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Haley Roberts Feb 2017
“Eat it”
That is what her mind tells her,
So she does.
One cupcake
Two cupcakes
Three cupcakes
“How many can you eat
Before you get sick on the floor?”
Five cupcakes
Six cupcakes
Seven cupcakes
“Keep eating like this
And you will never get a date!”
Gulping down water
Drowning her chocolaty binge,
Filling the spaces in her stomach
With a fast traveling liquid…
Easy to purge.
A finger down her throat
One gag
Two gags
Three gags
“I bet you won’t eat anymore.”
Five gags
Six gags
Seven gags
Tears are now streaming down her face
She leaves her chocolate sins
In the eager toilet bowl.
“I bet you want this to end”
Mascara dripping from her
Red rimmed eyes
She wipes her mouth
With the back of her hand
They tell her when
She feels this need,
“Just breather”
“Count to ten”
But she just wonders when
She’ll get the urge
To binge and purge again.
rjh Jan 2017
you're still losing weight. i didn't know it was possible to shed the pounds this quickly.
the less you eat, the more you age. in three months, you'll have aged six years. i can't recognize you anymore. it's like parts of your soul have gone missing.

your body is what holds your mind. it holds your soul. it held me.
i know it sounds so selfish, but i want you go be who you were before.
not only were you healthy, but you were happy.
and warm. so warm.

i hope you gain back your warmth. i hope you find the pieces of your soul that have corroded in the stomach acid your force yourself to choke up. i hope your serotonin levels raise to a normal number. i hope that the color comes back to your cheeks.
i hope that you become something other than a walking corpse.

if you don't, i won't lecture you again, but i won't be able to come back. it's too hard seeing you like this. i hope you understand.
but please know that i will always love you and i will always be on your side. i believe you can do it. call me when it happens.
Emma Jan 2017
When she looks in the mirror,
you won't believe what she sees,
Although she is thin, she sees all the fat
and she cannot accept,
that she is so overweight
yet she is in a delusion,
Slowly killing herself, just to lose it all
Until she's just a skeleton,
and that is when she'll be happy.
It's about an eating disorder.
liebling Dec 2016
I can't tell why
I'm crying

Where are my tears coming from?
Are they coaxed out by the fingers down my throat, coming up with the acids in my stomach?
Or are they because of the pain leading me to do this to myself?

Blurring things together,
Making my reflection as distorted
and fat
and bloated
as I am in my mind

I can feel the flesh settled on my bones.
The fat waiting there,
wishing I could skim it off with a knife
I know it must be as soft
as butter

why am I doing this
why am I crying
why am I killing myself from the inside

I can't tell why
I'm dying
nabi 나비 Dec 2016
There is so much more to this than you know
There is more to anorexia than starving
There is more to depression than sadness
There is more to anxiety than stress
There is more to bulimia than purging
There is more to bipolar disorder than mood changes
There is more to a mental illness than one thing
A mental illness effects every part of someones life
As well as everyone you love
It's an illness and it hurts
But a mental illness can never be cured
But you can help your loved one with it
But first you have to know what you're helping
Anorexia is a disorder characterized by a desire to lose weight by refusing to eat
Depression is a disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities
Anxiety is a disorder characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety, or fear
Bulimia is a disorder marked by binging, followed by methods to avoid weight gain
Bipolar disorder is associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs
You need to know about this because people have this
And more awareness needs to be made
Because mental illness effects everyone
A lot of people I know and am very close with deal with mental illnesses, I do too.  I don't see much awareness being made for it, and I think that there should be.  i wrote this and I was going to present it but decided not to, but I still thought that people should see it
Erika Soerensen Dec 2016
Safety in bones
splintery and barbed,
cutting away the fear of flesh
as Persephone sleeps eternally.

Knees ache and bruise during restless slumber,
one on top of the other,
from running this eternal marathon
of illusive perfection.

