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Daniel Magner Jan 2020
Sitting on a boulder
nestled in a valley,
clutch tea in a tumbler,
watch the water and leaves
that slide on its surface.
Green moss takes refuge on the rock,
a welcome pillar to guide toward the sun
which sifts through the trees.
A wound in the city,
a green scar
reminding us what once was.
Daniel Magner 2020
John McCafferty Jan 2020
Remember this bliss
A state of divine, ingrained in the mind
Euphoria seen in the glimpse of an eye
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Maunas Mehta Jan 2020
When our eyes first met, My life reset,
You made me forget, all the regret,
I saw what it meant to be content and,
Stated to believe that I could achieve,
What people have tried to receive…
Unlimited happiness, Unlimited Bliss
Kitt Jan 2020
my love language is silence
written into the script:
moments of lapsed conversation
where all is tranquil and serene.
or when we forget our lines and sit
in hushed reverence,
allowing one another’s stage presence
to wash over us like the backlights.
invisible audiences hold bated breath
waiting for a twist, a shock
but a twist, we have not rehearsed
instead we allow the unscripted silence
to wash over us in reverent bliss
our conjoined souls just content
allowing our minds to diverge
as long as we are together in the silence.
Empire Jan 2020
HahahahHa I’m finally drunk
Like really really drunk
And I don’t wanna sleep
Cause I feel really really nice
And as soon as I sleep
I give it all up
I’m not ready for that
I’ve only had a few hours of this bliss
If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee;
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me ye women if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay;
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let's so persever,
That when we live no more we may live ever.

ለውዱና ተናፋቂው ባለቤቴ

የሁለት አንድነት ካለ
ማን እንደኛ፣
ባል በሚስት ከተፈቀረ
በርግጠኝነት አንተነህ አንደኛ፡፡

ሚስት አግኝታ ከሆነ ደስታ፣
እናንት ሴቶች ከሻታችሁ
ለመሆን አንደኛ፣ተወዳደሩኛ!

ለአንተ ፍቀር ቦታ የምቸረው፣
የወርቅ መአድን በእቅፉ
ከያዘው  ሐብት በላይ ነው!
መች ይሔ ብቻ፣
አይበቃም ሁሉም ሐብት
እስከ ምስራቅ ዳርቻ፡፡

ፍቅሬን ወንዞች ጭምር
የሚያረኩት አይደለም
ያን ሊሞክሩም አይገባም
ያን ጥም የሚቆርጠው፣
ከአንተ የፍቀር ምንጭ
የሚፈሰው ነው!

እንገዲህ ፍቅርህ
ይሄን ይመስላል፣
ታዲያ ልከፍለው ከቶ
እንዴት ይቻለኛል ? 
የላይኛው ጌታ፣
ሦስት እጥፍ
ይክፈልልኝ ውልታ፡!

በመሬት እስከአለን፣
እንኑር  በፍቅር ተሰናኝተን፣
በሞት ድል ስንነሳ
ፍቅራችን ግዘፍ አንዲነሳ፡፡
I love Annes poems I already translated her poem The Author to Her Book!
Erik Luo Dec 2019
I look into your eyes
and see your face in pain
For you are dying
form the joy of seeing god

Oh my god
You said
and paused in silence
As if you stoped existing
for a moment

But your beautiful eyes
reflected the whole existence
With me and everything in it
As you suffer
from divine bliss

I see the light in your eyes
and felt the love that killed
my sense of being apart

I know who I see
and who sees me

I take a deep breath
and held it in
Feeling your energy
flowing up into the void
above my head

Oh god
Oh love

We fell into silence
not knowing what time is
Dying and being alive
Together and apart
Loving each other
for now
and more

So before you close your eyes
Let me be with you for a little more
In one moment of eternity
We shall be here in bliss
Blind Eye Dec 2019
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