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I'd rather be with friends
than on the receiving end
of another certification
of my value in the tainted nation
fated to find its way back to masters
who offer no explanation
as to why they cast this draining paper
into a world that could be castless
if only we checked our own behaviour.

I'd rather be with friends
than working on a promised future
my abuser talking of a nuisance youth
and pointing fingers saying 'useless'
while they stuff us into suits
and boots that bare no resemblance
to the feet that marked our ascendance,
I seek not vengeance for the things we lost
I simply wish to reduce the cost
of being what we've become
cold and lost
and to continue what we've begun
to press on despite the cost and animosity
and all the atrocities
despite this we strive to build a world
that tempers its ferocity
and lets me be.

With friends.
About: Wanting to build a life with my friends rather than going off to be 'successful'.
Q Feb 13
It hit me the other day
Not the smell of fresh tea
Nor the steam that hissed out of the spout
Spraying droplets into the air
But of the infinitesimal
Interconnected this of it all.

Even in this teapot a small ecosystem brews
Unaware of its function
I stared at my own reflection
And back it stared
It's eyes glassy
Or was that the sheen of the lacquer?
The smooth ceramic just was
yet my reflection was anything but
In it's simplicity it made a stranger out of me
I am a stranger to myself it seems
And yet I must be a teapot to others
Simplicity or duplicity
Equally deceptive yet difference in kind.
So let's drink tea you and I.
More of an experimental poem talking about ourselves, our reflections, the need for connection and the deepness and duplicity of simplicity.
Jeremy Betts Oct 2024
I'm not happy here
With you
Yeah you know it's true
You feel my destain for you

But you hate me too
You do
Don't even try and lie
I'm rubber, you're glue

So we sit in blue
And stew
Thinking 'bout revenge
This trend is nothing new

Then it's you get me
And I get you
The toxic back and forth
Means we'll never get through

It's just what we do
It's pathetic to
Those who have to see
What we put each other through

M Vogel Feb 2024

We would be the best looking couple on the beach.  
You would be continually dragging me into  your
condo bedroom to **** me hard up against the wall..

and then dragging me back out onto the beach
to slap me under the cover of the breaking waves..

where no one can hear me crying like a little *****.

Only to become overwhelmed within the emotions of it all;
and dragging me back into your condo bedroom..

Ah, **** Babe..

Chelsea Quigley Dec 2023
We are empty,
Half naked.
Our bodies meet the eye,
The room is quiet,

You slowly walk,
Our eyes talk,
Your lips,
They quiver.

Your voice,
Makes me shiver.

I am smaller,
My body polluted in sweat.

For one magical move ,
And I,
Am now undressed.

I think you may suspect the rest.
Mugerwa Muzamil Mar 2018
Slice the sun
Wield Its nucleus
Feel the throbs
Of its light
That's me
Part of you
No half-life
Me and you
preston Aug 2023

You've made yourself  miniscule ..

in order to fit in to my Bloodstream
You are unsure..  not knowing

That there is a  chamber  within me
that has been carved out   solely

     for you--

The warmth of blood-flow,  caressing;
Bathing,  the you that feels you can't..

  That feels  there isn't..

That believes  there can never be
  A Home such as this--

       .. for you ;;
Residing, in the central part
    of me.

Alone  in the  chamber
  of your room..
You can't understand  why

things are different,  now;
..Why  everything you do

and everything  you say

   Feels so incredibly,,

   Incredibly  Warm

yeah..   Warm..

Virginia Eden Jun 2021
At dinner,
I give her my peppers
she gives me her celery,
and this is how we say I love you.
Pr nandni May 2021
Competition should FETTER among the animals of jungle only
Because when it comes to humans they make it JUNGLY
STUDENTS competes with each other to get 1st rank
Other completes in flowing river to hold the plank...

When Envy plays in the cradle of competition then,
A sister crushes WISHES of her sister
A brother knowingly pushes his brother into DEBT
Not the every deed is the demand of your soul , except SERENITY
All those NASTY Things is the greed of your body.......

Before sleeping faces of betrayal, deceive & lies,
Appears right before my EYES .
They left me in trouble, but promises to help others
Declaring themselves a social reformer, a new THINKER .
CHARITY begins at home didn't they learn !!
Even after all this I want to embrace them ,
Ready to forgive putting my dignity at STAKE .
BUT they'll are enjoying without even realising their MISTAKES
Competition always takes place at the cost of one's life
Whether it's an animal at JUNGLE or animals at HOME .....
" Competition is never good... especially when it hides ENVY in its lap...."
Påłpëbŕå Dec 2020
Is love simply

give and take?

an ionic bond

is all what we make?

Or do we come

with applied conditions

"Share To Adhere"

like covalent bond-sums?

Wait....or is it pure

and so **** selfless

as if coordinating our

lives for someone else's?

Or maybe it is

a feeling so deep

felt even when

distance we keep?

But I believe

we have bonds

that are beyond


Because we humans

aren't mere elements

bonding with each other

isn't just an experiment!
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