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Life isn't fair for all, that much is true,
There's a path for me and everyone of you.
In the brevity of our days,
We're tasked with choosing life's ways.

Forgive who hurt, let grudges fade,
Memories to linger, they've been made.
Stay true to self, in every deed,
For authenticity is what humans need.

Make peace with ghosts of yesteryears,
They're but echoes in our ears.
Comparison is a thief of joy,
Each life is its own unique floy.

A engine, the brain, and heart too,
Powering thoughts and desires anew.
Happiness lies within your grasp,
No other holds that sacred clasp.

Time is the great healer, stitches wounds,
Turning sorrow into tunes.
Embrace your quirks, be eccentric,
In diversity, find the magic.

Life's a journey, not a race,
Laugh, love, and find your grace.
Believe in miracles, they're near,
In every smile and in every tear.

Envy breeds resentment, it's true,
But your journey's yours, others cannot pursue.
My friend, the best is yet to unfold,
In our stories which should shine as gold.

It's never too late to seize the day,
To chase your dreams, come what may.
So let these truths light your way,
In the dance of life, let's sway.

Sanji-Paul Arvind
If she is not beautiful,
Nothing is,

If her eyes are not deep,
Than the ocean is a puddle,

If her kiss is not a blessing,
There is no magic in anything else,

If her taste is no wine,
Than no drug will entrance me.
She is
yıldız Mar 9
In the moonlight's gentle glow,
We met for reasons we may not know.
A blessing wrapped in silver light,
Or a lesson learned in the quiet night.

Each moment shared, a guiding star,
Illuminating who we truly are.
In shadows deep or bright embrace,
Our paths entwined, a sacred space.
KindyGifty Mar 8
Wounded and battered,
I lay on the ground,
Blood oozing from my bruises.
The fall shattered my wings
Broke my bones to pieces,
Burned me to ashes.
The ground became my grave,
The earth took my last breath,
Blessing the trees with it,
Blooming the flowers.
The clouds swelled,
Pouring down their showers,
As if weeping for my demise.
Even if the world didn't see me,
Nature whispered— I was a blessing.
So I did not live in vain.
Immortality Mar 10
Some say,
love is a curse.
Some say,
love is a blessing.

For me,
it's a spark in the dark,
reason to rise,
and be alive.
Love don't need to be just romantic....
Familial love is beautiful and pure too...
Prabhu Iyer Feb 21
I endure -
                this is
the way of the unblessed
                in a land of storms;
A moment expands -
        scared river on the hills
                 then back
                 in a land of worms;
Holding hope
                 by the beat of heart,
        ever birthing
                 in a land of proms;
And then a candle
burns through -
fragrant at night;
        The blessed
                  have their heavens;
The unblessed,
a miraculous light in a quotidian life
Repentant Jan 29
The man in the digital world
May lose sight of the labour works
May lose sight of the Iman
He may not be able
To see the lawful presence of her wife
He may think oh it's just a like
Oh it's just a message
The man in the digital world
May think everything is just suppose to happen
The man in the digital world
May can't understand the why
He may lose sight in truth
He may trust all the lies
The man in the digital world
May lose everything he loves
To gain the sight of Osiris
You should first lose an eye
The man in the digital world
May lose love in his heart
Blessed whomever I have hurt
Forgive me if I have hurt you with my ineffective lies
I thought I was telling the truth
I thought there was a chance to win
I didn't know I was planned to lose
To gain the knowledge of the world we live
You may think I am a genius
Who spent his life in lies
I beg the differ and forgiveness
My pictures should be stamped as fools in your eyes
Bless every person that has been a part of my life and tried to help me understand and didn't know what was actually happening in my mind. One day, we shall all see, we all shall see Infront of the god.for that day, forgive me and bless me on my path to hell, shall I be burned a decade less or a century more, I wish you all just the heaven.
showyoulove Dec 2024
Bless my mind Lord and the thoughts that I think
Bless my lips Lord and the words that I speak
Bless my throat Lord and the songs that I sing
Bless my heart Lord and the love that I give
Bless my life Lord and the way that I live.
Jonathan Moya Dec 2024
When I was a child light shone
angels through my fingers
crowning my parents’ faces,
blessing the simple tasks of theirs:
table setting, pouring water—
how it lit the world in my upturned smile
and flowed through as I grew
and how it followed me home
and stayed, even in the dark.

Light was the water, earth,
reflecting off every animal,
every street, everything I touched—
the light always ahead,
the darkness, just softly behind
—doubts, questions, thoughts—
light, enlightening the dark words
of my mind and mouth.

And when the darkness caught up,  
and I watched my parents fall behind,
my body/smile down-turn to groan
and my thoughts and words
turn to memories— I realized how
the past was always near and how
grief turned everything to light.
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