Recklessly chasing rainbows
conceived out of the
blind imagination of the masses.
Hunger pains mistaken for redemption,
skeletons misconstrued as a life
well lived.

Freedom and courage are found
in deadly comments from innocent mouths:
“Are you eating enough?”
“You are so skinny!”
“Are you sick?”


I am sick.

A slow, tedious sickness of my soul.
Not wanting to live with the flesh
of my past,
not knowing how to maneuver the
burdensome flesh
of my present,
while obsessively worrying over the flesh
of my future.

As I slowly **** the only self I know,
(or don’t know),
and replace her with a mask of self possession,
I unearth an exquisite relief from the dread of
never being loved because I am
too much.

In my twisted perception,
that is true death.
This is only dying….
I am a recovering anorexic/bulimic who still struggles on occasion.  I understand the insanity of an eating disorder, you are not alone.  You are beautiful.  <3
Charlie Smith Nov 2016
Don't you ever eat?

Of course I do!*

The hunger swirls in my stomach like pride.
I am strong. I am in control. I will be skinny.

But this isn't any ordinary wish,
A little voice in my head is telling me that
My bones should be my entirety.

Thinner thighs, arms, stomach. I will fade
Away till I am made of air; even then
It won't be satisfied.

But now I'm in too deep. I think I'm in
Control but I've lost it, and now I fear my mind
Is fading too.

Don't help me. Please.
Some people where born to disappear.
Just a first draft
always anxious Nov 2016
Stop saying my body is "goals"
stop saying i have mesmerising eyes
stop saying my smile is charming
Or that i'm a sweetheart
Stop calling me beautiful

Beautiful girls don't sit at home alone on saturday nights
Beautiful girls don't cry themselves to sleep
And they don't hate what they see in the mirror

beautiful girls get good grades
beautiful girls get a lot of attention from guys
Beautiful girls are friends with everyone
they're not shy
they don't get anxiety attacks over having to make a phone call

Beautiful girls don't obsess over not having washed their hands for an hour
And they don't count calories
beautiful girls don't smile at the ground when they get a compliment
They face the person who complimented them and compliments them back...

Beautiful girls know how to write a proper poem.
a beautiful girl is that girl in the front of the class, who gets straight A's  and doesn't even have to try
She has long blonde hair and blue eyes.
she has straight teeth and a killer smile and all the guys are always around her.
*and She's never alone on saturday nights
Sooooo... yea
V Nov 2016
Why am I me? I sometimes ask myself.

Why am I not somebody else?

I could have been anyone, anywhere.

So why am I me, why am I here?

I am who I am, but why?

Will I be someone else after I die?

Why do I look the way I do?

Why am I me and not you?

I am me, but why am I this way?

How come I am alive today?

From all the people I could be

Why am I exactly me?
Personal experience...
dani evelyn Sep 2016
“your body is so beautiful,” he whispers to me, 2:30 am parked in my driveway, breath heating up the windows, hands tracing patterns on my skin

your body is so beautiful. this is a body that has stepped on the scale eight times a day, brain noting every slight change in the number that blinks back. your body is so beautiful. this body has cried from hunger pains, has sat on ***** bathroom floors with ******* pressed inside my throat, praying for strength i didn't have

your body is so beautiful. a body that has spent countless hours in front of the mirror, picked apart and scrutinized from every angle; a body that’s been stuffed and starved, emptied and filled, hated and cursed – this is it, this is the body he means

i’ve known boys who have used words as nothing more than keys to unlock doors inside me, who have strung together letters and sounds as nothing more than a means to achieve an end. i’ve known boys who have made promises never intended to be kept, whispered words in parking lots and quiet cars and city streets that have never amounted to what they implied

“your body is so beautiful,” he whispers to me, and against all odds, he means it. and even if he doesn’t, to like this body when i’m with him is enough, to feel at home in this skin is enough

and to hold his hand in mine is enough,
and to see him smile at me from across the room is enough
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