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Morgan Howard Jan 31
Oh to be a leaf
Blowing in the breeze
Going wherever the wind takes me

Oh to be a tree
Standing great and tall
With my head held high

Oh to be a bolt of lightning
Energetic and electrifying
Striking the ground with power

Oh to be a boulder
Big and strong
Never to be broken

Oh to be what I'm not
Because what I am
Isn't good enough
Zywa Nov 2024
There is a boulder

in the middle of the road --

there is a boulder.
Poem "No meio do caminho" ("In the middle of the road", 1928, Carlos Drummond de Andrade)

Collection "Here &Now&"
nick armbrister Jun 2020

The massive boulder sits in the lea of the moor; it has been here for a million years
and seen everything that has ever happened.
So many tons of stone made up of all of the elements which make up the very
planet itself.
This piece of stone has been here longer than Man himself and it has seen so many years
come and go, from the harsh cold of winter to the boiling heat of summer, this boulder
has felt them all.
Seasons crack your outer layer with freezing cold and ice, then bake your heart
with the fire of the sun.
You will be here until the weather grinds you down to grains and then the whole
process starts all over again to make a boulder once again.
By Nick Armbrister
Early Books
Poetic T Nov 2019
A seed may divide a boulder,
             life a verse can dived a

We must understand that the
smallest voice can be more vocal than

a country that shouts but is unheard.

We are all grains that can open up
            the hardest point.

And when we grow, our roots will
             cultivate beneath the oppression

that stifles that will eventually reach forth.
Espresso manic Jul 2019
I thought the storm had passed
and that wreckage had been avoided.
Against the current my whole pirate life,
uncaring of the opinions of others,
and focus on the rowing at hand.

The gray and thrilling sky
make the dark sea water seem ferocious.
The risk of lightning had never crossed my mind
before tonight when I suddenly realized I was alone
on a boat in the sea
and in the middle of a storm.

I steer with my left
and dump bucketloads of water with my other hand.
Focused on damage control
and ignorant to the the storm's prognosis
whilst my wooden mind struggles to stay afloat.

Row forth and onward.
This storm too shall pass,
and I'll come out stronger.
rough night
this is what I dreamt before I fell asleep
Bohemian Mar 2019
Boulder be the sights,revealing
How could thou conceal it with thy veil of words,sealing?
Hoisting the boulder,
Legs tremble beneath great weight,
Ant brings home a crumb.
juliet Nov 2018
the angel laughs
at my broken mask
i hide behind a boulder
so i can’t see the light of day
and if i can’t see you
you can’t see me
who is this girl i see
staring back, listening to
the tune of the song i sing
about losing everything
i can’t hold onto myself
when you trace my lips
and marinate them with the taste of strawberries
but tell me,
who can live without hope?
soph Oct 2018
The boulder stands strong
The boulder weathers the fiercest storm
Its rocky exterior protecting the life of what’s inside
When the surroundings can cave
The boulder cannot crack
Or else the strength fades
And the boulder dissolves
Into pebbles
Into sand
Though sometimes
The boulder grows weary by being firm
By being unaffected by outside circumstances
The boulder needs to soften
Needs to breathe
Needs to crumble
lots of nature imagery lately!!
I just need to say that it is hard sometimes being the one expected to hold it together and be strong and be unaffected by negative circumstances
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