sand then,
Went and made colored glass.
Inspired by classic African spirituals and Celtic folk song.
Ember Jan 9
bold and creative.

warm, nostalgic sunrises.

sweet fruits, they're ripe on a tree.

no rhyme, save for a botanical term
almost no one knows.

rare favorite colour,
but deserving all the same.
For anyone wondering, the botanical term is sporange, It's a technical term for the sac where spores are produced. Another rhyme for orange is Blorenge, which is a hill in southeast Wales.
Ember Jan 9
not the sky,
not today.

today the sky's
an ashy grey.

blue, right now,
is how i feel.

under the dreary
sky of steel.
Ember Jan 9
it's roses against a twilight sky,
and the exchange of sweet nothings.

floating embers burning,
children of a dancing flame.

it's velvet cake topped with cream-cheese icing,
baked special for a loved one.

could be,
sweet strawberries ripe on the vine,
ready for picking.

it's a summer sunset,
scattered with cotton-candy clouds.

whatever red is,
it's my colour.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
J’ai la couleur du café mal grillé
Et celle du chocolat précocement
Sevré, par les rayons du soleil du midi.

Mes cheveux évaporés, depuis des décennies,
Me suscitent à être reconnaissant,
Parce que je suis chanceux et fortuné,
De voir tourner la terre pour tant d’années.

J’ai les lèvres d’un politicien giflé,
Par les poêles d’un chef maltraité,
Et les dents tachées par le sang coagulé.

Ma langue coupée, hachée et fracassée
Sera avalée comme le rôti volé au marché
Des esclaves morts pendus et torturés
En plein air, sous les verrous des voitures.

J’ai la peau des vers de terre assassinés.
Mon nom tachera la langue des oppresseurs
Et anesthésiera la colère des fieffés menteurs.

Je porte avec fierté la couleur du café mal grillé
Et celle du chocolat oublié dans les cafetières;
Aucun humain ne mérite d’être classé parmi les ordures,
Même si demain tout retournera en poussière.

Le marron inconnu est mon frère aîné;
Les rayons solaires nous ont parfaitement flambés,
Comme le café et cacao venus d’un pays émancipé.

Copyright© Décembre,2011, Hébert Logerie, Tous Droits Réservés
Hébert Logerie est l’auteur de plusieurs recueils de poèmes.
Kiernan Norman Dec 2024
The sunset smeared itself across the sky,
a crime scene of color—
red bleeding into orange,
violets bruising the edges.
I stood there, guilty of wanting to call you,
to say,
"Do you see this too? Do you feel it?
Or has the world stopped being beautiful for you
since I became the ghost you refuse to name?"

For a moment,
the colors burned so bright
I almost forgot the sound of your silence—
the way you folded your love into sharp corners,
how you rewrote me as the villain in a story
we never agreed to tell.


But then the shadows stretched long,
like they always do,
and I remembered how you used to say
the sky looked like an apology before it turned black.
I laughed, because tonight it did—
looked like you.
A burst of brightness trying to outrun the dark,
fading before it ever stood a chance.

I almost forgot you hate me.
Almost forgave you for it, too.
But sunsets only linger for a breath,
and some things—
like your name in my mouth—
are harder to let go of
than light.
V3NUS Dec 2024
I don't know
maybe it's because
no matter how light or dark
it's still the same color
red and purple get lighter and turns pink
orange and yellow get dark and turns brown
I just don't like green don't ask why
Phia Dec 2024
My depression
Has changed the colors of the world
But how fond I have grown
Of the shades of blue and grey
In which I live
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
The smile of a woman in the spring is prettier
Than the dancing glow of the yellow tulips of the pond
As said the other: her face is embellished and polished
With honey syrup. She really has a charming smile.

Oh! Spring, the most beautiful of the four seasons
It's majestic to see her wearing yellow
The color of hope, the pretty color of the harvest
The petals are sparkling in the air and the bells are buzzing.

No, it's not a dream, she's really beautiful
She is wearing a smile that inspires and blemishes
Men who love everything that is gorgeous and classic.

This woman has her hands intertwined on her right thigh
Like a model who is cheered on the runway, which is reserved
For the most beautiful women in the history of our planet.

Copyright © May 2018, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Translation of 'Le Sourire Radieux D'Une Femme' by Hebert Logerie.
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