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The night hums softly, the world is still,
yet my mind runs where my heart won’t heal.
Streetlights flicker, the moon just stares,
but shadows whisper that no one cares.

I scroll through faces I used to know,
wonder if they miss me—probably no.
Messages typed but left unsent,
words too heavy, feelings bent.

The silence isn’t really mute,
it sings of dreams I can’t pursue.
Of doors that closed, of roads not walked,
of battles lost, of love uncaught.

And though the dawn is hours away,
I wonder if I’d beg it to stay.
Because another day just means one more—
where I still ache behind this door.
I trace the cracks along my walls,
dreams caught in spiderweb stalls.
The world outside, a distant call,
but here I stay, behind it all.

Suitcase packed inside my mind,
yet doors won’t open, fate unkind.
Every step just turns to stone,
a bird still grounded, all alone.

Windows show the sky so wide,
but I can’t chase the changing tide.
Voices say, "someday, you'll go,"
but "someday" always whispers "no."

Nights stretch long, and walls close tight,
the moon my only guide through night.
I dream of roads I've never seen,
but wake to find I’m where I’ve been.

One day, maybe, doors will break,
chains will rust and hands won’t take.
But until then, I sit and sigh—
a caged heart longing for the sky.
Despair clouds my mind
As I desperately search for escape I fear I will
Never find.
Can't you see I'm drowning in the
Emptiness of reality?

Inside my mind, I am free and there is
Not a cage in the world that can hold me.

Though, as hard as I try, I cannot seem to figure out
How to stay there

Gracefully, I leap and spin, a bird flying in the dark as
I mourn for the place I belong, home, that I
Long for every second, and every
Day. I wonder if I can survive this long without it. At the
End of the day I ask myself "Who am I?", and
Dread the answer that haunts my mind like a phantom.

Crimson stains spread through my soul as I fall into the
Abyss of madness.
Gasping for breath as I wake up to another day of
Endlessly dancing in my gilded cage.
I haven't seen a single acrostic yet so here we are.
Uzziah Ruffin Sep 2024
Tiny bird, so full of hope
Longing to see the world beyond
Yet confined in its cage
Filled with illusions
Believing in a place
Where freedom reigns

Tiny bird, With crippled wings
Unable to soar
Above the endless sea
Chirping with faith
That its song will heal
Someone's distorted mind

Tiny bird, the door is open
A chance to take flight
And bathe in the Sun's rays
Look at how your eyes reflect
The glimmer of hope
That was once diminished

Tiny bird, harmed by cruelty
Taking a leap
Risking life for its desire
Against all odds
Tweets of delight echoes above
As a path has revealed

Tiny bird, with a world to explore
Unwavering in its pursuit
To see what lies beyond its cage
With mangled wings
He turns away
From the life that leaves him immobile

Oh, How Tiny I must appear
As this bird soars away
Ginn Mosxa Jun 2022
I am merely a thought
Caged inside flesh and bone
Simply an idea,
Which two other thoughts had
So what happens, then
When my cast gives in
Once my bones decay
And wrinkles collapse my skin
I suppose, Thoughtless, I'll be...
Perhaps then I'll truly be free
A poem I wrote today... :)
I S A A C Feb 2022
I suppose I should repose
explore new clothes since I've outgrown
every and anything in this ratchet city
every day I wish to make it out before I am 50
before my bones and motivation crack
before my smile lines and crow's feet are all I have
watching my sanity slip like my grandson down the waterslide
oh, why God why, did you never let me fly?
Was I caged or fearful? Was it staged or virile?
Was I ever able or just another one of your fables?
the man that would never because he never believed he could
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2021
Woke up with headache
How day usually starts
The pain within my cranium
Does not compare to my heart

As tide creeps slowly in
Hope slyly sneaks out
The list of things I'm not
All I seem to think about

My voice dropped an octave
Sound I've grown to hate
It's just another line
In list of unattractive traits

I might be an artist
Good with words I am told
The descriptions I paint aren't pretty
Because world has made me cold

Life getting exhausting
Fed up with each breath
Have no choice but to carry on
Only cowards escape through death

Faces wearing smiles pass
Deepening my frown
Others make it look easy
Depression keeps me down

Darkness spreading as disease
Throughout expanse of my soul
My body feels like it's swallowed
By bottomless black hole

Turning corner after corner
Never reaching the maze's end
I get more and more lost
In labyrinth with every bend

Not sure if poor judgement to blame
Or the culprit is destiny
Either way stuck as a prisoner
Of everything I will never be
I had so much potential but I threw it all away
Marilina Sep 2021
I envy the birds
How they spread their wings
And soar through the sky

Not a thought on their mind
Free to fly far away
Let the wind carry them

But here I am locked
In this small gilded cage
And my wings are clipped
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