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Blossom Dec 2016
Its quite a funny thing
My darling asked last night
She asked why the sky was pink
In the summers warm sky
I told her that little birds flew up
and painted it that way for all
But she giggled and said to me
Theres no air, they would fall!
When I was a young girl
I asked why the sky was blue
and when told it was painted that way
I took those words as pure truth
But my darling I am proud
that you question what is said
that will help you will be aware of those
Whose lies to you are fed
I do not believe in false love so please do not cheat
Lovers remain lovers they are not players for tricks
You played with my heart and stolen my heartbeat
World is a place full of all types of sham ***** chicks

Do not blame me blame but your self for the crime
You have taken my heart and soul to make me beggar
You are victim of your ambitions and I am victim of time
I don't think you do have any plea for the acts or answer

So let us pay farewell to each other and bid but just adieu
Hence forth we will not make notorious the sacred love
We are now just individuals and no more member of crew
Take your lust along and give back me love my clever crow

Col Mmuhammad Khalid khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Aaron LaLux Jul 2016
Was boxed in,
so I had to make a way out,
a way out with words,
I don't like being boxed in,
so box me in I'll knock you out,
way out with words,
in nights on a day out,
boxed in so I wrote a way out,
wrote a way out with words,

road way out on roads,
stayed paid out in shows,
had hate gave love,
took the thorns with the rose…

The H Trilogy
Volume 1

rootsbudsflowers Nov 2015
She's in her clothes
And on her lips
Her kiss is there forever.

He takes her in
With all his love
And brings her all together.

She smells so sweet
And tastes of lust
And true love for another.

He's in her mind
And on her tongue
He says she's oh so clever.

Her scent is on her shirt now.
The one he now slips under.
Her fingers through her hair now.
His mind is on no other.
She's puling her in close now.
His lips upon her collar.
She smells just oh so sweet now.
He whispers oh so clever.
This poem goes back and forth between the love for a woman and the love for a man. She's torn between the two and loves them both in different ways. I hope you enjoy. This is one of my favorites I've done.
Y Rada Oct 2015
Oh Daughter of mine hear my plea,
Surpass our challenge through beauty.
Use the mind to be the game's mistress,
Heart be bothered not of any distress.

Acquire grace, charm and wiles to catch,
A certain man of power is truly your match.
If he be made of steel melt it with kiss,
If born out of war then grant him peace.

Gentle as feather strong as diamond,
Bring him to his knees with every summon.
Bestow him joy and fresh breath of life,
And ease his encumbrance and strife.

Receive the gifts of different pleasures,
Which he brings in his cove of treasure.
Swallow your embarrassment and pride,
In this life we must sail with the tide.

Heed not to Aphrodite's words of passion,
Be guarded from the love arrow's invasion.
Color red for victory but grounded by black,
Loneliness is payment yet your smile is intact.
oh, clever one
with the bass heart
for whom love
and pleasure part

drinking in my
silent screams
must you haunt
my bitter dreams?

i be yours
and i be hers
from one a kiss
from both a curse

we wait for you
one slave, one queen
fierce day, soft night
and in-between

an one is caught
but one will die
for sweetness speaks
naught but a lie
written in 2010
Chris Hunts May 2015
Whatever happened to poems rhyming?
You cannot tell me that trend is now dying?

Whatever happened to the artist's demise?
Of finding a word to match the last line?

Now all I see are thesaurus-y words,
Like really? Whoever has heard of "demurred?"

I get it, it's new, it's hip, it's "in"
But to not rhyme in a poem should be considered a sin.
Get off this fad before it's too late.
Poems should rhyme, there is no debate.
D Mar 2015
I'm so high, out of my mind,
Got me wishing for one last time,
I could've felt those lips on mine
Before I go..
Hit the road jack,
I'm not coming back any more
natalie Mar 2015
she's a good girl
in a pair of docs
still she doesn't know
what it means
to be a paradox
short and sweet
William Wiley Dec 2014
What a price to pay to say "well said"
For all great phrasing comes from great tumult
And gladness, sadness, joy are all but fuel
As the "sayers" translate thought to word

They are as hunters, patiently in wait
For a great stirring deep within their being
Emotion wildlife rustling the trees
The game that does not recognize the game

Strategic are these hunters, clever souls
Whose precision cannot be repeated
Miners for the gold within their hearts
Exploring, exploiting their perceptions

And yet, it is but great coincidence.
They do not mean to feel, but still accept
The ludic, accidental inquiries
Subpoenas to their creativity

How much does it cost, a wondrous phrase?
The charge is pain, or love in great amounts
For words upon the page can but reflect
The bittersweetness of their author's id
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