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Ignatius Hosiana Feb 2016
I've found a way to expensively sell my plight
easily throughout the day and night
by just packaging them in mystery
of sadly amazing yet charming poetry
a way to camouflage my history
through dropping in some verbal chemistry
which makes it touching and compelling
found a way to let the world know without telling
I've found means to undress without vulgarity
a way to be kind without doing charity
discovered a clear path to touching without hands
of performing healing magic without wands
with my confusing and jumbled rhyme
I've found a way to speak against crime
to speak for those who lie in the name of truth
and ones who lost their sweet tooth
a way to give courage to chickens afraid of the visible eagle
I've found a way to rescue those drowning in their ego
I've found a way to feed the hungry without food
to bare handedly clothe the homeless and ****
a way to condemn without sounding rude
a way to help rather than wishing I could
I've found a way to give and still keep
to smile with the joyed and with the grieved weep
I've found a way to carry burdens by casting them away
to help winds of change trees of the moment sway
I've found a way to tightly keep my anger at bay
a less tasking manner of living to die another day

I've found a way to my goals even if it's through imagination
to disguise my disappointments in sweet intonation
I've found a way to clear the conundrum onto pages
a reason to keep on living after lifeless ages
I've found a way to make peace, and duly atone
to find company even when the rest are gone
I've found flesh to shelter what's been a moving carcass
shook hands with destiny,I've finally known my purpose
Lark Train Jan 2016
I cannot speak, I cannot write
I fear that you won't end my plight.
The charity of your kiss
Is all that I will truly miss.

Tonight I go, tonight I stay
My sovereignty has gone away.
For while my treach'rous tounge's at bay,
I find myself to be your slave.
The sensation you get when the One doesn't notice you. Mute.
Brent Kincaid Jan 2016
Why do I see angels
That no one else can see?
They look like people
Just like you and like me.
They are everywhere
I have ever chanced to go.
They work their magic secretly
So nobody else can know.

I see them helping people
With subtle acts of kindness
And don’t seem to suffer from
What is a common blindness.
They don’t look for rewards
Or the sound of public applause.
They share with generosity
And quietly work at their cause.

They don’t have wings
But they are angels nonetheless.
They fit the titled perfectly.
We really don’t have to guess.
I’m beginning to think
Maybe I should not even try
To figure this one out
For me to understand why.

Why do I see angels
That no one else can see?
They look like people
Just like you and like me.
They are everywhere
I have ever chanced to go.
They work their magic secretly
So nobody else can know.
Day after christmas
People losing their homes to mother nature
Friends in the path
Praying they evaded the wrath
I'm on a path, but i'm not ignoring reality
These people deserved better.
My problems are irrelevant compared to them
There were people alive yesterday who are now dead
And now it's stuck in my head
My emotions are on their knees
Praying for secruity for the rest.
Thanking god i didn't lose the people that matter to me
Thanking god people survived
Thanking god people in need are getting help
But i'm weeping for the dead inside
I just want to do everything for those in a crisis
But i can't
I see an empire of charity and relief
When will it be realized?
I'm the Rome of relief and charity.
Relentless help.
I won't stop.
These storms in Texas were horrible tonight. Thank god my area was ok but i wish it was that way for the others... I so badly want to help those in need.
charity is not my thing
I am not much of a talker
I'll stand in the background
poetry hidden inside me
My breath carry the wish of dreams
my dreams the hops I carry
I am a dreamer without my peter pan
my Dan without a Phil
I hate everything about me
and love the things a faults me
I cant take criticism well
Words can hurt me
No I am not bold but I will speak my mind
and one day I will come true to time
but for now I will stay silent in the background
silence is the best thing I found
I believe in truth above pride
but I wont give myself time
I am self detrimental broken not ok
but I have dealt  so I will deal
I hold up but I fall
im complicated
sleeping pills and cyanide
suicide and you wonder why
compliments and ***** deeds
ropes that stop  the breathing
butterfly's and blue sky's
bleeding wrists and crying eyes
burning body's
and happy smiles
are all equals in the eyes of the devil
children dyeing people crying
a thousand angry voices raising
stop your crying, life is part of dyeing
we are all equal in the eyes of an angel
if I raise hell will you lower heaven
dance with the devil sing with an angel
suicide and cyanide
bitter ends don't wonder why
I'm broke
Because i keep donating money
What am i going to buy that's important this holiday with a few extra dollars?
I'm going to give it to someone who needs all the help they can get
I'm putting my dreams of charity into reality
Welcome to my vision of America.
Francie Lynch Nov 2015
Charity is never wasted,
Even when refused;
Your simple act of selflessness
Cannot be reduced.

Kindness is never wasted,
Even when refused;
To think we think of others first
Cannot be diffused.

Courtesy is never wasted,
Even when refused;
Shake a hand, open a door,
Say Please and Thank You.

Patience is never wasted,
Even when refused;
Bide your time contentedly
Dealing with the obtuse.

Faith is never wasted,
Even when refused;
Believe in what cannot be proved
Even if confused.

Hope is never wasted,
Even when refused;
It gives the taste of fine red wine
Brimming o'er the cruse.

Hate is never wasted,
I know you feel abused;
It's just a tact under attack
That haters like to use.

Love is never wasted,
Even when refused;
It's educed, then enfused,
And spreads as it accrues.
Why do you feel so self important
you think the world without you will stop turning
why do you do this to yourself
your not perfect
don't so this anymore, no not anymore
       So tell me can you grow up
can you make up
will you say your sorry
or will you give up again
pleas just tell me if this is what you want
you feel so self important
without you everyone's hurting
but not any more no not anymore
Francie Lynch Nov 2015
My heart is a boiling cauldron stewing with
A pinch of kindness,
A sprinkling of hope,
A dash of hate,
A gram of generosity,
A dram of charity,
A tablespoon of despair,
A measure of temperance,
A teaspoon of patience,
And a shake of faith.
Now, simmering on the element,
I can ladle out bowls of love.
Love is complicated and mixed. And "something wicked this way comes."
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